Submissions received by the Committee

The effectiveness of threatened species and ecological communities' protection in Australia

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1Mr Gabriel Lafitte (PDF 39KB) 
2Dr Todd Soderquist and Dr Deborah Ashworth (PDF 41KB) Attachment 1(PDF 395KB) 
3Mr Marcus Coghlan (PDF 91KB) 
4Australasian Native Orchid Society and the Australian Orchid Council (PDF 309KB) 
5Ms Fay Jones (PDF 4KB) 
6Monaro Acclimatisation Society Inc (PDF 267KB) 
7Mr James Samargis (PDF 56KB) 
8Mr Stephen Chara (PDF 432KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 1213KB) 
9Mr Sab Lord, Lords Kakadu and Arnhemland Safaris (PDF 9KB) 
10Ms Kylie Jones (PDF 43KB) 
11East Gippsland Wildfire Taskforce Inc (PDF 1483KB) 
12Regent Honeyeater Project (PDF 9KB) Attachment 1(PDF 2946KB) 
13Mr Rob Brewster (PDF 2063KB) 
14Mr Tom Kingston (PDF 16KB) 
15Professor David Lindenmayer (PDF 44KB) 
16Mr Frank Manthey OAM, Save the Bilby Fund (PDF 189KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 1154KB) 
17Friends of Tootgarook Wetland Reserves (PDF 390KB) 
18Mr Jim Walker (PDF 193KB) 
19Ms Harriett Swift (PDF 34KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 11KB) 
20Island Conservation (PDF 1011KB) 
21Wildflower Society of Western Australia (Inc) (PDF 161KB) 
22Mr Daniel Bell (PDF 11KB) 
23Marie-Louise Sarjeant, Chris Sarjeant, Sonia Hutchinson, John Marsh and Maxine Jacobsen (copies of this submission were also received from Ms Diana Kellett and Ms Lesley Palma) (PDF 945KB) 
24Save Tootgarook Swamp Inc (PDF 1777KB) 
25Ms Joan Spittle (PDF 83KB) 
26Mr John Jeayes (PDF 431KB) 
27Zoo and Aquarium Association (PDF 57KB) 
28Ray and Marion Lewis (PDF 239KB) 
29Mr Jean Dind (PDF 32KB) 
30Associate Professor Adrian Manning (PDF 97KB) Attachment 1(PDF 370KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 167KB) 
31Port Campbell Community Group Inc (PDF 152KB) 
32Mr Philip Collier (PDF 790KB) 
33Mr Trevor Parton (PDF 58KB) 
34Mr Ian Wheatland, Mr Kai May, Dr Katherine Phillips and Mrs Nina Kriegisch (PDF 126KB) 
35Ms Susan M Broman (PDF 890KB) 
36Sister Marian McClelland sss (PDF 29KB) 
37Finch Society of Australia Inc (PDF 65KB) 
38Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition (PDF 250KB) 
39Ms Mary White rsm (PDF 273KB) 
40Ms Marie Hilarina Fernando (PDF 103KB) 
41Dr Emma Rooksby and Dr Keith Horton (PDF 63KB) 
42Zoos Victoria (PDF 240KB) 
43The Colong Foundation for Wilderness (PDF 376KB) 
44Mr Stewart Kerr (PDF 5KB) 
45Mr Peter Berbee (PDF 24KB) 
46Dr Andrew Burbidge (PDF 69KB) 
47Name Withheld (PDF 45KB) 
48Professor John Woinarski (PDF 157KB) 
49Ms Lee Curtis (PDF 100KB) 
50Mr Thomas Weiss (PDF 36KB) 
51Dr Peter Kyne (PDF 387KB) 
52Dr Greg P Clancy (PDF 218KB) 
53Mr Trent Patten (PDF 1536KB) 
54Ms Sabine Ritz-Kerr (PDF 47KB) 
55Dr Martine Maron (PDF 196KB) 
56Ms Claire Masters (PDF 39KB) 
57The Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists (PDF 2022KB) 
58Mr Jonathan Meddings (PDF 817KB) 
59Mr Nigel Sharp (PDF 329KB) 
60Assoc Prof Mark Lintermans (PDF 54KB) 
61Ms Pamela J W Miskin (PDF 66KB) 
62South East Forest Rescue (PDF 646KB) 
63Clarence Environment Centre (PDF 137KB) 
64Mr Craig Thomson (PDF 116KB) 
65Ms Peta Whitford (PDF 222KB) 
66Mr Daryl Dickson, Wildcard Art, Mungarru Lodge Sanctuary (PDF 269KB) 
67Ms Sera Blair (PDF 349KB) 
