

Chapter 1 - The Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Excessive Noise from Wind Farms) Bill 2012: Background and details of the bill

[1]        Mr Steven Cooper, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 32.

[2]        Mr Jeff Parnell, correspondence to the committee, received 28 November 2012.

[3]        Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Climate Analytics (for the World Bank), Turn down the heat, November 2012, (accessed 26 November 2012).

[4]        The Renewable Energy Target replaced the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target and commenced on 1 January 2010.

[5]        Environment, Communications and the Arts Legislation Committee, Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2010 [Provisions]; Renewable Energy (Electricity)(Charge) Amendment Bill 2010 [Provisions]; Renewable Energy (Electricity)(Small-scale Technology Shortfall Charge) Amendment Bill 2010 [Provisions], June 2010, pp 1–2.

[6]        Pacific Hydro, Submission 207, p. 3.

[7]        Australian Government Response to the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee Report The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms, tabled 13 September 2012, p.2.

[8]        Clean Energy Council, Submission 165, p. 1.

[9]        Clean Energy Council, Submission 165, p. 5.

[10]      Energy Supply Association of Australia, Submission 205, p. 1.

[11]      Clean Energy Council, Submission 165, p. 3.

[12]      Queensland Government, Submission 217, p. 1.

[13]      Pacific Hydro, Submission 207, p. 2.

[14]      Infigen Energy, Submission 202, p. 2.

[15]      Energy Supply Association of Australia, Submission 205, p. 2.

[16]      Western Plains Landscape Guardians Association, Submission 131, p. 2.

[17]      Parkesbourne/Mummel Landscape Guardians Inc., Submission 50, p. 3.

[18]      Birgitta Berglund, Thomas Lindvall and Dietrich Schwela (eds.), Guidelines for Community Noise, World Health Organization, 1999, sec 4.3.1.

[19]      South Australian Government, Environment Protection Authority, Wind Farms Environmental Noise Guidelines, July 2009, p. 3.

[20]      Government of Victoria, Department of Planning and Community Development, Policy and Planning Guidelines for Development of Wind Energy Facilities in Victoria, July 2012, sec. 14, p. 45; see also Standards New Zealand Paerewa Aotearoa, Standards New Zealand FactSheet, Revised Wind Farm Noise Standards NZS 6806:2010 — Frequently Asked Questions, 26 July 2010, p. 3.

[21]      NSW Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Draft NSW Planning Guidelines Wind Farms, December 2011, p. 6.

[22]      Clean Energy Council, Submission 165 Attachment A, p. 17.

[23]      National Health and Medical Research Council, Response to adverse comment received on 12 November 2012, p. [1].

[24]      Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms, 23 June 2011, p. 25.

[25]      Dr Sarah Laurie, Chief Executive Officer, Waubra Foundation, Committee Hansard,  p. 17.

[26]      Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms, 23 June 2011, p. 25.

[27]      National Health and Medical Research Council, Submission 39, p. [1].

[28]      National Health and Medical Research Council, Snapshot of NHMRC Wind Farms and Human Health Project, available from:, accessed: 21 November 2012.

[29]      Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms, 23 June 2011, p. 3.

[30]      Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms, 23 June 2011, p. 27.

[31]      Graham Lloyd, 'Blow for wind farms as senators push probe into noise and health fears', The Australian, 24 June 2011.

[32]      Graham Lloyd, 'Blow for wind farms as senators push probe into noise and health fears', The Australian, 24 June 2011.

[33]      Australian Government Response to the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee Report The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms, tabled 13 September 2012, pp 3–4.

[34]      Australian Government Response to the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee Report The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms, tabled 13 September 2012, p. 4.

[35]      Australian Government Response to the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee Report The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms, tabled 13 September 2012, p. 4.

[36]      Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms, 23 June 2011, p. 49.

[37]      Australian Government Response to the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee Report The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms, tabled 13 September 2012, p. 5.

[38]      Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Excessive Noise from Wind Farms) Bill 2012, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 2.

[39]      Clean Energy Regulator, Volume weighted average market price for a renewable energy certificate/large-scale generation certificate, available from: <>, accessed: 21/11/2012.

[40]      Energy Australia, Submission 159, p. [3]; Energy Supply Association of Australia, Submission 205, p. 2.

[41]      Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Excessive Noise from Wind Farms) Bill 2012, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 4.

