Senate committee activity

Senate committees and joint committees administered by the Senate Committee Office.

Summary as at 16 May 2024

In the 47th Parliament, at 16 May 2024, there were:

  • 185 references (182 new references and 3 re-adopted from the 46th Parliament);
  • 259 reports tabled;
  • 402 hearings.


Comparison at same point of last 3 Parliaments

Parliament Matters re-adopted Bills References
45th Parliament
(102 sitting days)
26 156 77
46th Parliament
(95 sitting days)
7 124 43
47th Parliament
(111 sitting days)
3 133 49


Comparison at same point of last 3 Parliaments

Parliament Reports
45th Parliament 307
46th Parliament 207
47th Parliament 259

Hearings held

Comparison at same point of last 3 Parliaments

Parliament Senate Standing Committees Estimates hearings
45th Parliament 347 159
46th Parliament 226 101
47th Parliament 267 135

Additional indicator of activity

  • The department is supporting five select committees, five joint standing committees and two joint select committees.