68Ms Kerryn Blackshaw (PDF 5KB) 
69Yarra Ranges Council (PDF 107KB) 
70Lawyers for Forests (PDF 1159KB) 
71Name Withheld (PDF 23KB) 
72Mr Greg Miles (PDF 157KB) Attachment 1(PDF 600KB) Attachment 2(PDF 4770KB) 
73Bendigo and District Environment Council, Bendigo Field Naturalists Club and Bendigo Sustainability Group (PDF 364KB) Attachment 1(PDF 173KB) Attachment 2(PDF 1923KB) 
74Dr Jasmyn Lynch (PDF 80KB) 
75Blue Mountains Conservation Society (PDF 202KB) 
76Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (PDF 246KB) 
77CSIRO (PDF 284KB) 
78Dr Chris McGrath (PDF 245KB) 
79Mr David Blair (PDF 195KB) 
80Name Withheld (PDF 183KB) 
81WWF-Australia (PDF 553KB) Attachment 1(PDF 378KB) Attachment 2(PDF 204KB) 
82BirdLife Australia (PDF 715KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1129KB) 
83Australian Deer Association (PDF 732KB) 
84LIV Young Lawyers' Section, Law Institute of Victoria (PDF 1209KB) Attachment 1(PDF 4436KB) Attachment 2(PDF 1303KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 335KB) 
85Stanislaw Pelczynski and Barbara Pelczynska  (PDF 245KB) 
86Friends of Grasslands (PDF 100KB) 
87Dr Kerryn Parry-Jones (PDF 239KB) Attachment 1(PDF 2143KB) 
88Humane Society International (PDF 550KB) 
89Mr Jeremy Tager (PDF 1441KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 185KB) 
90Ms Karena Goldfinch (PDF 141KB) 
91Mr Ray Strong (PDF 95KB) 
92Healesville Environment Watch Inc, MyEnvironment Inc and Friends of Leadbeater's Possum Inc (PDF 2435KB) 
93Mr Ian Whitford (PDF 226KB) 
94Greenfleet (PDF 105KB) 
95Mr Barry Rowe, Candlebark Community Nursery Inc (PDF 178KB) 
96Conondale Range Committee (PDF 156KB) 
97Dr John Clulow (PDF 61KB) 
98Ms Melinda Taylor (PDF 73KB) 
99Mr David Hudson (PDF 78KB) 
100Ms Yasmin Kelsall (PDF 340KB) 
101S. Burgess and E. Bradley (PDF 61KB) 
102Ms Glenda Pickersgill (PDF 86KB) 
103Dr Tanzi Smith (PDF 249KB) 
104The Greater Mary Association Inc. (PDF 234KB) 
105Mr Philip Rance (PDF 651KB) 
106Caldera Environment Centre (PDF 416KB) 
107Mr Bruce Boyes (PDF 1505KB) 
108Australian Wildlife Health Network (PDF 418KB) 
109Friends of Hoddles Creek (PDF 1403KB) 
110Australasian Bat Society Inc (PDF 413KB) 
113Canberra Ornithologists Group (PDF 229KB) 
114Urban Bushland Council WA Inc (PDF 112KB) 
115MRCCC (PDF 559KB) 
116Threatened Ecosystems Network (PDF 1606KB) 
117Wildlife Disease Association Australasia (PDF 71KB) 
118Name Withheld (PDF 237KB) 
119Mr Andrew Heaver (PDF 126KB) 
120Name Withheld (PDF 76KB) 
121Ms Kate Leahy (PDF 35KB) 
122Dr Jonathan Rhodes (PDF 68KB) 
123Professor Lee Godden and Professor Jacqueline Peel (PDF 136KB) Attachment 1(PDF 123KB) Attachment 2(PDF 327KB) 
124Earth Learning Incorporated (PDF 352KB) 
125NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers (PDF 671KB) 
126Mr Mark Selmes (PDF 141KB) 
127Professor Hugh Possingham and Associate Professor Michael McCarthy (PDF 102KB) 
128Ms Susan Bendel (PDF 99KB) 
129The Wilderness Society Inc (PDF 68KB) 
130Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection Queensland (PDF 3463KB) 
131Ms Lorraine Leach (PDF 293KB) 
132Dr John Bardsley (PDF 1070KB) 
133Mr Wayne Gumley (PDF 144KB) 
134Nature Conservation Council of NSW (PDF 783KB) 
135Middle Kinglake Primary School (PDF 2301KB) 
136The Judith Eardley Save Wildlife Centre (PDF 1595KB) 
137Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices Inc (PDF 214KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1129KB) 
138Ms Jenifer Johnson (PDF 1917KB) 
139Batwatch Australia (PDF 270KB) 
140Invasive Species Council (PDF 421KB) 
141Dr Rupert Baker (PDF 50KB) 
142National Parks Australia Council (PDF 331KB) Attachment 1(PDF 734KB) Attachment 2(PDF 3164KB) 
143Department of Sustainability Environment Water Population and Communities (PDF 1098KB) 
144Director of National Parks (PDF 249KB) 
145National Parks Association of NSW (PDF 196KB) 
146Mr Don Butcher (PDF 694KB) 
147Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF 725KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1129KB) 
148Australian Fisheries Management Authority (PDF 638KB) 
149Environment East Gippsland Inc. (PDF 2834KB) 
150Nature Conservation Society of South Australia (PDF 196KB) 
151Arid Lands Environment Centre (PDF 182KB) 
152Ms Prue Acton (PDF 394KB) 
153Ms Bronwyn Baade (PDF 55KB) 
154Threatened Species Scientific Committee (PDF 255KB) 
155VETO (VETO Energex Towers Organisation) (PDF 1695KB) Attachment 1(PDF 199KB) 
156Gecko - Gold Coast and Hinterland Environment Council and Save Bahrs Scrub Alliance (PDF 508KB) Attachment 1(PDF 569KB) 
157Threatened Plant Action Group (TPAG), Nature Conservation Society of South Australia (PDF 332KB) 
158FrogWatch (PDF 121KB) 
159Department of Land Resource Management, Northern Territory Government (PDF 8000KB) 
160Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Gold Coast and Hinterland Branch (PDF 202KB) 
161North Coast Environment Council (PDF 594KB) Attachment 1(PDF 3788KB) Attachment 2(PDF 1914KB) 
162Australian Wildlife Conservancy (PDF 400KB) Attachment 1(PDF 637KB) Attachment 2(PDF 433KB) 
163MyEnvironment Inc (PDF 6137KB) 
164South East Region Conservation Alliance Inc (PDF 3514KB) 
165Logan and Albert Conservation Association (PDF 306KB) Attachment 1(PDF 197KB) Attachment 2(PDF 147KB) 
166PGV Environmental (PDF 916KB) 
167National Farmers' Federation (PDF 61KB) 
168Wide Bay Burnett Enviroment Council  (PDF 1311KB) 
169Premier of Western Australia (PDF 14211KB) 
172The Wilderness Society Victoria Inc (PDF 1182KB) 
Response from VicForests, dated 29 January 2013(PDF 78KB) 
173Brisbane Region Environment Council (PDF 965KB) 
174North East Forest Alliance (PDF 2272KB) 
Response from Forestry Corporation, NSW(PDF 2036KB) 
175Eagle Junction State School (PDF 12260KB) 
176Hunter Bird Observers Club (PDF 387KB) 
177Ms Margaret Peachey (PDF 63KB) 

Additional Information Received

1Australian Network of Environmental Defenders' Offices - report on Climate change and the legal framework for biodiversity protection in Australia: a legal and scientific analysis (from public hearing, Canberra, 15 February 2013(PDF 501KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Answers to written questions on notice (from public hearing, 15 February 2013, Canberra)(PDF 542KB) 
2National Farmers' Federation - Answers to questions taken on notice (from public hearing, 15 February 2013, Canberra)(PDF 137KB) 
3BirdLife Australia - Answers to questions taken on notice (from public hearing, 20 February 2013, Melbourne)(PDF 199KB) 
4Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (from public hearing, 15 February 2013, Canberra)(PDF 3272KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3526
Fax:+61 2 6277 5818