30 June 2015
© Commonwealth of Australia 2015 ISBN 978-1-76010-257-9
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Conduct of the inquiry Acknowledgement Levies in the agricultural sector Recent reports and reviews into the agricultural levies system Market failure Context of the inquiry
Levy calculation and collection Departmental administrative charges and payment of levy collectors Identification of levy payers and a levy payer database Levy rates and arrangements Approval and modification of levies
Accountability to government and the tax payer Accountability to industry and levy payers Opportunities for levy payers to influence levy investment
Fundamental principles underpinning the agriculture levy system Automated and transparent levy collection and vote entitlement system Flexibility and transparency in levy change arrangements Prescribed Industry Bodies
Additional Recommendations
Committee SecretarySenate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and TransportPO Box 6100Parliament HouseCanberra ACT 2600 Phone: +61 2 6277 3511rrat.sen@aph.gov.au
An inquiry into the industry structures and systems governing the imposition of and disbursement of marketing and research and development (R&D) levies in the agricultural sector.
15 May 2015: Canberra20 Feb 2015: Perth05 Feb 2015: Canberra
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