Sub No. |
Submitter |
1 |
Ms Judy Blyth (PDF 6KB) |
2 |
Australian Uranium Association (PDF 5KB) |
3 |
Ms Karin Ochsner (PDF 4KB) |
4 |
Ms Judith Cullity (PDF 37KB) |
5 |
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Association (ANSTO) (PDF 23KB) |
6 |
Central Land Council (PDF 135KB) |
7 |
Ms Julie Matheson, CFP, Sovereign Bridge Pty Ltd (PDF 7KB);
Attachment (PDF 1409KB) |
8 |
Ms Susan Ambler (PDF 5KB) |
9 |
Ms Sandra Betts (PDF 4KB) |
10 |
Ms Alana Parrott-Jolly (PDF 5KB) |
11 |
Mr Nick Koukourou (PDF 4KB) |
12 |
Ms Monique Fabris (PDF 5KB) |
13 |
Ms Dawn Jecks (PDF 6KB) |
14 |
Ms Elke Stegemann (PDF 5KB) |
15 |
Mr Rufus Coffield-Feith (PDF 5KB) |
16 |
Ms Jessica Felix (PDF 6KB) |
17 |
Ms Kerrie-Ann Garlick (PDF 110KB) |
18 |
Australian Nuclear Association (PDF 112KB) |
19 |
Mr Marcus Atkinson (PDF 17KB) |
20 |
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Australian
Section) Inc (PDF 35KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 17KB);
Attachment 2 (PDF 190KB); Attachment 3 (PDF 18KB) and Attachment 4 (PDF 619KB) |
21 |
Mr Brendan Cahill (PDF 3KB) |
22 |
Ms Leonie Chester (PDF 334KB) |
23 |
Top End Aboriginal Conservation Alliance (PDF 72KB) |
24 |
Ms Karin Geradts (PDF 8KB) |
25 |
Friends of the Earth Sydney (PDF 34KB) |
26 |
Ms Marion Giles (PDF 6KB) |
27 |
Ms Kristin Knorr (PDF 5KB) |
28 |
Mr Anson Antriasian (PDF 10KB) |
29 |
Ms Michele Madigan (PDF 15KB) |
30 |
Katherine Town Council (PDF 33KB) |
31 |
Ms Margaret Smyrnis (PDF 257KB) |
32 |
Ms Emily Mercer (PDF 343KB) |
33 |
Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Northern Territory
Branch) (PDF 470KB) |
34 |
Ms Edwina Howell (PDF 10KB) |
35 |
Arid Lands Environment Centre, Inc (PDF 62KB) |
36 |
Environment Centre NT (PDF 49KB) |
37 |
Ms Olivia Nigro (PDF 16KB) |
38 |
Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia) (PDF 42KB) |
39 |
Ms Jessica Morrison (PDF 5KB) |
40 |
Ms Anna McIldowie (PDF 5KB |
41 |
Ms Petrena and Mr Alex Ariston (PDF 9KB) |
42 |
Ms Katie Beruldsen (PDF 44KB) |
43 |
Blue Mountains Nuclear Free Group (PDF 45KB) |
44 |
Ms Lisa Hall (PDF 5KB) |
45 |
Mr Andrew Longmire (PDF 5KB) |
46 |
Mr Peter and Ms Christine Holmes (PDF 42KB) |
47 |
Ms Kate Holmes (PDF 9KB) |
48 |
Ms Liz Denborough (PDF 7KB) |
49 |
Alderman Jane Clark (PDF 4KB) |
50 |
Friends of the Earth Adelaide (PDF 26KB) |
51 |
Mr Leonard J Aronsten (PDF 5KB) |
52 |
Nicky Schonkala (PDF 10KB) |
53 |
Ms Cheryl and Mr Keith Kaulfuss (PDF 32KB) |
54 |
Ange Parrish (PDF 39KB) |
55 |
Mr John Goodall (PDF 4KB) |
56 |
Ms Janet Pierce (PDF 829KB) |
57 |
Oxfam Australia (PDF 35KB) |
58 |
Ms Amelia Young (PDF 9KB) |
59 |
Mr Adrian Hyland (PDF 6KB) |
60 |
Ms Belinda Lang (PDF 8KB) |
61 |
Dr Tom Keaney (PDF 8KB) |
62 |
Mr Benedict Keaney (PDF 269KB) |
63 |
Mr Daniel-John Peterson (PDF 14KB) |
64 |
Australian Student Environment Network (PDF 19KB) |
65 |
Mr Pete Allsop (PDF 4KB) |
66 |
Mr Tony Backhouse (PDF 4KB) |
67 |
Mr Scott Foyster (PDF 114KB) |
68 |
Aly de Groot (PDF 4KB) |
69 |
Ms Mandy Webb (PDF 5KB) |
70 |
Ms Marlene Hodder (PDF 9KB |
71 |
Ms Laura Metcalf and Mr Luke Ariston (PDF 241KB) |
72 |
Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (WGAR) (PDF 9KB) |
73 |
Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological
Societies (FASTS) (PDF 94KB) |
74 |
