


[1]        House of Representatives, Votes and Proceedings, No.41, 29 May 2014, p. 513.

[2]        Journals of the Senate, No 31, 17 June 2014, pp 888-889.

[3]        The Hon Tony Abbott MP, Prime Minister, 'Making Overseas Adoption Easier for Australian Families', Media Release, 19 December 2013.

[4]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Report of the Interdepartmental Committee on Intercountry Adoption, April 2014, Recommendation 2, p. viii.

[5]        The Hon Tony Abbott MP, Prime Minister, 'Reform and Action on Intercountry Adoption', Media Release, 5 May 2014.

[6]        The Hague, 29 May 1993.  Entered into force for Australia 1 December 1998, [1998] ATS 21.

[7]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[8]        The Hon Tony Abbott MP, Prime Minister, Second Reading Speech, House of Representatives Hansard, 29 May 2014, pp 1-2.

[9]        Attorney-General's Department, Information Sheet, Closure of the Australia-Ethiopia Intercountry Adoption Program,, accessed 14 July 2014.

[10]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 4.

[11]      Explanatory Memorandum, pp 4-5.


[1]        New York, 20 November 1989.  Entered into force for Australia 16 January 1991, [1991] ATS 4.

[2]        Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, Eighth Report of the 44th Parliament, June 2014, pp 9-10.

[3]        Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, Eighth Report of the 44th Parliament, June 2014, pp 9-10.

[4]        Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, Eighth Report of the 44th Parliament, June 2014, p. 10.

[5]        Ms Frances Finney, Assistant Secretary Citizenship Branch, Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 15.

[6]        Attorney-General's Department, response to question on notice ('Additional Question') following the 28 July public hearing, received 12 August 2014.

[7]        Dr Patricia Fronek, Professor Denise Cuthbert and Professor Mary Keyes, Submission 1, p. 3.

[8]        International Social Service (ISS) Australia, Submission 3, p. 2.

[9]        See Dr Patricia Fronek and Miss Amy Lamoin, Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 7.

[10]      Miss Amy Lamoin, Head of Advocacy, UNICEF Australia, Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 9.

[11]      Dr Norman Gillespie, Chief Executive Officer, UNICEF Australia, Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 12.

[12]      Mr Greg Manning, First Assistant Secretary Access to Justice Division, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 16.

[13]      Attorney-General's Department, response to question on notice (Question 1) following the 28 July public hearing, received 12 August 2014, pp 2-3.

[14]      Mr Greg Manning, First Assistant Secretary Access to Justice Division, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, pp 18.

[15]      Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 18.

[16]      Dr Patricia Fronek, Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 6.

[17]      Ms Sandi Petersen, Submission 10, p. 1.

[18]      Origins Vic Inc, Submission 6, p. 3.

[19]      Attorney-General's Department, response to question on notice (Question 2) following the 28 July public hearing, received 12 August 2014.

[20]      UNICEF, Submission 9, p. 3.

[21]      Miss Amy Lamoin, Head of Advocacy, UNICEF, Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 11.

[22]      Australian Institute of Family Studies, Submission 5, pp 2-3.

[23]      Mr Greg Manning, First Assistant Secretary Access to Justice Division, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 14.

[24]      The seven countries currently under investigation are Bulgaria, Cambodia, Kenya, Latvia, Poland, the USA, and Vietnam.  Attorney-General's Department, response to question on notice (Question 1) following the 28 July public hearing, received 12 August 2014, p. 3.

[25]      Mr Greg Manning, First Assistant Secretary Access to Justice Division, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, pp 14-15.

[26]      Attorney-General's Department, response to question on notice (Question 1) following the 28 July public hearing, received 12 August 2014, p. 3.

Australian Greens' Dissenting Report - Australian Citizenship Amendment (Intercountry Adoption) Bill 2014

[1]        Damon Martin, Manager, International Social Service Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 1.

[2]        Damon Martin, Manager, International Social Service Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 1.

[3]        Dr Norman Gillespie, Chief Executive Officer, UNICEF Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 2. 

[4]        Dr Norman Gillespie, Chief Executive Officer, UNICEF Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 8. 

[5]        Forced Adoption Implementation Working Group, Submission 5, p. 1.

[6]        Amy Lamoin, Head of Advocacy, UNICEF Australia Proof Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 6.

[7]        Damon Martin, Manager, International Social Service Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 11.

[8]        Amy Lamoin, Head of Advocacy, UNICEF Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 7.

[9]        Dr Patricia Fronek, Private capacity, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 6.

[10]      Damon Martin, Manager, International Social Service Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 July 2014, p. 7.