Submissions Received

Inquiry into Australia's national parks, conservation reserves and marine protected areas

Submissions Received

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Sub No.  
1 Mr Bruce Thomson (PDF 19KB)
2 Bushland Conservation Pty Ltd (PDF 434KB)
3 Mr Jon Nevill: Pt 1 (PDF 395KB); Pt 2 (PDF 338KB); Pt 3 (PDF 269KB)
4 The Association of Australian Ports and Marine Authorities (PDF 14KB)
5 Mr Philip Maguire (PDF 26KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 497KB); Attachment 2 (MP3 file available from Secretariat if required)
6 Mr Joe A Friend (PDF 26KB)
7 Coast and Wetlands Society Inc (PDF 56KB)
8 Dr Adam Butler (PDF 11KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 76KB)
9 Mr Andrew Eckhold (PDF 13KB)
10 Mr Shane Murrihy (PDF 14KB)
11 Professor Ralf Buckley, International Centre for Ecotourism Research, Griffith University (PDF 916KB); Attachments held in the Secretariat
11A Professor Ralf Buckley, International Centre for Ecotourism Research, Griffith University (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 1247KB); Attachment (PDF 2525KB)
12 Ms Helen Hannah (PDF 12KB)
13 Ms Pat A Styles (PDF 19KB)
14 Caboolture 4WD Club Inc (PDF 14KB)
15 Ms Helen M Brennan (PDF 10KB)
16 Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts, Northern Territory Government (PDF 364KB)
17 Mr Ernst Willheim (PDF 11KB)
18 Bakers Vertebrate Pest Control (PDF 48KB)
19 Mr John Brandis (PDF 46KB)
20 The Bushfire Front Inc (PDF 56KB)
21 Ms Claire deLacey and Mr Steven Chamberlain (PDF 96KB)
22 Mr Chris Mitchell (PDF 26KB)
23 Phoenix Four Wheel Drive Club (PDF 50KB)
24 FWDQld (PDF 428KB)
25 Ms Catharine Errey (PDF 31KB)
26 Tableland Trail Horse Riders Club Inc (PDF 17KB)
27 Botany Bay & Catchment Alliance (PDF 18KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 21KB)
28 North Coast Environment Council Inc (PDF 60KB)
29 Blue Mountains Conservation Society Inc (PDF 103KB)
30 Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia (PDF 66KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 52KB)
31 Shearwater Associates Pty Ltd (PDF 168KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 42KB)
32 SA Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs (PDF 98KB)
33 Mr Roger Graham (PDF 12KB)
34 Dr Paul Williams (PDF 31KB)
35 International Federation of Rock Art Organisations (IFRAO) (PDF 35KB)
36 Mr R J Hiscox (PDF 23KB)
37 Mr Jim Inglis (PDF 19KB)
38 Moreton Bay Environmental Alliance (PDF 22KB)
39 Mr E M (Ted) Taylor (PDF 1286KB)
40 Four Wheel Drive Victoria (PDF 216KB)
41 CSIRO (PDF 144KB)
42 Ms Maureen Baker OAM (PDF 32KB)
43 Ms Sandra Nichols (PDF 13KB)
44 Bailey's Creek Community League (PDF 103KB)
45 Mr Clyde S Leatham (PDF 4833KB)
46 Dr Jim Hone (PDF 14KB)
47 Dr Robyn Bartel (PDF 2353KB)
48 Bayside Offroaders Club Inc (PDF 70KB)
49 Dr Geoff Wescott (PDF 2515KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 5418KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 5083KB); Attachment 3 (PDF 210KB)