Friends of the Earth, Australia (PDF 172KB) |
75 |
Pindimar Bundabah Community Association (PDF 12KB) |
76 |
Ms Karen Drew (PDF 9KB) |
77 |
Mr Barry Utley (PDF 8KB) |
78 |
People for Nuclear Disarmament, Western Australia (PDF 44KB) |
79 |
Mr Derek Schild (PDF 5KB |
80 |
Ms Thalia Collard (PDF 5KB) |
81 |
Northern Territory Government (PDF 220KB) |
82 |
Ms Georgie Stubbs (PDF 5KB) |
83 |
No Waste Alliance (PDF 254KB) |
84 |
Mr Stephen McMahon (PDF 11KB) |
85 |
Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF 316KB) |
86 |
Mr Gerry Wood MLA (PDF 8KB) |
87 |
Ms Vina Hornsby (PDF 6KB) |
88 |
Ms Mia Pepper (PDF 4KB) |
89 |
Miss Liz Howells (PDF 5KB) |
90 |
Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia (PDF 55KB) |
91 |
Mr Michael Henry (PDF 7KB) |
92 |
Ms Grusha Leeman (PDF 6KB) |
93 |
Alice Springs Town Council (PDF 177KB) |
94 |
Arid Lands Environment Centre - Beyond Nuclear
Initiative (PDF 238KB); Attachment - Letter to Prime
Minister Kevin Rudd regarding Radioactive Waste Management Election
Commitments (PDF 79KB) |
95 |
Muckaty Traditional Owners (PDF 547KB);
Attachment 1: Map of Aboriginal Lands in the Northern
Territory (Not available electronically); Attachment 2: Muckaty
Pastoral Lease Aboriginal Land Commissioner determination, 1997 (PDF 2567KB);
Attachment 3: Plan of proposed waste facility location (PDF 94KB);
Attachment 4: List of Ngapa sacred sites (PDF 44KB);
Attachment 5: UN Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples (PDF 66KB);
Attachment 6: Traditional owners correspondence to NLC, 1 December
2006 (PDF 139KB); Attachment 7: Traditional
owners correspondence to Minister Julie Bishop, 21 February 2007 (PDF 124KB);
Attachment 8: Traditional owners correspondence to NLC, 1 March 2007 (PDF 74KB);
Attachment 9: Traditional owners correspondence to Minister Martin
Ferguson, 22 April 2008 (PDF 147KB); Attachment
10: Traditional owners correspondence to Hon. Warren Snowdon and
Senator Trish Crossin, 30 May 2008 (PDF 103KB);
Attachment 11: Minister Martin Ferguson correspondence to Ms Dianne
Stokes, 22 July 2008 (PDF 64KB); Attachment
12: Ms Dianne Stokes correspondence to Minister Martin Ferguson, 30
July 2008 (PDF 53KB); Attachment 13: McCluskys
Lawyers correspondence to NLC, 3 September 2008 (PDF 416KB) |
95A |
Muckaty Traditional Owners
(Supplementary Submission) (PDF 305KB) |
96 |
Northern Land Council (PDF 34KB);
Attachment (PDF 52KB) |
96A |
Northern Land Council
(Supplementary Submission) (PDF 94KB)
Response from Dr Jim Green (Friends of the Earth) and Ms Natalie
Wasley (Beyond Nuclear Initiative) (PDF 53KB) |
97 |
Keelah Lam (PDF 9KB) |
98 |
Mr Nick Pastalatzis (PDF 599KB) |
99 |
The Radioactive Show Crew,
3CR Community Radio (PDF 5KB) |
100 |
Public Health Association of
Australia (PDF 74KB) |
101 |
Dr Charlie Carter (PDF 312KB) |
102 |
Ms Waratah Rose Gillespie (PDF 1143KB) |
103 |
Muckaty Traditional owners
opposed to the proposed radioactive waste facility (PDF 145KB)
(DVD available from committee secretariat on request). |
Parliament of New South Wales: Joint Select Committee on the
Transportation and Storage of Nuclear Waste -
Inquiry into the Transportation and Storage of Nuclear Waste (PDF 1546KB)
Department of Resources Energy and Tourism (from public hearing,
Canberra, 28 November 2008) (PDF 667KB)