
Recommendation 1

2.94             The committee recommends that the bill be amended to reflect the recommendation of the Law Council in relation to the proposed bankruptcy amendments.

Recommendation 2

2.103    The committee recommends that the bill be amended to amend the Family Law Act 1975 to include a defence of 'fleeing from family violence' to ensure that the existing and proposed offences of unlawful removal and retention of children abroad do not apply in circumstances of family violence.

Recommendation 3

2.104    The committee recommends that the bill be amended to amend the Family Law Act 1975 to include a defence of 'consent' to ensure that the existing and proposed offences of unlawful removal and retention of children abroad do not apply in circumstances where written consent has not been given, but where there is oral consent or another form of consent.

Recommendation 4

2.105    The committee recommends that the bill be amended to amend the Family Law Act 1975 to limit arrest powers and use of force so that they apply only to employees of the Australian Border Force that have received appropriate training.

Recommendation 5

2.117    Subject to the previous recommendations the committee recommends that the Senate pass the bill.

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