Chapter 2

[1]        Community Affairs Committee Report, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, p. 5.

[2]        Clean Energy Council, Submission 165, p. 2.

[3]        Clean Energy Council, Submission 165, Attachment 1, Sonus, Wind Farms Technical Paper, Environmental Noise, November 2010, pp. 8–10.

[4]        Mr Cooper, The Acoustic Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 30.

[5]        Professor Hansen, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 12.

[6]        Clean Energy Council, Submission 165, Attachment 1, Sonus, Wind Farms Technical Paper, Environmental Noise, November 2010, p. 44.

[7]        G. Leventhall, 'Infrasound from wind turbines: Fact, Fiction or Deception', Canadian Acoustics, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2006, p. 32.

[8]        Mr Steven Cooper, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 30.

[9]        Professor Hansen, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 10.

[10]      Pacific Hydro Australia, response to adverse comment, received on 22 November 2012, p. 1.

[11]      Community Affairs References Committee, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, p. 12.

[12]      Professor Salt, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 2.    

[13]      Professor Hansen, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 14.

[14]      Clean Energy Council, Submission 165, Attachment 1, Sonus, Wind Farms Technical Paper, Environmental Noise, November 2010, p. 10.

[15]      Mr Steven Cooper, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 33.

[16]      Mr Steven Cooper, Answer to Questions on Notice, received 25 November 2012.

[17]      Mr Jonathan Upson, Infigen Energy, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 58.

[18]      Mr Josef Tadich, Alstom Wind, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 51.

[19]      Community Affairs References Committee, The social and economic impact of rural wind farms, June 2011, p. 15.

Chapter 3 - Health

[1]        Waubra Foundation, Answers to Questions on Notice, received 23 November 2012.

[2]        Samantha Stepnell, Submission 51.

[3]        Janine Dean, Submission 174.

[4]        Enid Thomas, Submission 176.

[5]        Tony Walker, Submission 156.

[6]        Dr Adam McCarthy and Ms Rebecca Fagan, Submission 181.

[7]        See, for example, Professor Simon Chapman, Submission 185, Attachment 4.

[8]        Waubra Foundation, Submission 197, p. 3.

[9]        Professor Simon Chapman, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 47.

[10]      Clean Energy Council, There's power in wind: national snapshot, April 2012, (accessed 20 November 2012)

[11]      Professor Simon Chapman, Submission 185, pp. 2–3.

[12]      Professor Simon Chapman, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 47.

[13]      Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 26.

[14]      Steve Coleman, Submission 79.

[15]      Samantha Stepnell, Submission 51.

[16]      Louis Hughes, Submission 83.

[17]      Daniel Shepherd, David McBride, David Welch, Kim Dirks, and Erin Hill, 'Evaluating the impact of wind turbine noise on health-related quality of life', Noise & Health, Vol. 13, No. 54, 2011.

[18]      NHMRC, Wind Turbines and Health: A Rapid Review of the Evidence, July 2010, p. 4, citing E. Pederson & K. Persson Waye, 'Perception and annoyance due to wind turbine noise – a dose-response relationship', Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 116, No. 6, 2007, pp. 3460–3470.

[19]      Michael A. Nissenbaum, Jeffery J. Aramini, and Christopher D. Hanning, 'Effects of industrial wind turbine noise on sleep and health', Noise & Health, Vol. 14, No. 60, 2012, pp. 237–243; Daniel Shepherd, David McBride, David Welch, Kim Dirks, and Erin Hill, 'Evaluating the impact of wind turbine noise on health-related quality of life', Noise & Health, Vol. 13, No. 54, 2011, p. 333.

[20]      Intrinsik Environmental Services, Review of 'Nissenbaum MA, Aramini JJ, Hanning CD. Effects of industrial wind turbine noise on sleep and health', Undertaken for Canadian Wind Energy Association, 14 November 2012, provided in Infigen Energy, answers to questions on notice, received 25 November 2012.

[21]      Simon Chapman, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 49.

[22]      Correspondence from Dr Shepherd, received 19 November 2012.

[23]      Review of Shepherd et al by Fiona Crighton, University of Auckland, provided in Infigen Energy, answers to questions on notice, received 25 November 2012.

[24]      For example Professor Alec Salt, Submission 18, and Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, pp. 1–8.

[25]      Waubra Foundation, Submission 197, p. 2.

