Terms of Reference

The TPI payment (Special Rate of Disability Pension), with particular reference to:

  1. the purpose, adequacy, structure and indexation arrangements of the TPI pension;
  2. the case made, and analysis provided, by the TPI Federation, including the extent to which the TPI pension value has changed over time and the support available to TPI veterans;
  3. all relevant existing information and previous reviews in relation to the TPI pension, including the recommendations of the Tune review;
  4. recommendations on any potential changes to the payment and any other issues;
  5. advice on costs associated with any recommendations; and
  6. any related issues.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3535

About this inquiry

Inquiry in the TPI payment (Special Rate of Disability Pension).

Past Public Hearings

20 May 2021: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Submissions closed


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