Submissions received by the Committee

Crimes Legislation Amendment (Slavery, Slavery-like Conditions and People Trafficking) Bill 2012

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1Mrs Marion Smith AM (PDF 8KB) 
2FamilyVoice Australia  (PDF 4133KB) 
3ACT Government (PDF 87KB) 
4Women's Legal Centre (ACT and Region) (PDF 681KB) 
5Business SA (PDF 542KB) 
6Presbyterian Women's Association of Australia in New South Wales (PDF 1268KB) 
7Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (PDF 134KB) 
8Inner South Community Health Service (PDF 113KB) 
9Ms Vanessa Chan (PDF 173KB) 
10Castan Centre for Human Rights Law (PDF 566KB) 
11Migration Institute of Australia (PDF 376KB) 
12Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (PDF 30KB) 
13Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association (PDF 636KB) 
14Project Futures (PDF 339KB) 
15Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania (PDF 765KB) 
16Civil Liberties Australia (PDF 94KB) 
17Liberty Victoria (PDF 125KB) 
18International Commission of Jurists, Western Australian Branch (PDF 148KB) 
19Australian Lawyers Alliance (PDF 388KB) 
20Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PDF 121KB) 
21Law Council of Australia (PDF 300KB) 
22Australian Association of Women Judges (PDF 186KB) 
23Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (PDF 569KB) 
24Settlement Council of Australia (PDF 71KB) 
25Project Respect (PDF 333KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 111KB) 
26Women's Legal Services Victoria (PDF 729KB) 
27Slavery Links (PDF 5490KB) 
28Anti-Slavery Australia (PDF 1450KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 204KB) 
29Mr Gregory Jones (PDF 14KB) 
30International Commission of Jurists Australia (PDF 627KB) 
31Women's Legal Services NSW (PDF 639KB) 
32Women's Law Centre of WA (PDF 120KB) 
33Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (PDF 238KB) Attachment 1(PDF 257KB) 
35The Hon Robert Clark MP, Victorian Attorney-General, on behalf of the Victorian Government (PDF 1212KB) 
36National Council of Women of Australia (PDF 443KB) 
37Walk Free (PDF 1582KB) 
38Australian Human Rights Commission (PDF 170KB) 
39Australian Institute of Criminology (PDF 855KB) 
40Transform, Ipswich Baptist Church (PDF 167KB) 

Additional Information Received

1Document tabled by Walk Free at public hearing on 29 August 2012, definition of 'coercion'(PDF 135KB) 
2Document tabled by Slavery Links at public hearing on 29 August 2012, 'Encounters with modern slavery'(PDF 1159KB) 
3Document tabled by Slavery Links at public hearing on 29 August 2012, 'How the Court system might encounter forms of slavery in Australia'(PDF 1594KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Response to questions on notice provided by Attorney-General's Department, received 4 September 2012(PDF 236KB) 
2Response to questions on notice provided by Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, received 4 September 2012(PDF 101KB) 
3Response to questions on notice provided by Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, received 4 September 2012(PDF 83KB) 
4Response to questions on notice provided by Australian Federal Police, received 5 September 2012(PDF 25KB) 
5Response to questions on notice provided by Slavery Links, received 5 September 2012(PDF 111KB) 
6Response to questions on notice provided by Scarlet Alliance, received 7 September 2012(PDF 43KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3560
Fax:+61 2 6277 5794