Chapter 1 - Introduction
Journals of the Senate, 14 September 2005.
Journals of the Senate, 20 June 2006.
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee, Water
Policy Initiatives: Interim Report, September 2006, p. 2.
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee, Water
Policy Initiatives: Interim Report, September 2006, p. 3.
Chapter 2 - Water Policy Initiatives
Intergovernmental Agreement on a National Water Initiative, 25 June 2004, p. 1.
Website, National Water Commission, p. 2,
Submission 34, Queensland Farmers Federation, p.2.
Submission 34, Queensland Farmers Federation, p.4.
Submission 36, The Australian Spatial Information Business
Association, p. 1.
Submission 37, The Australian Property Institute, p. 2.
Rural Water Use and the Environment: The Role of Market Mechanisms,
Productivity Commission Research Project, CSIRO Submission, February 2006, p.
3, (Tabled Document, 7 March 2006).
Intergovernmental Agreement on a National Water Initiative, 25 June 2004, Schedule B(i), p. 30.
[9] Submission
40, CSIRO, p. 8.
Professor Michael Young, Allocation and coordination of water resources,
Towards a national water policy framework: vision to implementation, Conference
Proceedings 2003, United Nations Association of Victoria, p.10.
Professor Michael Young, CSIRO,
Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p. 44.
Rural Water Use and the Environment: The Role of Market Mechanisms,
Productivity Commission Research Project, CSIRO Submission, February 2006, p.
5, (Tabled Document, 7 March 2006).
Submission 40, CSIRO, p. 5.
Submission 40, CSIRO, p. 8.
Submission 12, ABARE, p.4.
As above, p.4
Submission 39a, National Water Commission, pp. 6-7.
Submission 39a, National Water Commission, p.7.
Key Outcomes of the Summit on the Southern Murray-Darling
Basin, Canberra, 7 November 2006.
Submission 35, Murray-Darling Basin Commission, p. 2.
Mr Bob Douglas, Director, Water Policy Co-ordination, Murray-Darling Basin
Commission, Committee Hansard, 12 October 2006, p. 11.
As above, p.10. Note: The chart referred to in this quote is available as
a tabled document.
Mr David Hocking, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Spatial Information
Business Association, Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p. 59.
National Water Commission, Committee Hansard, 15 September 2006, p. 16.
National Water Commission, Committee Hansard, 15 September 2006, p. 24.
Submission 39a, National Water Commission, p. 4.
Dr Colin Chartres, General Manager, National Water Commission, Estimates
Hansard, 30 October 2006, p.75.
Dr Colin Grant, Bureau of Rural Sciences, Committee Hansard,
7 March 2006, p.86.
Dr Colin Chartres, A Strategic Science Framework for the National Water
Commission, p. 24.
Submission 23, West Australian Farmers Federation, p.7.
Submission 40, CSIRO, p. 6.
As above.
Submission 12, ABARE, p. 10.
Mr Bob Douglas, Director, Water Policy Co-ordination, Murray-Darling Basin
Commission, Committee Hansard, 12 October 2006, p. 12.
Mr M. Thompson, General Manager, National Water Commission, Committee
Hansard, 15 September 2006, p. 27.
Mr M Thompson, General Manager, National Water Commission, Committee
Hansard, 15 September 2006, p. 21.
Chapter 3 - ’Over allocation’ - the major problem
Dr Colin Chartres, A Strategic Science Framework for the National Water
Commission, p. 6-7.
Note: The average annual surface use of water from the MDB in the years
to 2004-2005 was estimated to be 11,518 GL, MCDC Factsheet, July 2006.
MDBC, The Impacts of Water Regulation and Storage on the Basin's
MDBC, Water Audit Monitoring Report 2004-2005, Report of the Murray
Darling Basin Commission on the Cap on Diversions, June 2006, p.14
Prof. Shahbaz Khan, Managing Climate Risks in the Driest Continent:
Options for Water Policy and Irrigation Management, p.7-8, Paper presented
at the Triennial Maize Conference at Griffith, NSW in February 2006; tabled
document, 7 March 2006.
Prof. Shahbaz Khan, tabled document - as above.
MDBC, Water Audit Monitoring Report 2004-2005, Report of the Murray
Darling Basin Commission on the Cap on Diversions, June 2006, p. 13.
Dr Wendy Craik, CEO, MDBC, Committee Hansard, 12 October 2006, p.3.
Dr Wendy Craik, CEO, MDBC, Committee Hansard, 12 October 2006, p.4.
Submission 56, Chinchilla and District Water Users Association,
Ms A. Hankinson, Inland Rivers Network, Committee Hansard,15 September 2006, p.61.
Mr Ken Matthews, Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p.3, Engineers Australia, Submission 8.
Mr Simon Smalley, (DAFF) Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p.91.
MDBC, Improvement in accuracy of measurements of diversions and returns
under the cap, October 2006, p.ii.
As above, p.iii.
NSW Irrigators, Submission 45, p.7, CSIRO, Water for a Healthy
Country Newsletter, April 2006.
DAFF, Submission 41, p.17.
Dr A. Buchan, Australian Conservation Foundation, Committee
Hansard, 15 September 2006, p.58.
Prof. M. Young, Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p.47.
Toyne, P. "Water use and environmental flows in the Murray-Darling Basin"
in Proceedings of the Water Use and Environmental Flows Workshop, 22-23 August
1995. Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra.
Murray Darling Commission, The impact of water regulation and storage on
the basin's rivers,
Mr Ed Fessey, Committee Hansard, 16 August 2006, p. 4.
