Government Senators' Additional Comments

Government Senators' Additional Comments

Government Senators opposed this inquiry as it was concerned it could be used as a platform for anti-industry attacks.

Government Senators note the Tasmanian Labor Party did not support this inquiry.

Government Senators consider there are appropriate systems and regulatory frameworks in place to support real-time responsive management of the fin-fish aquaculture industry in Tasmania. Government Senators further note evidence of strong environmental sustainability credentials, the socio-economic benefits of the industry, and the success of industry self-regulation in managing environmental impacts.

Government Senators express their disappointment that despite clear evidence of appropriate systems and regulations in place for the fin-fish industry, the industry has been obliged to expend further resources defending its environmental record during this inquiry.

Government Senators note the Australian Government seeks to reduce regulatory burdens on industry, and specifically that current systems and processes in place for the fin-fish industry in Tasmania allow for community consultation. Government Senators therefore do not support Recommendation 2.

Government Senators observe that decisions regarding the allocation of resources by the Tasmanian Government do not fall within the scope of this inquiry's terms of reference; the allocation of resources is complex and not a matter for the Commonwealth. Government Senators therefore do not support Recommendation 3.

Recommendation 1

The Committee acknowledges the more-than-adequate management systems, and effective industry proactivity, in the sustainable management and continuous improvement of the Tasmanian fin-fish aquaculture industry.

Senator Anne Ruston                                                   Senator James McGrath
Deputy Chair                                                                 Senator for Queensland
Senator for South Australia

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