Current health preparation arrangements for the deployment of Australian Defence Forces overseas 

Current health preparation arrangements for the deployment of Australian Defence Forces overseas 

Terms of reference
On 19 June 2003, the Senate has referred the following matters to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee.  On 17 June 2004, the Committee sought and the Senate subsequently agreed to an extension of time to report to 5 August 2004.

(1) That the following matters be referred to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee for inquiry and report:

(2) That, in undertaking the inquiry, the committee consider recommendations for an improved system within the Defence and Veterans administrations which will give greater assurance to the individual that their health risks are minimised, and fully recorded for the purposes of future compensation where justified.


The Committee invites individuals and organisations with knowledge and information relevant to the inquiry's terms of reference to lodge submissions by Thursday, 4 December 2003 with:

All communications with the Committee and its Secretariat are protected by parliamentary privilege. It is expected that submissions will be published unless clearly marked as confidential. Persons making submissions must not disclose them without the prior approval of the Committee. Submissions are covered by parliamentary privilege but the unauthorised release of them is not.

The Committee encourages the lodgement of submissions in electronic form. E-mailed submissions must include the author's full name, phone number and postal address.

Notes to assist with the preparation of submissions

Submissions received

Public Hearings

Thursday 26 February 2004  Canberra  Program (PDF format)  Transcript (PDF format)

Answers to Questions on Notice

26 February 2004 - Regular Defence Force Welfare Association Inc
26 February 2004 - Department of Defence

Answers to written Questions on Notice

26 February 2004 - Department of Veterans' Affairs
26 February 2004 - Department of Defence

Inquiry Membership

Senator Steve Hutchins (Chair), ALP NSW
Senator Sandy Macdonald (Deputy Chair), NP NSW
Senator Mark Bishop, ALP WA
Senator John Hogg, ALP Qld
Senator David Johnston, LIB WA
Senator Andrew Bartlett, DEM Qld

Click here for full list of Committee membership

Report - Tabled 12 August 2004

Government response (PDF 1076KB)

For further information