Submission 10, Mr Robert and Ms Ann Senior, p. 1.
Mr Rory Treweeke, Committee
Hansard, 16 August 2006, p. 15.
Mr Ed Fessey, Committee Hansard, 16 August 2006, p. 5.
SA Government, Submission No.52, p. 10.
Mr Ed Fessey, Submission 20, p.1.
Mr Steven Ross, Committee Hansard 15 September 2006, p.54.
Mr Steven Ross, Committee Hansard 15 September 2006, p.51.
Professor Richard Kingsford, (University of NSW), Submission No.9,
Submission 38, ACF & Inland Rivers Network, p.6.
Ms Sarah Moles, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2006, p.62.
Mrs Terry Murphy-Fleming, Mr Phillip Fleming & Mr Howard Blackburn, Submission
54, p.1.
As above.
Mrs Wendy Bunce, Submission 59, p.7.
Mrs Wendy Bunce, Submission 59, p 9.
The Hon. Ian Turnbull, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister,
Press Release, 18 August 2006.
Professor Richard Kingsford, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2006, p.16.
Mr Paul Brimblecombe, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2006, p.17-18.
Councillor Buchan, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2006, p.21.
Mr John Grabbe, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2006, p.27.
Mr John Grabbe, Committee Hansard 2 August 2006, p.41.
Cubbie Group Ltd. Submission 55, p.2.
Mr John Grabbe & Mr Brimblecombe, Committee Hansard 2 August 2006, p.18.
Prof. Richard Kingsford, UNSW, Submission 9, p.4-5.
Rick & Helen Hall, Submission 19, p.1.
Mr Ed Fessey, Committee Hansard, 16 August 2006, p.10.
Mrs Leith Boully, Correspondence to the Committee, Jan. 2006, Tabled
Submissions Nos. 16, 19, 20 26 & 29.
Prof. Richard Kingsford, UNSW, Submission 9, p.4 -5.
Dr Wendy Craik, CEO, MDBC, Committee Hansard, 12 October 2006, p.16-17.
Mr Fessey, Committee Hansard, 16 August 2006, p.4.
Prof. Richard Kingsford, Committee Hansard, 18 October 2006, p.15.
MDBC, Water Audit Monitoring Report 2004-2005, Report of the Murray
Darling Basin Commission on the Cap on Diversions, June 2006, p.39.
Van Dijk, A., Evans, R., Hairsine, P., Khan, S., Nathan, R. Paydar, Z.,
Viney, N. and Zhang, L. (2006) Risks to the Shared Water Resources of
the Murray-Darling Basin. Murray- Darling Basin Commission
Report, Canberra, p.6.
Sinclair Knight Merz, Projections of groundwater extraction rates and
implications for future demand and competition for surface water. Report to Murray-Darling
Basin Commission, Canberra 2003.
Van Dijk, A. and others (2006), Murray- Darling Basin Commission Report, Canberra, p.19.
MCDC, Water Audit Monitoring Report 2004/05, p.63.
Dr Blanch, Committee Hansard 15 September 2006, p.8.
As above, p.12.
Submissions 14, 62.
DAFF, Submission 41, p.35-36.
Chapter 4 - Adapting to Climate Variability
Submission 40, CSIRO,
Prof. Michael Young, (CSIRO),
Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p.48.
Dr James Gill, Water Corporation of Western Australia, Committee Hansard,16 August 2006, p.19.
Submission 40, CSIRO,
Submission 42, Bureau of Meteorology, p.4.
Submission 42, Bureau of Meteorology, p.25 quoting C.J.Paull
Submission 40, CSIRO, p.9.
Dr Bryson Bates, Power Point presentation to the committee, 18 October, 2006, Tabled document.
Submission 34, Queensland Farmers' Federation, p.18.
Submission 34, Queensland Farmers' Federation, p.20.
Submissions 44, 57 and 63.
Mr J. Grabbe, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2006, p.29-30.
Submission 3, Coleambally Irrigation Cooperative Limited, para.
Mr J. Lafrenz, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2006, p.46.
Cotton Australia Ltd., Submission 57, p.6.
Dr Wendy Craik, Committee Hansard , 12 October 2006, p.5.
Mr John Grabbe, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2006, p.20.
DAFF, Submission 41, p.38.
The Hon. Ian Turnbull, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister and
the Hon. Ian Macdonald, NSW Minister for Natural Resources, Press Releases, 5
Oct 2006.
Mr A. Kaspura, Engineers Australia, Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p.54.
DAFF, Submission 41, p.17.
Submission No.52, SA Government, p.14
Mr I. Haylor, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2006, p.48.
CSIRO, Science for Tomorrow, October 2006,,,.html
CSIRO Plant Industry, Rees - More crop per drop,
'Farming Ahead', No. 177, October 2006, p.54,,,.html
CSIRO builds smart farm, Press release, 15 September 2006,,.html
Councillor Di Thorley, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2006, p.9.
Mr Ken Matthews, Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p.3.
Note: The committee is only too aware that this does not solve the water
shortage problems of cities like Toowoomba and Goulburn.
Submission No.52, SA Government, p.29.
Councillor Di Thorley, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2006, p.14
Kim Beazley, Media statement, 5 April 06, John Howard, SMH,
17 July 06, Andrew Bartlett, The Bartlett Diaries, 28 July 06, Rachel Siewert,
Aust Greens Online, 15 August 06, Andrew Stoner, Press Release, NSW
Nationals, 26 August 06.