01 |
Youth Legal Service (Word
format) |
02 |
Katherine Regional Aboriginal
Legal Aid Service Inc. (Word format) |
03 |
Community Legal Centre (PDF format) |
04 |
Access Services Pty Ltd (Word format) |
05 |
of Aboriginal Legal Services NSW (PDF format) |
05A |
Coalition of Aboriginal Legal Services NSW (PDF
format) |
06 |
Ellison (PDF format) |
07 |
Aboriginal Legal Aid (PDF format) |
08 |
Australian Network of Environmental
Defenders Offices (Word format) |
09 |
Legal Centre (PDF format) |
10 |
Western Suburbs Legal Service
(Word format) |
11 |
Riverland Community Legal Service Inc. (Word
format) |
12 |
Illawarra Legal Centre Inc. (PDF
format) |
13 |
Homeless Persons' Legal Clinic (Word
format) |
14 |
Cairns Community Legal Centre Inc (Word
format) |
15 |
Roma Mitchell Community Legal Centre Inc. (Word
format) |
16 |
Legal Rights Movement Inc. (Word format) |
16A |
Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement Inc. (Word
format) |
16B |
Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement Inc. (PDF
format) |
16C |
Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement Inc. (Word
format) |
17 |
Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association (Word
format) |
18 |
Domestic Violence Advocacy Service (PDF
format) |
19 |
National Council of Single Mothers and
Their Children (Word format) |
20 |
Sole Parents Union (Word
format) |
21 |
West Heidelberg Community Legal Service (PDF format) |
22 |
Northern Rivers Community Legal Centre (Word
format) |
23 |
Murray Mallee Community Legal Service (Word
format) |
24 |
Faculty of Law, Griffith University (Word
format) |
25 |
Inner City Legal Centre (Word
format) |
26 |
Australian Law Reform Commission (Word
format) |
26A |
Australian Law Reform Commission (Word
format) |
27 |
Woman's Legal Service Victoria., Inc., in
conjunction with:
Domestic Violence and Incest Resource Centre; and
Victorian Women's Refuges and Associated Domestic Violence Services (PDF
format) |
28 |
Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre (Word
format) |
29 |
Liberty Victoria - Civil Liberties for Victoria (Word
format) |
30 |
Border Attorneys (Word format) |
31 |
Legal Aid Queensland (Word format) |
32 |
Ms Mary Noone, Ms Liz Curran, La Trobe University and Mr Jeff Giddings,
Griffith University (Word format) |
33 |
Chief Justice's Chambers, Supreme Court, Perth (PDF
format) |
33A |
Chief Justice's Chambers, Supreme Court, Perth (PDF
format) |
34 |
South West Sydney Legal Centre (Word format) |
35 |
Miwatj Aboriginal Legal Service (Word format) |
36 |
Kingsford Legal Centre, University of New South Wales (Word
format) |
37 |
Family Law Practitioners Association of Tasmania (Word
format) |
38 |
Blue Mountains Community Legal Centre Inc. (Word
format) |
38A |
Blue Mountains Community Legal Centre Inc (PDF
format) |
39 |
Advocacy Tasmania Inc. (Word format) |
40 |
Eastern Community Legal Centre (Word format) |
41 |
Community Legal Service (Albury Wodonga) (Word
format) |
42 |
Northern Territory Department of Justice (Word
format) |
43 |
Clayton Utz (Word format) |
44 |
Legal Aid Western Australia (PDF Format) |
45 |
Tasmanian Association of Community Legal Centres (Word
format) |
46 |
Hawkesbury Nepean Community Legal Centre Inc. (Word
format) |
47 |
Southern Communities Advocacy Legal and Education Service (SCALES) (Word
format) |
48 |
Fitzroy Legal Service (Word format) |
48A |
Fitzroy Legal Service (PDF format) |
49 |
Hobart Community Legal Service (Word format) |
50 |
Federation of Community Legal Centres (VIC) Inc. (Word
format) |
50A |
Federation of Community Legal Centres (VIC) Inc. (PDF
format) |
51 |
Legal Services Commission of South Australia (PDF
format) |
51A |
Legal Services Commission of South Australia (PDF format) |
51B |
Legal Services Commission of South Australia (PDF
format) |
52 |
Immigration Rights and Advice Centre (Word format) |
53 |
Marrickville Legal Centre (Word format) |
53A |
Marrickville Legal Centre (PDF format) |
54 |
Public Interest Law Clearing House (Word format) |
55 |
Welfare Rights Centre (Word format) |
56 |
Darwin Community Legal Service (Word format) |
57 |
Gilbert and Tobin (Word format) |
58 |
WestSide Community Lawyers Inc. (Word format) |
59 |
NSW Young Lawyers Human Rights Committee (Word
format) |
60 |
NSW Combined Community Legal Centres Group (Word
format) |
60A |
NSW Combined Community Legal Centres Group (PDF
format) |
61 |
Redfern Legal Centre (Word format) |
62 |
Law Council of Australia (Word format) |
62A |
Law Council of Australia (PDF format) |
63 |
Blake Dawson Waldron Lawyers (Word format) |
64 |
Victoria Law Foundation (PDF format) |
65 |
UTS Community Law and Legal Research Centre (Word
format) |
66 |
Refugee Advice and Casework Service (Australia) Inc. (Word
format) |
66A |
Refugee Advice and Casework Service (Australia) Inc. (PDF
format) |
67 |
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co-operative Ltd (PDF
format) |
67A |
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co-operative Ltd (Word
format) |
67B |
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co-operative Ltd (PDF
