Submissions and additional information received by the Committee


1 Carers Australia 
2 Australian Medical Association 
3 Uniting Communities 
4 Drug Policy Modelling Program, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre 
5 Department of Social Services, Department of Employment and Department of Human Services 
6 UnitingCare Australia 
7 Catholic Social Services Australia and Catholic Health Australia 
8 Mission Australia 
9 360Edge 
10 The Salvation Army 
11 Commonwealth Ombudsman 
12 Volunteering Australia 
13 Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association 
14 The Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales 
15 cohealth 
16 St Vincent's Health Australia 
17 Jobs Australia 
18 National Social Security Rights Network 
19 Rural Doctors Association of Australia 
20 Royal Australasian College of Physicians 
21 Confidential
22 Chinese Australian Services Society Limited 
23 National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University 
24 South Australian Network of Drug and Alcohol Services 
25 Community Mental Health Australia 
26 Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League 
27 Western Australian Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies 
28 Anglicare Australia 
29 Centre for Social Research in Health and Social Policy Research Centre 
30 The Parenthood 
31 Ms Lisa Fowkes 
32 Refugee Council of Australia 
33 Public Health Association of Australia 
34 Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations 
35 NSW Council for Civil Liberties 
36 Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association 
37 Welfair 
38 GetUp 
39 Human Rights Law Centre (plus an attachment)
40 Australian Drug Law Reform Initiative 
41 ANU Students’ Association 
42 Law Council of Australia 
43 Anti-Poverty Network South Australia and Anti-Poverty Network Victoria (plus an attachment)
44 Community and Public Sector Union 
45 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 
46 Name Withheld 
47 Name Withheld (plus two supplementary submissions)
48 Name Withheld 
49 Name Withheld 
50 Australian Council of Social Service 
51 Dr Alex Wodak AM 
52 Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand 
53 Victoria Legal Aid 
54 Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia (plus four attachments)
55 Australian Association of Social Workers 
56 Aboriginal Peak Organisations of the Northern Territory 
57 National Employment Services Association 
58 National Council of Women of Australia 
59 Department of Health and Human Services, Victorian Government 
60 People with Disability Australia 
61 COTA Australia 
62 National Council of Single Mothers and their Children 
63 Name Withheld

Additional Information

1 Measuring Australia's Digital Divide, The Australian Digital Inclusion Index 2017, from Australian Council of Social Service, received 31 August 2017


1 Correspondence supporting submission 26 from the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League, received from Hepatitis SA, 3 August 2017
2 Correspondence supporting submission 26 from the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League, received from NSW Users and AIDS Association, 4 August 2017
3 Correspondence supporting submission 26 from the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League, received from Northern Territory AIDS and Hepatitis Council, 4 August 2017
4 Correspondence supporting submission 26 from the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League, received from Western Australian Substance Users Association, 4 August 2017
5 Correspondence supporting submission 26 from the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League, received from Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy, 4 August 2017
6 Correspondence supporting submission 26 from the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League, received from Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association, 4 August 2017

Answers to Questions on Notice

1 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 30 August public hearing, received from Department of Employment, 4 September 2017
2 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 30 August public hearing, received from Australian Council of Social Service, 4 September 2017
3 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 30 August public hearing, received from Department of Social Services, 4 September 2017
4 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 30 August public hearing, received from Department of Human Services, 5 September 2017
5 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 30 August public hearing, received from Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 5 September 2017
6 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 31 August public hearing, received from Catholic Social Services Australia, 4 September 2017
7 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 31 August public hearing, received from Volunteering Australia, 4 September 2017
8 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 31 August public hearing, received from Law Council of Australia, 4 September 2017
9 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 31 August public hearing, received from Anglicare Australia, 4 September 2017
10 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 31 August public hearing, received from Jobs Australia, 5 September 2017
11 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 31 August public hearing, received from National Employment Services Association, 5 September 2017
12 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 30 August public hearing, received from Department of Social Services, 5 September 2017

Tabled Documents

1 Social Security (Drug test) Rules 2017 Exposure Draft, tabled by Department of Social Services, at Sydney public hearing, 30 August 2017
2 Social Security (Drug Test) Rules 2017 Explanatory Statement, tabled by Department of Social Services, at Sydney public hearing, 30 August 2017
3 What Body Part Do I Need To Sell?, tabled by Jobs Australia, at Melbourne public hearing, 31 August 2017
4 The social minimum (in $2017) graph, tabled by Catholic Social Services Australia, at Melbourne public hearing, 31 August 2017

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