Inquiry into the Provisions of the Human Rights (Mandatory Sentencing for Property Offences) Bill 2000

Inquiry into the Provisions of the Human Rights (Mandatory Sentencing for Property Offences) Bill 2000

On 24 May 2001, the Senate referred the above Bill to the Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee. The Committee expects to report on the last sitting day in March 2002, which is likely to be 21 March.

The Committee has held two public hearings on the inquiry. It expects to hold further hearings, in Darwin on 23 January 2002, and in Perth on 25 January 2002. Witnesses will be advised in writing of these proposed hearings.

The transcripts of completed hearings are available on the internet at

Alternatively, copies of these can be sent to you by contacting the secretariat. Copies of submissions are also available by emailing (, faxing (02 6277 5794) or phoning (02 6277 3560).

Please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat if there are any matters you wish to discuss with respect to the inquiry.

Lodging Submissions

The deadline for the lodgment of submissions with the Committee was Tuesday 31 July 2001. Supplementary submissions should be lodged with:

The Committee encourages the lodgment of submissions in electronic form. However, please ensure that a name, mailing address and phone number is enclosed with all email submissions.

Submissions become Committee documents and are only made public after a decision by the Committee. Unauthorised release of submissions is not covered by parliamentary privilege. Further assistance can be obtained by phoning the secretariat on (02) 6277 3560.

Relevant Information

Report - Tabled 12 March 2002 (PDF 345KB)


Information on the Bill

Mr John Sheldon & Ms Kirsty Gowans, Dollars Without Sense: A Review of the NT’s Mandatory Sentencing Laws (Word 224KB)

Members of the Committee (Word 32KB)

Notes to Assist with the Preparation of Submissions