Chair's Minority Report

Chair's Minority Report

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Referral of the inquiry

1.1        On 26 June 2014, the Senate referred the matter of the work undertaken by the Australian Federal Police's Oil for Food Taskforce to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee (committee) for inquiry and report by 4 September 2014, with particular reference to:

  1. the work undertaken by the Australian Federal Police's Oil for Food Taskforce;
  2. the level of resourcing that was provided to and used by the taskforce; and
  3. any other related matters.[1]

Structure of the Chair's minority report

1.2        The Chair's minority report is comprised of six chapters.

1.3        Chapter 2 gives a broad outline of the United Nations (UN) Oil for Food program (OFF Program) in the context of the sanctions imposed on Iraq by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The chapter looks at the UN Independent Inquiry Committee (IIC) and the findings of the Royal Commission into alleged breaches of UNSC sanctions (Cole inquiry). Chapter 2 also examines the establishment of the Oil for Food Taskforce (Taskforce) and the role of the Australian Federal Police (AFP).

1.4        Chapter 3 examines the conduct of AWB Ltd and its officers in the context of the OFF Program. The chapter also looks at the relationships between AWB Ltd, the Iraqi Grain Board (IGB), the Australian government and other prominent actors.

1.5        Chapter 4 inspects the key issues that affected the work of the Taskforce, including the resources provided to and used by the Taskforce and the challenges faced by the Taskforce.

1.6        Chapter 5 examines the independent investigation into officers of AWB Ltd conducted by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), after it had left the Taskforce. The chapter also looks at the interaction between the ASIC investigation and the Taskforce.

1.7        Chapter 6 outlines the Chair's conclusions and recommendations.

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