Consideration of the Telstra (Dilution of Public Ownership) Bill 1996

Telstra: To Sell or not to Sell ?

Consideration of the Telstra (Dilution of Public Ownership) Bill 1996

Report from the Senate Environment, Recreation, Communications and the Arts References Committee

September 1996

© Commonwealth of Australia 1996

ISBN 0 642 25641 1

Cover of print copy (text and photo courtesy Telstra). Service to remote communities is being improved with the installation of 100 additional solar powered payphones. Ringer, Derek Rowe, a regular user of the world's first solar payphone at William Creek, SA.

Print cover design by Senate Publishing Unit, Parliament House, Canberra.

This document is produced from camera-ready copy prepared by the Senate Environment, Recreation, Communications and the Arts References Committee Secretariat, and printed by the Senate Printing Unit, Parliament House, Canberra.

This document was was converted for display on the Internet by the staff of the Senate Environment, Recreation, Communications and th eArts References Committee.