
Submissions received by the Committee

Submissions may be re-ordered by clicking on a column header. They may also be grouped by Organisation/Individual, State/Territory.

1Catholic Social Services Australia (PDF 368 KB) 
2Western Australian Branch of the International Commission of Jurists (PDF 565 KB) 
3Commissioner for Children and Young People (Western Australia) (PDF 1714 KB) 
4Castan Centre for Human Rights Law (PDF 399 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 496 KB) 
5UNSW Human Rights Clinic and the Andrew & Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law (PDF 660 KB) 
6Refugee Advice & Casework Service (Aust) Inc. (PDF 96 KB) 
7UnitingJustice Australia (PDF 170 KB) 
8Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) (PDF 312 KB) 
9Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (PDF 479 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 2133 KB)  Attachment 2 (PDF 4288 KB) 
10Australian Human Rights Commission (PDF 61 KB) 
11Migration Law Program, ANU College of Law (PDF 640 KB) 
12Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office (PDF 413 KB) 
13Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (PDF 227 KB) 
14Law Council of Australia (PDF 446 KB) 

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