Committee membership

Committee membership

Committee members  
Senator Linda Reynolds CSC, Chair (from 12 October 2015) LP, Western Australia
Senator Anne Urquhart, Deputy Chair ALP, Tasmania
Senator Chris Back (from 12 October 2015) LP, Western Australia
Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (from 12 October 2015) LP, Victoria
Senator the Hon Lisa Singh ALP, Tasmania
Senator Larissa Waters AG, Queensland
Former members  
Senator the Hon Anne Ruston, Chair (to 12 October 2015) LP, South Australia
Senator the Hon James McGrath (to 12 October 2015) LP, Queensland
Senator the Hon Arthur Sinodinos (to 12 October 2015) LP, New South Wales

Committee secretariat

Ms Christine McDonald, Committee Secretary
Mr Colby Hannan, Principal Research Officer
Ms Fattimah Imtoual, Senior Research Officer
Ms Kirsty Cattanach, Research Officer
Mr Antonios Vlachos, Administration Officer

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