
Submissions received by the Committee

Submissions may be re-ordered by clicking on a column header. They may also be grouped by Organisation/Individual, State/Territory.

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Page size:
 151 items in 8 pages
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Page size:
 151 items in 8 pages
1Mr Warren Hunt (PDF 40 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 478 KB) 
2Marine Fishfarmers Association WA (PDF 57 KB) 
3National Aquaculture Council (PDF 37 KB) 
4Winemakers Federation of Australia and Wine Grape Growers Association (PDF 357 KB) 
5Onions Australia (PDF 400 KB) 
6WA Deer Industry Association (PDF 69 KB) 
7PMA Australia-New Zealand Limited (PDF 473 KB) 
8Deer Industry Association of Australia (PDF 30 KB) 
9Mr Phillip Silver CPA OAM (PDF 39 KB) 
10Cherry Growers Australia Inc (PDF 565 KB) 
11Australian Livestock & Property Agents Association Ltd (PDF 140 KB) 
12Costa (PDF 2023 KB) 
13Queensland Dairyfarmers’ Organisation (PDF 47 KB) 
14Select Oyster Company  (PDF 65 KB) 
15Sugar Research Australia (PDF 5041 KB) 
16Sunnyspot Packhouse pty ltd (PDF 309 KB) 
17Mr Andy Cowan (PDF 138 KB) 
18Southern Rocklobster Limited (PDF 346 KB) 
19Tinaroo Falls Avocado Pty Ltd (PDF 36 KB) 
20Mr Richard Coffin (PDF 99 KB) 

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About this inquiry

An inquiry into the industry structures and systems governing the imposition of and disbursement of marketing and research and development (R&D) levies in the agricultural sector.

Past Public Hearings

15 May 2015: Canberra
20 Feb 2015: Perth
05 Feb 2015: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Report tabled


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