[26]      Dr Peter Trask, Submission 162.

[27]      Professor Salt, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, pp. 1–2.

[28]      Professor Salt, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, pp. 1–2.          

[29]      Correspondence from Dr Geoff Leventhall, 16 November 2012, p. 2.

[30]      Cited in Dr Leventhall's paper as: U. Landström and M. Byström, 'Infrasonic threshold levels of physiological effects', Journal of Low Frequency Noise & Vibration, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1984, pp. 167–173; U. Landström,  'Laboratory and field studies on infrasound and its effects on humans', Journal of Low Frequency Noise & Vibration, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1987, pp. 29–33.

[31]      Correspondence from Dr Geoff Leventhall, 16 November 2012, p. 2.

[32]      E. Dommes, H.C. Bauknecht, G. Scholz, Y. Rothermund, J. Hensel and R. Klingebiel, 'Auditory cortex stimulation by low frequency-tones – An fMRI study', Brain Research, Vol. 1304, 2009, pp. 129–137.

[33]      Correspondence from Dr Geoff Leventhall, 16 November 2012, p. 2.

[34]      Sarah Laurie, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 17.

[35]      Waubra Foundation, Submission 197, p. 5.

[36]      Geoff Leventhall, Peter Pelmear and Stephen Benton, A Review of published research on low frequency noise and its effects, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, London 2003, p. 8.

[37]      Geoff Leventhall, Peter Pelmear and Stephen Benton, A Review of published research on low frequency noise and its effects, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, London 2003, p. 59.

[38]      Correspondence from Dr Geoff Leventhall, 16 November 2012, p. 2.

[39]      Correspondence from Dr Geoff Leventhall, 16 November 2012, p. 3.

[40]      Correspondence from Dr Geoff Leventhall, 16 November 2012, pp. 5–6.

[41]      Correspondence from Dr Geoff Leventhall, 16 November 2012, p. 9.

[42]      Chen Yuan Huang Qibai and Hanmin Shi, 'An Investigation on the Physiological and Psychological Effects of Infrasound on Persons', Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 71–76, 2004.

[43]      Waubra Foundation, Answers to Questions on Notice, received 23 November 2012.

[44]      Peter Seligman, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 35.

[45]      Melanie Walker, Deputy CEO, Public Health Association of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 43.

[46]      Fiona Crichton, George Dodd, Gian Schmid, Greg Gamble & Keith J. Petrie, 'Can expectations produce symptoms from infrasound associated with wind turbines?', Health Psychology, forthcoming (2013).

[47]      Correspondence from Fiona Creighton, 22 November 2012 (quoting the abstract of the forthcoming paper).

[48]      Correspondence from Fiona Creighton, 22 November 2012 (quoting the abstract of the forthcoming paper).

[49]      Winfried Häuser, Ernil Hansen and Paul Enck, 'Nocebo Phenomena in Medicine', Dtsch Arztebl Int, Vol. 109, No. 26, 2012, pp. 459–65.

[50]      Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 50.

[51]      Name withheld, Submission 31.

[52]      Dianne Jackson, Submission 48.

[53]      Roger Kruse, Submission 160.

[54]      Anna Dominguez Smith, Submission 172.

[55]      Annette Allwood, Submission 178.

[56]      William Kelly, Submission 180.

[57]      Claudia Scheid, Submission 196.

[58]      Stuart and Brianna Kilsby, Submission 204.

[59]      Maria Linke, Submission 32.

[60]      Bradley Kermond, Submission 164.

[61]      Marie Burton, Submission 3.

[62]      Enid Thomas, Submission 176.

[63]      Elisabeth Jonkman, Submission 29.

[64]      Dr Tait, Doctors for the Environment Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 46.

[65]      Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, pp. 26–27.

[66]      Dr Tait, Doctors for the Environment Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 45.

[67]      Doctors for the Environment Australia and Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 23.

[68]      NHMRC, Wind Farms and Human Health Reference Group, (accessed 26 November 2012)

[69]      Peter Seligman, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 35.

Chapter 4 - Noise Regulation of wind farms

[1]        Birgitta Berglund, Thomas Lindvall and Dietrich Schwela (eds.), Guidelines for Community Noise, World Health Organization, 1999, sec 4.3.1.

[2]        Sonus Pty Ltd, Wind Farms Technical Paper, Environmental Noise, November 2010, p. 4.

