Inquiry into the provisions of the Anti-Terrorism Bill 2004

Inquiry into the provisions of the Anti-Terrorism Bill 2004


Mr Denis Hay (PDF Format)
Ms Judy Pine (PDF Format)
Ms Ruth E. Russell (PDF Format)


Ms Valerie Thompson (PDF Format)
05 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (PDF Format)
06 Mr Eric Miller (PDF Format)
07 Professor George Williams and Mr Michael Walton (PDF Format)
07A Professor George Williams (PDF Format)
08 Search Foundation (PDF Format)
09 Mr Joo-Cheong Tham (PDF Format)
10 MS Kristina Schmah (PDF Format)
11 Australian Institute of Criminology (PDF Format)
12 Mr John Poppins (PDF Format)
13 Amnesty International Australia (PDF Format)
14 Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (PDF Format)
15 Canberra Islamic Centre (PDF Format)
15A Canberra Islamic Centre (PDF Format)
16 The Civil Rights Network (PDF Format)
17 Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PDF Format)
17A Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PDF Format)
18 Castan Centre for Human Rights Law (PDF Format)
19 Mr Tom Bertuleit (PDF Format)
20 New South Wales Council of Civil Liberties (PDF Format)
21 Dr Imtiaz Omar (PDF Format)
22 Victoria Police (PDF Format)
23 Justice and International Mission Unit (PDF Format)
24 Law Institute of Victoria (PDF Format)
25 Tasmania Police (PDF Format)
26 Australian Federal Police (PDF Format)
26A Australian Federal Police (PDF Format)
27 Law Council of Australia (PDF Format)
28 Attorney-General's Department (PDF Format)