format) |
68 |
George Giudice Law Chamber (PDF format) |
68A |
George Giudice Law Chamber (PDF format) |
69 |
The Victorian Bar (PDF format) |
70 |
Law Society of Western Australia (PDF format) |
71 |
Faculty of Health Sciences (PDF format) |
72 |
Women's Legal Service SA Inc. (Word format) |
73 |
Queensland Association of Independent Legal Services Inc. (Word
format) |
74 |
Top End Women's Legal Service (Word format) |
75 |
Freehills (PDF format) |
75A |
Freehills (PDF format) |
76 |
Castan Centre for Human Rights Law (Word format) |
77 |
Department of Family and Community Services (Word
format) |
78 |
Attorney-General's Department (Word format)
Attorney-General's Department Attachment (PDF
format) |
78A |
Attorney-General's Department (PDF format) |
78B |
Attorney-General's Department (Word format) |
78C |
Attorney-General's Department (Word format) |
78D |
Attorney-General's Department (Word format) |
78E |
Attorney-General's Department (Word format)
Attachments include Report on Community Legal Centres in Queensland,
Joint Review of Community Legal Centres and A Fabric for the Future. |
78F |
Attorney-General's Department (Word format) |
78G |
Attorney-General's Department (Word format) |
78H |
Attorney-General's Department (Word format) |
78I |
Attorney-General's Department (PDF format) |
78J |
Attorney-General's Department (PDF format) |
78K |
Attorney-General's Department (PDF format) |
79 |
The Law Society of New South Wales (PDF format) |
80 |
National Pro Bono Resource Centre (Word format)
Attachment A (Word format) Attachment B (PDF
format) Attachment C (Word format)
Attachment D (Word format) Attachment E (Word
format) Attachment F (PDF format) |
80A |
National Pro Bono Resource Centre (PDF format) |
81 |
National Legal Aid (PDF format) |
82 |
Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission (Word format) |
83 |
Australian Council of Social Service (Word format) |
84 |
National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) (Word
format) Attachment A (Word format)
Attachment B (Word format) Attachment C (PDF
format) Attachment D (PDF format)
Attachment E (PDF format) Attachment F (PDF
format) |
84A |
National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) (PDF
format) |
84B |
National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) (Word
format) |
85 |
Family Court of Australia (Word format) |
85A |
Family Court of Australia
(Word format) Attachment 1 (Word
format), Attachment 2 (Word format),
Attachment 3, (Word format), Attachment
4 (Word format), Attachment 5 (Word
format) |
86 |
National Network of Women's Legal Services (Word
format) |
87 |
Petrie Legal Service (Word format) |
88 |
Law Institute Victoria (PDF format) |
89 |
Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women's Legal Centre (Word
format) |
89A |
Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal
Women's Legal Centre (PDF Format) Attachment
1 (PDF Format) |
90 |
National Network of Indigenous Women's Legal Service Inc. (PDF
format) |
91 |
New South Wales Legal Aid Commission (Word format) |
91A |
New South Wales Legal Aid Commission (PDF format)
Attachment 1 (PDF format) Attachment 2 (PDF
format) Attachment 3 (PDF format) |
92 |
The Law Society of South Australia (PDF format) |
93 |
Community Legal Centres Association (Western Australia) Incorporated (Word
format), covering letter (Word format) |
93A |
Community Legal Centres Association (Western Australia) Incorporated (Word
format) |
93B |
Community Legal Centres Association (Western Australia) Incorporated (PDF
format) |
94 |
Family Law Council (Word format) |
95 |
Yilli Rreung Regional Council (Word format) |
96 |
Western Australian Government (PDF format) |
97 |
Victoria Legal Aid (Word format) |
97A |
Victoria Legal Aid (PDF format) |
97B |
Victoria Legal Aid (Word format) Attachment 1
(Word Format) Attachment 2 (Excel
format) |
98 |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (Word
format) |
99 |
Arltarlpilta Community Government Council (PDF
format) |
100 |
Nyirranggulung Markrulk Ngadberre Regional Authority (PDF
format) |
101 |
People with Disability Australian Incorporated (PDF
Format) |
102 |
Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation (PDF Format) |
103 |
Wallace Rockhole Community Government Council (Word
Format) |
104 |
Amoonguna Community Incorporated (PDF Format) |
105 |
Yuelamu Community Council Incorporated (PDF Format) |
106 |
Gurungu Council of Aboriginal Corporation (PDF
Format) |
107 |
Belyuen Community Government Council (PDF Format) |
108 |
Areyonga Community Inc (PDF Format) |
109 |
Alpurrurulam Community Government Council (PDF
Format) |
110 |
Coomalie Community (PDF Format) |
111 |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services (PDF
Format) |
111A |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services (PDF
Format) |
112 |
Warndu Watlhilli-Carri Ngura (PDF Format) |
113 |
Australian Legal Assistance Forum (PDF Format) |
114 |
Western Suburbs Legal Service Inc (PDF Format) |
115 |
Timber Creek Community Government Council (PDF
Format) |