Additional Documents

1 PDF: Additional information from Ms Natalie Reiter, General Manager City Strategy, City of Ballarat, received 13 March 2015. Additional information from Ms Natalie Reiter, General Manager City Strategy, City of Ballarat, received 13 March 2015.
2 PDF: Additional information from Regional Development Australia Tasmania regarding the hearing in Launceston on 25 September 2015, received 14 October 2015 Additional information from Regional Development Australia Tasmania regarding the hearing in Launceston on 25 September 2015, received 14 October 2015
3 PDF: Additional information from Regional Universities Network regarding the hearing in Townsville on 16 February 2016, received 19 February 2016. Additional information from Regional Universities Network regarding the hearing in Townsville on 16 February 2016, received 19 February 2016.
4 PDF: The Grattan Institute report response by Professor Sandra Harding from James Cook University, received 22 February 2016. The Grattan Institute report response by Professor Sandra Harding from James Cook University, received 22 February 2016.
5 PDF: 'Proximity not sole participation factor' article in The Australian provided by Professor Sandra Harding of James Cook University, received 22 February 2016. 'Proximity not sole participation factor' article in The Australian provided by Professor Sandra Harding of James Cook University, received 22 February 2016.

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3511

About this inquiry

An inquiry into the future role and contribution of regional capitals to Australia.

Past Public Hearings

04 Mar 2016: Canberra
16 Feb 2016: South Townsville
28 Oct 2015: Geraldton


Inquiry Status

Inquiry lapsed


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