[3]        Standards New Zealand Paerewa Aotearoa, Standards New Zealand FactSheet, Revised Wind Farm Noise Standards NZS 6806:2010 — Frequently Asked Questions, 26 July 2010, p. 3. Note: L90 is a measurement of the sound level exceeded for 90 per cent of the time.

[4]        Standards New Zealand Paerewa Aotearoa, Standards New Zealand FactSheet, Revised Wind Farm Noise Standards NZS 6806:2010 — Frequently Asked Questions, 26 July 2010, p. 3.

[5]        Government of Victoria, Department of Planning and Community Development, Policy and Planning Guidelines for Development of Wind Energy Facilities in Victoria, July 2012, sec. 14, p. 45.

[6]        Government of Victoria, Department of Planning and Community Development, Amendment VC82, (accessed 27 November 2012)

[7]        Government of Victoria, Department of Planning and Community Development, Amendment VC78, (accessed 27 November 2012)

[8]        Pyrenees Shire Council, Submission 211, p. 1; Mr Chris Hall, Senior Town Planner, Pyrenees Shire Council, Proof Committee Hansard , 14 November 2012, p. 22.

[9]        NSW Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Draft NSW Planning Guidelines Wind Farms, December 2011, p. 1.

[10]      NSW Government, Submission 819 to the Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry into the Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms, 2011, p. 3.

[11]      NSW Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Draft NSW Planning Guidelines Wind Farms, December 2011, p. 2.

[12]      NSW Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Draft NSW Planning Guidelines Wind Farms, December 2011, p. 6.

[13]      Sonus Pty Ltd, Wind Farms Technical Paper, Environmental Noise, November 2010, p. 45.

[14]      NSW Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Draft NSW Planning Guidelines Wind Farms, December 2011, p. 6.

[15]      NSW Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Draft NSW Planning Guidelines Wind Farms, December 2011, p. 6.

[16]      NSW Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Draft NSW Planning Guidelines Wind Farms, December 2011, p. 34.

[17]      Clare Corke and Tina Latif, Gone with the wind: planning laws blow away investment, Climate Spectator, 6 July 2012, (accessed 21 November 2012)

[18]      South Australian Government, Environment Protection Authority, Wind Farms Environmental Noise Guidelines, July 2009, p. 3.

[19]      Sonus Pty Ltd, Wind Farms Technical Paper, Environmental Noise, November 2010, p. 15.

[20]      The Hon. John Rau MP, Minister for Planning, Government of South Australia, Ministerial statement — Statewide Wind Farms DPA, 18 October 2012; The South Australian Government Gazette, Development Act 1993, Section 26(9): Statewide Wind Farms Development Plan Amendment, 18 October 2012, p. 4678.

[21]      Western Australian Government, Western Australian Planning Commission, Planning Bulletin No. 67 — Guidelines for Wind Farm Development, May 2004.

[22]      Waubra Foundation, Submission 197, p. 5.

[23]      Response to adverse comment from Dr Geoff Leventhall, 16 November 2012, p. 2.

[24]      Energy Australia, Submission 159, p. [3].

[25]      Government of Victoria, Department of Planning and Community Development, Policy and Planning Guidelines for Development of Wind Energy Facilities in Victoria, July 2012, pp. 45–46.

[26]      NSW Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Draft NSW Planning Guidelines Wind Farms, December 2011, p. 7.

[27]      NSW Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Wind Farms Compliance Audit — Frequently Asked Questions, May 2012, p. 1; see also NSW Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Conduct of Wind Farm Audits, March 2012.

[28]      Waubra Foundation, Submission 197, p. 4.

[29]      NSW Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Wind Farms Compliance Audit — Frequently Asked Questions, May 2012, p. 2.

[30]      South Australian Government, Environment Protection Authority, Wind Farms Environmental Noise Guidelines, July 2009, p. 8.

[31]      South Australian Government, Environment Protection Authority, Wind Farms Environmental Noise Guidelines, July 2009, p. 16.

[32]      Taryn Lane (Hepburn Wind), 'Compliance confirmed', October 2012, (accessed 26 November 2012).

[33]      NSW Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Wind Farms Compliance Audit — Frequently Asked Questions, May 2012, p. 3.

[34]      Answers to questions on notice from Infigen Energy, 23 November 2012.