50 Ms Lynda Newnam (PDF 86KB); Attachments available in hard copy from Secretariat, if required.
51 Ms Victoria Jansen-Riley (PDF 177KB)
52 Tamborine Mountain Natural History Association (PDF 28KB)
53 Four Wheel Drive NSW & ACT (PDF 980KB)
54 Toyota Land Cruiser Club of Australia (PDF 33KB)
55 NSW Endurance Riders Association Inc (PDF 38KB)
56 Tasmanian Recreation Vehicles Association Inc (PDF 117KB)
57 Australian Ranger Federation (PDF 63KB); Attachment (PDF 11KB)
58 Mr and Mrs R G J Smith (PDF 219KB)
59 Snowy Mountains Bush Users Group Inc (PDF 75KB)
60 Tarkine National Coalition Inc (PDF 22KB); Attachment (PDF 3701KB)
61 Dr David Denham AM (PDF 533KB)
62 Ms Julie A Sheppard (PDF 13KB)
63 South Australian Fishing Industry Council (PDF 48KB)
64 Daintree Coast Community Action Group (PDF 88KB)
65 Construction Material Processors Association Inc (PDF 68KB)
66 Mr David Green (PDF 21KB); Attachment (PDF 245KB)
67 Fraser Island Defenders Organization (PDF 110KB)
67A Fraser Island Defenders Organization (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 1942KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 601KB); Attachments 2 - 6 (PDF 13456KB)
68 Far North Queensland Tour Operators Association (PDF 2612KB)
69 Australian Deer Association (PDF 617KB)
70 Mr Neil Mattocks and Mr Ian Bell (PDF 29KB)
71 Outdoor Recreation Industry Council of NSW (PDF 77KB)
72 Indo-Pacific Sea Turtle Conservation Group (PDF 51KB)
73 Forest Industries Association of Tasmania (PDF 112KB)
74 Inland Rivers Network (PDF 38KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 710KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 81KB)
75 Tourism Leisure Corporation Pty Ltd (PDF 417KB)
76 Gecko - Gold Coast & Hinterland Environment Council (PDF 185KB); Attachment (PDF 185KB)
77 Mr Marcus Bulstrode (PDF 15KB)
78 Tasmanian National Parks Association Inc (PDF 143KB)
78A Tasmanian National Parks Association Inc (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 67KB); Attachment 1 - Rabbit-induced landslides: two of many, Macquarie Island, 2006 (PDF 959KB); Attachment 2 - Macquarie Island-Damage by Feral Rabbits (PDF 867KB)
79 Australian Speleological Federation Inc (PDF 115KB)
80 Four Wheel Drive South Australia (PDF 263KB)
81 Ecotourism Australia (PDF 51KB)
82 Cairns 4WD Club (PDF 45KB)
83 Oatley Flora and Fauna Conservation Society (PDF 40KB)
84 Tambourine Mountain Progress Association Inc (PDF 36KB)
85 Western Australian Speleological Group (Inc) (PDF 77KB)
86 Mr John Anderson (PDF 18KB)
87 Alliance for Sustainable Tourism (PDF 169KB)
88 Forest Fire Victoria (PDF 119KB); Attachment (PDF 2551KB)
89 Australian National Four Wheel Drive Council Inc (PDF 187KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 124KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 101KB); Attachment 3 (PDF 113KB)
90 Cooper Creek Wilderness (PDF 149KB)
91 Mr Peter C Sims OAM (PDF 931KB); Attachments (PDF 1832KB)
92 Campervan & Motorhome Club of Australia (PDF 177KB); Attachment (PDF 304KB)
93 Waterbird Conservation Group (PDF 989KB)
93A Waterbird Conservation Group (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 685KB)
93B Waterbird Conservation Group (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 138KB)
94 Friends of Waite Conservation Reserve Inc (PDF 75KB)
95 Dr F C Bell (PDF 30KB)
96 Johnstone Ecological Society Inc (PDF 250KB)
97 Fraser Island World Heritage Area Community Advisory Committee (PDF 12KB)
98 Australian Forest Growers (PDF 205KB)
99 Timber Communities Australia (PDF 50KB)
100 Australian Cave & Karst Management Association (PDF 138KB)
101 Mr James and Mrs Jennifer Peat (PDF 15KB)
102 Ms Petra Dunn (PDF 15KB)
103 Christian Camping International Australia and Australian Camps Association (PDF 107KB)
104 Recfish Australia (PDF 95KB)
104A Recfish Australia (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 38KB); Attachment (PDF 55KB)
105 Birds Australia (PDF 163KB)
106 Queensland Tourism Industry Council (PDF 63KB)
107 Hobart Walking Club Inc (PDF 27KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 13KB)
108 National Parks Association of NSW (Southern Sydney Branch) (PDF 30KB)
109 Mr Norman Whitney (PDF 114KB); Attachments (PDF 2713KB)
110 Dr Marc Hockings (PDF 46KB)
111 Australian Horse Alliance (PDF 5134KB)
111A Australian Horse Alliance (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 523KB)
111B Australian Horse Alliance (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 73KB)
112 Australian Trail Horse Riders Association (PDF 60KB)
112A Australian Trail Horse Riders Association (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 2569KB)
113 Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (PDF 172KB)
114 Mr Andrew Chapman (PDF 1195KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 147KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 1118KB)
115 Capertee Valley Environmental Group (PDF 36KB)
116 Lithgow Environment Group (PDF 18KB)
