Appendix 1

Public Submissions

1                 Commissioner for Children and Young People Western Australia

2                 Commissioner for Children and Young People South Australia

3                 Professor Patrick Parkinson

4                 Australian Human Rights Commission

5                 People with Disability Australia

6                 The Salvation Army

7                 Victorian Women's Trust

8                 Domestic Violence Victoria

9                 Australian Association of Social Workers

10               Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (QLD) Ltd

11               Victoria Legal Aid

12               safe steps Family Violence Response Centre

13               Law Council of Australia

14               The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

15               Women's Legal Services Australia

16               Tasmania Police

17               National Family Violence Prevention Legal Service

18               Australian Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts

19               The Chief Magistrate of the Local Court New South Wales

20               National Legal Aid

21               Attorney-General's Department

22               The Commissioner for Victims’ Rights, South Australia

23               Mr Phil Bachmann

Additional information and tabled documents

Additional information

1          Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia – clarification of evidence provided at the public hearing on 22 February 2018

2          Additional information provided by People with Disability Australia

Tabled Documents

1          Document tabled by The Hon. Peter I. Rose AM QC at the public hearing on 22 February 2018 - written submission summary

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