Inquiry into the Provisions of the Migration Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2002

Inquiry into the Provisions of the Migration Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2002

On 20 March 2002, the Senate referred the above Bill to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee. The Committee expects to report on Wednesday 15 May, 2002.

This bill makes a number of changes to the operation of the Migration Act, particularly to certain visa-related matters. The Committee has been instructed that the impact of the proposed changes requires full examination.

The Committee held a public hearing in Sydney on Tuesday 9 April 2002. The transcript of the completed hearing will be available on the internet at Alternatively, copies can be sent to you by contacting the Secretariat.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat if there are any matters you wish to discuss with respect to the inquiry.

Relevant Information

Lodging Submissions

The deadline for the lodgment of submissions with the Committee was Tuesday 2 April 2002. Submissions should be lodged with:

The Secretary
Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee
Suite S1.108
or e-mail

The Committee encourages the lodgment of submissions in electronic form. However, please ensure that a name, mailing address and phone number is enclosed with all email submissions.

Submissions become Committee documents and are only made public after a decision by the Committee. Unauthorised release of submissions is not covered by parliamentary privilege. Further assistance can be obtained by phoning the secretariat on (02) 6277 3560.

Interim Report

Report - Tabled 22 May 2002