Submissions received by the Committee

Impact of federal court fee increases since 2010 on access to justice in Australia

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1Ms Ann Lightowler (PDF 1249KB) 
2David Burrell and Co (PDF 1551KB) 
3Cairns Community Legal Centre  (PDF 112KB) 
4Rule of Law Institute of Australia (PDF 2124KB) 
5Women's Law Centre of Western Australia (PDF 4841KB) 
6Mr Michael Foster, Murdoch Clarke Barristers and Solicitors (PDF 149KB) 
7Department of Immigration and Citizenship (PDF 1035KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 59KB) 
8Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (PDF 277KB) 
9Associate Professor Michael Legg (PDF 4215KB) 
10Attorney-General's Department (PDF 141KB) 
11Top End Women's Legal Service (PDF 87KB) 
12Women's Legal Services New South Wales (PDF 368KB) 
13SCALES Community Legal Centre (PDF 2454KB) 
14National Family Violence Prevention Legal Services Forum (PDF 1416KB) 
15Sydney Centre for International Law (PDF 174KB) 
16Family Law Practitioners Association of Tasmania (PDF 204KB) 
17Hunter Community Legal Centre (PDF 376KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 4042KB) 
18Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) (PDF 113KB) 
19Family and Relationship Services Australia (PDF 500KB) 
20Law Society of South Australia (PDF 165KB) 
21Kingsford Legal Centre (PDF 769KB) 
22Women's Legal Service Victoria (PDF 821KB) 
23Name Withheld (PDF 138KB) 
24National Legal Aid (PDF 114KB) 
25Queensland Council for Civil Liberties (PDF 1508KB) 
26Law Council of Australia (PDF 338KB) 
Response from the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities to comments on page 17 of the Law Council of Australia's submission(PDF 896KB) 
Response from the Attorney-General's Department to comments on pages 7-8 of the Law Council of Australia's submission(PDF 1161KB) 
Response from the Australian Taxation Office to comments on page 17 of the Law Council of Australia's submission(PDF 149KB) 
Response from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission to comments on page 17 of the Law Council of Australia's submission(PDF 126KB) 
27Community and Public Sector Union (PDF 38KB) 
28Federation of Community Legal Centres Victoria (PDF 179KB) 
29NSW Council for Civil Liberties (PDF 358KB) 
30Central Coast Community Legal Centre (PDF 232KB) 
31National Pro Bono Resource Centre (PDF 380KB) 
32Mr P.D. Burke (PDF 322KB) 

Additional Information Received

1Consolidated table of federal court fee increases since 2010, provided by the Attorney-General's Department on 7 May 2013(PDF 279KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Response to a question on notice provided by National Pro Bono Resource Centre on 20 May 2013(PDF 82KB) 
2Response to a question on notice provided by Rule of Law Institute on 23 May 2013(PDF 286KB) 
3Response to a question on notice provided by Federation of Community Legal Centres Victoria on 24 May 2013(PDF 184KB) 
4Responses to questions on notice provided by the Attorney-General's Department on 24 May 2013(PDF 53KB) 
5Responses to questions on notice provided by the Law Council of Australia on 24 May 2013(PDF 7439KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3560
Fax:+61 2 6277 5794