117 Cape York Land Council (PDF 611KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 115KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 53KB); Attachment 3 (PDF 37KB); Attachment 4 (PDF 39KB)
118 Professor Richard Kingsford (PDF 92KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 90KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 144KB)
119 Ms Robyn Grant (PDF 12KB)
120 Parks and Leisure Australia (PDF 122KB)
121 Professor Robyn Bushell (PDF 120KB)
122 Ms Christine Lane (PDF 12KB)
123 Mr John Cribbes (PDF 18KB); Attachment (PDF 23KB)
124 Adelaide Mountain Bike Club (PDF 122KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 1520KB)
125 Australian Marine Sciences Association (AMSA) (PDF 225KB)
126 Department of the Environment and Heritage (PDF 438KB)
127 Narooma Port Committee (PDF 39KB)
128 Institute of Foresters of Australia (PDF 98KB)
129 The Environment Association Inc (PDF 196KB)
130 National Parks Association of New South Wales (PDF 284KB)
131 The Wilderness Society (PDF 2850KB)
131A The Wilderness Society (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 358KB)
131B The Wilderness Society (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 19136KB)
132 Mr Mervyn Vessey (PDF 20948KB)
133 Australian Animals Care and Education, Inc (PDF 25KB)
134 National Parks Association of Queensland Inc (PDF 183KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 208KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 1158KB)
134A National Parks Association of Queensland Inc (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 7941KB)
134B National Parks Association of Queensland Inc (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 4504KB)
135 Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM), Western Australia (PDF 13748KB); Attachment (PDF 2316KB)
135A Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia (PDF 292KB)
136 Latrobe City Council (PDF 44KB)
137 World Commission on Protected Areas (PDF 619KB)
138 The Australian Association for Maritime Affairs Inc (PDF 45KB)
138A The Australian Association for Maritime Affairs Inc (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 34KB)
139 The Australian Workers Union (PDF 75KB)
140 Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition Inc (PDF 73KB)
141 Conservation Commission of Western Australia (PDF 163KB); Attachment (PDF 216KB)
142 National Parks Association of New South Wales, Clarence Valley Branch (PDF 136KB)
143 Conservation Council of Western Australia (PDF 86KB); Attachment (PDF 1029KB
144 Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife (PDF 514KB)
144A Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 4510KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 587KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 1371KB)
145 Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices (PDF 443KB)
146 Victorian National Parks Association (PDF 4038KB); Attachments available in hard copy from the Secretariat.
147 The Federal Council of Australian Apiarists' Associations (PDF 38KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 72KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 232KB)
148 Tourism & Transport Forum (PDF 126KB)
149 Mr Brett Dawson (PDF 16KB); Attachment (PDF 5880KB)
150 Western Australian Fishing Industry Council (Inc) (PDF 19KB)
151 Australian Seafood Industry Council (PDF 27KB); Attachment (PDF 293KB)
152 Mr Graeme Worboys (PDF 49KB)
153 Prospectors and Miners Association of Victoria Inc (PDF 144KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 393KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 334KB); Attachment 3 (PDF 481KB); Attachment 4 (PDF 44KB)
154 Licola Fire Brigade (PDF 95KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 44KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 12KB); Attachment 3 (PDF 41KB); Attachment 4 (PDF 24KB); Attachment 5 (PDF 26KB)
155 Department of Environment and Conservation, NSW Government (PDF 4944KB)
155A Department of Environment and Conservation - NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, NSW Government (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 2568KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 990KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 3061KB); Attachment 3 (PDF 1992KB); Attachment 5:Grow Me Instead (PDF 1974KB); Attachment 6:State of the Parks 2004 (PDF 467KB)
156 Wet Tropics Management Authority (PDF 115KB)
157 Mr Graham Gordon Thomas (PDF 4980KB)
158 Commonwealth Fisheries Association (PDF 38KB); Attachment (PDF 99KB)
159 Arts, Heritage and Environment, ACT Chief Minister's Department (PDF 32KB)
160 Agforce Qld (PDF 52KB)
161 WWF - Australia (PDF 4457KB)
161A WWF - Australia (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 38KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 511KB)
161B WWF - Australia (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 5057KB)
162 Ipswich City Council (PDF 1611KB); Attachment (PDF 23572KB)
