Appendix 2 - Witnesses who appeared before the Committee

Appendix 2 - Witnesses who appeared before the Committee

Canberra, Friday 10 August 2007

AH KIT, Mr John Leonard, Member
Combined Aboriginal Organisations of the Northern Territory  

AHMER, Ms Kari, Assistant Secretary, CDEP Program Management Branch
Indigenous Employment and Business Group
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

AIRD, Mr Wesley, Member, National Indigenous Council

ALTMAN, Professor Jon Charles, Director
Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian National University

BAUMANN, Ms Miriam Rose, Member, National Indigenous Council

BOOKIE, Mr Lindsay, Chairman, Central Land Council

CALMA, Mr Tomas, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commissioner
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

CAMERON, Dr Lesley, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Northern Territory Government

CHALMERS, Major General David Hugh, Operational Commander
Northern Territory Emergency Taskforce 

CLEARY, The Hon. John, Private Capacity

DALY, Mr John, Chair, Northern Land Council

DAVIDSON, Mr Peter, Senior Policy Officer, Australian Council of Social Service

DE CARVALHO, Mr David John, Department of Health and Ageing

DORE, Mr Jeremy, Lawyer, Central Land Council

FIELD, Mr Anthony, Branch Manager, Legal Services
Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

FRY, Mr Norman, Chief Executive Officer, Northern Land Council

GALLAGHER, Mr Jamie, Director of Communications
Office of the Chief Minister, Northern Territory Government

GIBBONS, Mr Wayne, Associate Secretary
Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

GIBBONS, Mr Wayne, Associate Secretary
Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

GILLICK, Ms Vicki, Coordinator
Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council

GORDON, Dr Sue, Chair, National Indigenous Council

GORDON, Dr Sue, Chairperson, Northern Territory Emergency Taskforce

HARMER, Dr Jeff, Secretary
Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

HARMER, Dr Jeff, Secretary
Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

HAVNEN, Ms Olga, Coordinator
Combined Aboriginal Organisations of the Northern Territory

HAZLEHURST, Mr David, Group Manager
Families, Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

HUNTER, Mr Bruce, Department of Families
Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

HUNYOR, Mr Jonathon, Director, Legal Services
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

JOHNSON, Mr Andrew, Executive Director, Australian Council of Social Service

KILGARIFF, Mrs Fran, Mayor, Alice Springs Town Council

LEVY, Mr Ron, Principal Solicitor, Northern Land Council

MANTON, Mrs Beverley, Chair, New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council
MARIKA, Ms Raymattja, Member
Combined Aboriginal Organisations of the Northern Territory

MARTY, Ms Sandy, Executive Liaison and Program and Policy Officer
Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council

McCALLUM, Mr Andrew George, Board Member
Australian Council of Social Service

McKAY, Ms Robyn, Acting Deputy Secretary
Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

MOODY, Ms Donna, Group Manager, Funding and Governance
Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

MORIARTY, Dr John, Member, National Indigenous Council

PARMETER, Mr Nick, Policy Lawyer, Law Council of Australia

ROSS, Mr David, Director, Central Land Council

SANDISON, Mr Barry, Group Manager, Working Age Policy Group, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations 2

SANDISON, Mr Barry, Group Manager, Working Age Policy Group
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

SCRYMGOUR, Ms Marion, Minister for Child Protection
Northern Territory Government

SHAW, Mr Geoff, President, Tangentyere Council

SHELDON, Mr John, Principal Policy Officer, Northern Land Council

SHEPHERD, Mrs Anne, Mayor, Katherine Town Council

TILMOUTH, Mr William, Executive Director, Tangentyere Council

von DOUSSA, Mr John, President,
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

WEBB, Mr Peter, Secretary-General, Law Council of Australia

WEBB, Ms Raelene, QC, Member, Advisory Committee on Indigenous Legal Issues
Law Council of Australia

WILLIAMS, Dr Timothy Keith, Senior Medical Advisory
Department of Health and Ageing

WOODRUFF, Ms Jane, Adviser, Australian Council of Social Service

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