List of Recommendations

Recommendation 1

In line with the Senate resolution on training – accountability and privilege, the committee recommends that all Australian Government entities including Australia Post, provide regular training and support to senior staff and officials to ensure they can meet their responsibilities to the Senate and its committees through understanding Senate procedures, including the:
principles governing the operation of Parliament, and the accountability of departments, agencies and authorities to the Houses of Parliament and their committees;
proper processes for raising claims of public interest immunity including:
acceptable and unacceptable grounds for making a claim of public interest immunity; and
the requirement to specify the actual harm that may result from the disclosure of information.

Recommendation 2

The committee recommends that the Senate demonstrate its support for the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 7 July 2020 by Australia Post and the Communications, Electrical, and Plumbing Union by opposing the disallowance of the Australian Postal Corporation (Performance Standards) Amendment Regulations 2020.

Recommendation 3

Should the Australian government choose to implement future strategic changes to the postal service, the committee recommends the government commence a comprehensive public consultation on options for the future of Australia Post’s service delivery, with the results to inform future regulatory and policy reforms.
The consultation process should consider the changing domestic and global environment, reforms implemented in other jurisdictions, and proposals for reform in relation to:
the Australian Postal Corporation Act 1989 and associated regulations, and the Community Service Obligations;
regulating parcel services and/or pricing, especially in rural, regional and remote areas;
proposals for guaranteeing accessible, reliable and affordable postal services in rural, regional and remote areas;
the licenced post office network, how licensees are remunerated, and the number and location of licenced post offices;
options for expanding the service offering of licenced post offices; and
ways in which Australia Post can support Australian businesses and communities during the recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and beyond.

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