163 Local Government Association of Queensland Inc (PDF 481KB); Attachment (PDF 406KB)
163A Local Government Association of Queensland Inc (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 228KB)
164 GHD Pty Ltd (PDF 133KB)
165 Minerals Council of Australia (PDF 117KB)
166 Mr Stephen Larsson (PDF 85KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 519KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 839KB); Attachment 3 (PDF 413KB)
167 Professor Jon Altman and Ms Libby Larsen (PDF 60KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 107KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 44KB)
168 Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) (PDF 116KB)
169 ACT Equestrian Association Inc (PDF 33KB)
170 Dual Sport Motor Cycle Riders Association (Townsville) (PDF 135KB)
171 Remote Area Planning and Development Board (RAPAD) (PDF 127KB)
172 Humane Society International (PDF 2185KB)
173 Tourism Australia (PDF 126KB)
174 Ms Margaret Thorsborne (PDF 3845KB)
175 Queensland Department of Premier and Cabinet (PDF 752KB); Attachment 1(PDF 774KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 2245KB); Attachment 3 (PDF 477KB)
175A Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 90KB); Attachment (PDF 369KB)
175B Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 218KB)
176 Leave No Trace Australia Ltd (PDF 129KB)
177 Reefcheck Australia (PDF 15KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 79KB)
178 Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF 239KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 118KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 501KB); Attachment 3 (PDF 3503KB); Attachment 4 (PDF 3322KB)
179 Dr Sue Moore (PDF 47KB)
180 Dr Cris Brack (PDF 38KB)
181 National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council, Tasmania  (PDF 28KB)
182 Alice Springs Town Council  (PDF 72KB)
183 Colong Foundation for Wilderness  (PDF 68KB)
184 Australian Marine Conservation Society (PDF 66KB)
185 Horse SA (PDF 29KB)
186 National Association of Forest Industries (NAFI) (PDF 228KB)
187 Ms Jodeen Carney, MLA, Leader of the Opposition, Northern Territory Government (PDF 915KB)
188 Australian Bush Heritage Fund (PDF 60KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 54KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 1117KB); Attachment 3 (PDF 25KB)
188A Australian Bush Heritage Fund (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 1085KB)
189 Burnett Mary Regional Group for Natural Resource Management Inc (PDF 57KB)
190 Victorian Association of Forest Industries (PDF 56KB); Attachments available from Secretariat if required
191 National Parks Australia Council Inc (PDF 83KB); Attachment (PDF 42KB)
192 Mr Matt Foley (PDF 15KB)
193 The Marine and Coastal Community Network (PDF 133KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 1011KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 232KB)
194 Department for the Environment and Heritage, SA Government (PDF 347KB)
194A Department for the Environment and Heritage, SA Government (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 254KB); Attachment (PDF 2995KB)
195 Cook Shire Council (PDF 1481KB)
196 Murani Shire Council (PDF 26KB)
197 Association of Marine Park Tourism Operators (PDF 74KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 52KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 58KB); Attachment 3 (PDF 62KB); Attachment 4 (PDF 54KB)
198 Aboriginal Rainforest Council Inc (PDF 235KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 144KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 1278KB)
199 Department of Tourism, Arts and the Environment, Tasmania and ICS Multimedia (PDF 92KB)
200 Mrs Terry Murphy-Fleming and Mr Phillip Fleming and Mr Howard Blackburn (PDF 333KB)
201 Dr Bill Phillips (PDF 28KB)
202 Mr Jim Quadrio (PDF 180KB)
202A Mr Jim Quadrio (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 124KB)
203 Mrs B Lefroy (PDF 83KB)
203A Mrs B Lefroy (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 1164KB)
204 Mr Eric Fisher OAM (PDF 25KB)
205 Snowy Mountains Horse Riders Association Inc (PDF 643KB)
206 Wildlife Conservancy of Tropical Queensland (PDF 50KB)
207 Ms Glenys Jones (PDF 872KB)
208 Shire of Murchison (PDF 1131KB)
209 Mr Keros Keynes (PDF 1496KB)
210 Mrs Diana Morrison (PDF 1373KB)
211 Mrs Jano Foulkes-Taylor (PDF 1220KB)
212 Mr Ian Coombes (PDF 74KB)
213 Deerstalkers Club (PDF 44KB)
214 Mr Dudley Nicol (PDF 41KB)
215 Dr Charles Lawson (PDF 14KB); Attachment (PDF 178KB)
216 Esperance Pleasure Riders Club Inc (PDF 36KB)
217 Gnaraloo Station (PDF 150KB)
218 Mr Phil Creaser (PDF 17KB)
219 Australasian Fire Authority Council (PDF 46KB)
220 Australian Wildlife Conservancy (PDF 2254KB)
221 Adnyamathanha Lands Council (PDF 646KB)


Clarification of research cited in Submission 166


Answers to questions taken on notice


For further information contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818