Public hearings and transcripts

Inquiry into the Green Loans Program

Public hearings and transcripts

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29/06/2010 Sydney, NSW (HTML format) (PDF 16KB) (PDF 600KB)

The committee has received a large number of written submissions from Home Sustainability Assessors who took part in the Green Loans Program, and has decided to hold an 'open mic' session during its public hearing to give a limited number of assessors the opportunity to give oral evidence to the committee.

Should you wish to take part in the 'open mic' session, please contact the secretariat at, who will send you a Hansard Witness Form, and once the completed form is returned, advise you whether or not you will be invited to appear.

Given the committee's time constraints, there will be a maximum of 10 assessors invited by the committee to give evidence during the 'open mic' session. Those assessors will be chosen based on the order in which their completed Hansard Witness Forms are received by the secretariat. If an assessor has been chosen to appear, they must be present at the hearing no later than 1.15pm on Tuesday, 29 June 2010 at the Portside Centre, Level 5, 207 Kent Street, Sydney.

Each assessor invited to appear before the committee during the session will be allocated 2 minutes to give a brief statement on their views, following which members of the committee may choose to ask questions of the assessor. The 2 minute timeframe will be strictly adhered to.

The session will be public, meaning that a transcript of the evidence given by assessors will be published, along with assessors' names. The names of assessors giving evidence will not be kept confidential.

Assessors invited to appear will be required to attend the hearings in person. No teleconferencing arrangements will be possible for this session.

Other assessors, as well as interested members of the public, are more than welcome to attend and observe from the public seating at the hearing, however will not be able to participate.

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committee on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818