Appendix 1 - Submissions and additional information received

Appendix 1 - Submissions and additional information received

Number       Submittor

  1. Chris Tangey
  2. Australian Christian Lobby
  3. Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
  4. Dr Catherine Boyd
  5. Phil Hunt
  6. Kathryn Brown
  7. Several Submittors
  8. Several Submittors
  9. Boudicca Cerese
  10. Several Submittors
  11. Nicholas McClean
  12. Rosalind Berry
  13. Keelin Turner
  14. Sutherland Shire Citizens for Native Title and Reconciliation
  15. Tom Smit
  16. Cecilia Conolly, Consultant Psychologist
  17. Tim Tabart
  18. Dr Peter Lewis
  19. UnitingCare Queensland
  20. Several Submittors
  21. Philip Minchin
  22. World Vision Australia
  23. Several Submittors
  24. Police Federation of Australia
  25. Secretariat National Aboriginal Islander Child Care (SNAICC)
  26. Suzanne Dorrington
  27. David T Bath
  28. Centacare Pastoral Ministries
  29. Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
  30. Adrienne Patterson
  31. Julie Pearson
  32. Milingimbi Community Council
  33. NSW Rape Crisis Centre
  34. Reconciliation Victoria
  35. Dr Gideon Polya
  36. Kay McPadden
  37. Festival of Light
  38. Laynhapuy Homelands Association Inc on behalf of our members – Traditional Owners of the Laynhapuy, Djalkarripyungu and Miyarkapuyngu regions of North East Arnhem Land
  39. Amnesty International Australia
  40. Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law
  41. Woolworths Limited
  42. The International Feminist Summit 2007 - Townsville
  43. Ben Aldridge
  44. Welfare Rights Centre
  45. David Barnett
  46. Sally Fitzpatrick
  47. Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning
  48. Medical Practitioners in the Northern Territory
  49. Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (Victoria) (ANTaR Victoria)
  50. Judy King
  51. Oxfam Australia
  52. Law Council of Australia
  53. Heike Hamann
  54. Jennifer Clarke
  55. Several Submittors
  56. Jane VadivelooPsychologist/consultant
  57. Jim Pashley
  58. Catholic Social Services Australia
  59. Christine Murphy
  60. Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (ANTar)
  61. SafeCare Inc
  62. Job Futures
  63. Ken Blackman
  64. Kristie Dunn
  65. Joyce Dodge
  66. Kathryn Jeffery
  67. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
  68. Ken Davies
  69. CLE Consulting Australia
  70. Independent Education Union of Australia
  71. No To Violence Male Family Violence Prevention Association (NTV) Inc
  72. David Hall
  73. Peter Frank
  74. Andreea Maddox
  75. Linda Bennett
  76. Human Rights Law Resource Centre
  77. Confidential
  78. Sandra Dureau
  79. Berenice Buckley
  80. Elaine Syron
  81. Parry Monckton
  82. Graham and Monique Bond
  83. Babtabah Local Aboriginal Land Council
  84. Central Land Council
  85. Kenneth Fernandes
  86. Bill South
  87. Vincent Phelan
  88. Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance of the NT (AMSANT)
  89. Daniel Edgar
  90. Afonso A Duque-Portugal
  91. Don McArthur
  92. Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co-Operative Limited
  93. Central Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service Inc
  94. The Australian Indigenous Doctors' Association
  95. Reconciliation Australia
  96. Susan Cleary
  97. Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)
  98. Rosemarie Gillespie Waratah
  99. Office of the Victorian Privacy Commissioner
  100. Office of the Privacy Commissioner
  101. Senator Bob Brown
  102. Australian Centre for Child Protection
  103. Several Submittors
  104. Tim Murphy
  105. Native Title Services Victoria Ltd
  106. Be Ward
  107. Virgina Burns
  108. Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of NSW (AH&MRC of NSW)
  109. Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission
  110. Professor Michael Rowan
  111. Karen Paroissien
  112. New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties Inc (NSWCCL)
  113. Jan Wilson
  114. Megan Williams
  115. Australian Centre for Child Protection
  116. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (QLD South) Ltd
  117. Chien-Hue Chen
  118. Santhini Haines
  119. Graham Borrell
  120. Carolyn van Langenberg
  121. Adam Bonner
  122. Louise Sullivan
  123. Rosslyn Small
  124. Malcolm Ramage QC
  125. The Combined Aboriginal Organisations of the Northern Territory       
  126. National Indigenous Human Rights Congress Australia
  127. Northern Territory Government
  128. Bahtabah Local Aboriginal Land Council
  129. Cowra Local Aboriginal Land Council
  130. Anthea Nicholls
  131. Margaret Beavis
  132. Elspeth Stephenson
  133. Whitehorse Friends for Reconciliation Inc
  134. Carmel Flint
  135. Dr Patricia Edmunds
  136. Meredith Butler
  137. Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
  138. Barrie Griffiths
  139. Sandra Dureau
  140. National Native Title Council
  141. Janeen Dale
  142. Linda Bennett
  143. Dr John F Cadden
  144. Valerie Thompson
  145. Annette Jackson
  146. Helen Grimaux
  147. Gaye Mitchell
  148. Pia Cerveri
  149. Marianne Kaspar
  150. Cas and Chris O'Neill
  151. Steve Kyneur
  152. Professor Cathy Humphreys
  153. Northern Land Council
  154. Maggie Lawlor


  1. Response from a member of the Law Council to a question taken on notice.
  2. Tabled document received from Department of Families, community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaCSIA).
  3. Tabled document received from Association of Northern, Kimberley and Arnhem Aboriginal Artists (ANKAAA)
  4. Table document received from Northern Land Council (NLC)
  5. Answers to Questions on Notice received from Department of Families, community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaCSIA).
  6. Blank Community Survey received from Department of Families, community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaCSIA).

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