[35]      Government of Victoria, Department of Planning and Community Development, Policy and Planning Guidelines for Development of Wind Energy Facilities in Victoria, July 2012, pp. 46–47.

[36]      Government of Victoria, Department of Planning and Community Development, Policy and Planning Guidelines for Development of Wind Energy Facilities in Victoria, July 2012, p. 47.

[37]      Government of Victoria, Department of Planning and Community Development, Policy and Planning Guidelines for Development of Wind Energy Facilities in Victoria, July 2012, p. 46.

[38]      South Australian Government, Environment Protection Authority, Wind Farms Environmental Noise Guidelines, July 2009, p. 15.

[39]      NSW Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Draft NSW Planning Guidelines Wind Farms, December 2011, pp. 38–42.

[40]      NSW Government, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Wind Farms Compliance Audit — Frequently Asked Questions, May 2012, p. 3.

[41]      Response to adverse comment from Pacific Hydro, 22 November 2012.

[42]      Hepburn Wind, Submission 215, p. [1].

[43]      Dr Andja Mitric-Andjic, Submission 141, p. 1.

[44]      Response to adverse comment from Hepburn Wind, 23 November 2012, p. [1].

[45]      Response to adverse comment from Hepburn Wind, 23 November 2012, p. [3]; see also Hepburn Wind, Submission 215, p. [4].

[46]      Emeritus Professor Colin Hansen, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 14.

[47]      Mr Steven Cooper, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, pp. 28–29.

[48]      Mr W Les Huson, Submission 216.

[49]      Waubra Foundation, Submission 197, p. 4.

[50]      Mr W Les Huson, Submission 216.

[51]      Mr Chris Hall, Senior Town Planner, Pyrenees Shire Council, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 23.

[52]      Vestas, Submission 191, p. [5].

[53]      Mr Jamie McGilp, Manager, Acciona, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 61.

[54]      Correspondence to the committee from Pacific Hydro, 22 November 2012, pp. [1–2].

[55]      Melanie Walker, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 45; Simon Chapman, Proof Committee Hansard, 14 November 2012, p. 48.

Chapter 5 - A consideration of the administrative issues in the bill

[1]        Ratch-Australia Corporation, Submission 117, p. 1.

[2]        Clean Energy Council¸ Submission 165, p. 3.

[3]        EnergyAustralia, Submission 159, p. 5.

[4]        Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 23, pp 2-3.

[5]        Conservation Council SA, Submission 198, p. 2.

[6]        Joe Hallenstein, Submission 46, p. 1.

[7]        Community for the Accurate Impact Assessment of the Dalton Power Station, Submission 167.

[8]        Energy Australia, Submission 159, p. 2.

[9]        Energy Supply Association of Australia, Submission 205, p. 2.

[10]      Clean Energy Council¸ Submission 165, p. 3.

[11]      Pacific Hydro, Submission 207, p. 3.

[12]      REpower Australia, Submission 137, p. 1.

[13]      Energy Supply Association of Australia, Submission 205, p. 2.

[14]      EnergyAustralia, Submission 159, p. 4.

[15]      Waubra Foundation, Submission 197, p. 4.

[16]      Clean Energy Council, Submission 165, pp 2–3.

[17]      Queensland Government, Submission 217.

[18]      Energy Supply Association of Australia, Submission 205, p. 2.

[19]      EnergyAustralia, Submission 159, p. 4.

[20]      Clean Energy Council, Submission 165, p. 2.

[21]      Vestas, Submission 191.

[22]      Alstom, Submission 186.

[23]      Vestas, Submission 191, p. [4].

[24]      TrustPower, Submission 208, p. 2.

[25]      EnergyAustralia, Submission 159, p. 3.

[26]      Energy Supply Association of Australia, Submission 205, p. 3.

[27]      Clean Energy Council, Submission 165, p. 3.

[28]      EnergyAustralia, Submission 159, p. 5.

[29]      Waubra Foundation, Submission 197, p. 4.

Coalition Senators’ Additional Comments

[1]        Mrs Maria Linke, Submission 32, p. 1.

[2]        Senate Community Affairs References Committee, The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms, 23 June 2011, p. 28.

[3]        Journals of the Senate, No. 74, 8 February 2012, pp. 2054–2055.

[4]        Australian Government Response to the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee Report The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms, tabled 13 September 2012, p. 4.