Submissions received by the Committee

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment Bill 2013 [Provisions]

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1NSW Irrigators Council (PDF 44KB) 
2Mrs Perri Wain (PDF 8KB) 
3Ms Eloise Fisher (PDF 92KB) 
4Miss Marnie Cotton (PDF 93KB) 
5National Farmers' Federation (PDF 119KB) 
6Dr Peter Wesley-Smith (PDF 6KB) 
7Mr Alain Brousse (PDF 6KB) 
8Mr Allan Glassop (PDF 6KB) 
9Ms Frances Petrou (PDF 6KB) 
10Revd Roger Reid (PDF 6KB) 
11Name Withheld (PDF 8KB) 
12Ms Diane Davie (PDF 6KB) 
13Ms Michele Lockwood (PDF 6KB) 
14Ms Megan Jack (PDF 7KB) 
15Mr Roger Graf (PDF 7KB) 
16Ms Louise Young (PDF 96KB) 
17Chairman, Coal Seam Gas Committee, Caroona Coal Action Group (PDF 93KB) 
18Mr Keith Bale (PDF 5KB) 
19Rivers SOS Alliance (PDF 94KB) 
20Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (PDF 4653KB) 
21Ms Teresa Heal (PDF 93KB) 
22Ms Dolores Neilley (PDF 94KB) 
23Name Withheld (PDF 20KB) 
24Mrs Moyra Burke-Smith (PDF 4KB) 
25Lock the Gate Alliance (PDF 63KB) 
26Mr Simon Chance (PDF 99KB) 
27Mr Steve Smith and Ms Kristie Lucas (PDF 4KB) 
28Caroona Coal Action Group Inc (PDF 375KB) 
29Councillor Vanessa Ekins (PDF 95KB) 
30Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition Inc (PDF 131KB) 
31Ms Patricia Mann (PDF 97KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 15KB) 
32Barrington-Gloucester-Stroud Preservation Alliance (PDF 114KB) 
33Ms Aina Ranke (PDF 100KB) 
34Humane Society International (PDF 112KB) 
35Mr Michael Gudgeon (PDF 7KB) 
36Conservation Council of WA (PDF 476KB) 
37Ms Joanna Gardner (PDF 5KB) 
38Santos Ltd (PDF 2031KB) 
39Mr Michael Daly (PDF 90KB) 
40The Wilderness Society Newcastle (PDF 58KB) 
41NSW Farmers (PDF 1261KB) 
42Nature Conservation Society of South Australia (PDF 205KB) 
43Sydney Food Fairness Alliance (PDF 326KB) 
44GE (PDF 107KB) 
45Nature Conservation Council of NSW (PDF 121KB) 
46Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices Inc (PDF 349KB) 
47Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (PDF 464KB) 
48Business Council of Australia (PDF 153KB) 
49Ms Marion McClelland (PDF 37KB) 
50Mr Kasper Hagen (PDF 34KB) 
51Name Withheld (PDF 53KB) 
52Name Withheld (PDF 19KB) 
53Name Withheld (PDF 33KB) 
54Ms Vicki Godfrey (PDF 51KB) 
55Name Withheld (PDF 15KB) 
56Ms Alice Nagy (PDF 41KB) 
57Name Withheld (PDF 43KB) 
59Name Withheld (PDF 947KB) 
60Name Withheld (PDF 48KB) Attachment 1(PDF 233KB) Attachment 2(PDF 147KB) 
61Name Withheld (PDF 171KB) 
62Ms Eleanor Smith (PDF 87KB) 
63Mr Julian Beaman (PDF 101KB) 
64Ms Tara Blackman (PDF 42KB) 
65Ms Lisa Wray (PDF 18KB) 
66Name Withheld (PDF 56KB) 
67Mr Anthony Poutsma (PDF 36KB) 
68Ms Mary Lyons-Buckett (PDF 35KB) 
69Name Withheld (PDF 9KB) 
70Mr Gary Patton (PDF 61KB) 
71Name Withheld (PDF 31KB) 
72Mstr Marcus Kuhn (PDF 47KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 27KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 50KB) 
73Mr Blair Maxwell (PDF 31KB) 
74Dr Rosemary Webb (PDF 55KB) 
75Dr Pauline Roberts (PDF 49KB) 
76Name Withheld (PDF 37KB) 
77Mr John Heaton (PDF 61KB) 
78Dr Clement Stanyon (PDF 69KB) 
79Ms Susanne Hopfner (PDF 110KB) 
80Ms Vivien Langford (PDF 18KB) 
81Name Withheld (PDF 49KB) 
82Name Withheld (PDF 55KB) Attachment 1(PDF 106KB) 
83Mrs Jane Stevenson (PDF 34KB) 
84Ms Annie Kia (PDF 39KB) 
85Ms Emma Murphy (PDF 98KB) 
86Mrs Diane Call (PDF 33KB) 
87Mrs Anne Hodgson (PDF 103KB) 
88Mr Anthony Gleeson (PDF 50KB) 
89Ms Beverley Crossley (PDF 8KB) 
90Mr Mick Barker (PDF 33KB) 
91Ms Frances Fagan (PDF 45KB) 
92Mr Wallace Warden (PDF 32KB) 
93Ms Petra Liverani (PDF 32KB) 
94Ms Susan Russell (PDF 13KB) 
95Ms Deborah Noyce (PDF 91KB) 
96Name Withheld (PDF 45KB) 
97Ms Julia Hall (PDF 18KB) 
98Mr Alan and Mrs Ruth Genders (PDF 30KB) 
99Ms Jill Adams (PDF 36KB) 
100Ms Marilyn Scott (PDF 12KB) 
101Ms Danielle Carlisle (PDF 17KB) 
102Ms Claire McKinnon (PDF 49KB) 
103Ms Jenny Moore (PDF 35KB) 
104Ms Lorraine Vass (PDF 12KB) 
105Mrs Jennifer O'Neill (PDF 32KB) 
106Mr Richard Vaughan (PDF 32KB) 
107Ms Catherine Woolnough (PDF 33KB) 
108Ms Michelle Fisher (PDF 14KB) 
109Ms Vivian Spadaro (PDF 35KB) 
110Ms Julie McCarthy (PDF 41KB) 
111Name Withheld (PDF 25KB) 
112Ms Jillian Reid (PDF 33KB) 
113Name Withheld (PDF 55KB) 
114Miss Johanna Evans (PDF 95KB) 
115MS Megan James (PDF 30KB) 
116Mr Jack Claff (PDF 18KB) 
117Ms Barbara Edmunds (PDF 36KB) 
118Mr Paul McGannon (PDF 8KB) 
119Ms Amanda Bennett (PDF 37KB) 
120Name Withheld (PDF 51KB) 
121Name Withheld (PDF 186KB) 
122Name Withheld (PDF 55KB) 
123Ms Barbara Thomas (PDF 42KB) 
124Mrs Glynnis Brown (PDF 41KB) 
125Mr Sean Corrigan (PDF 37KB) 
126Ms Susan Disney (PDF 11KB) 
127Mr Brendan Shoebridge (PDF 41KB) 
128Mr John Llewellyn (PDF 39KB) 
129Mr David M Palmer (PDF 34KB) 
130Ms Fiona Sim (PDF 15KB) 
131Ms Jenny Chester (PDF 48KB) 
132Mr Scott Walters (PDF 39KB) 
133Ms Nanette Nicholson (PDF 33KB) 
134Dr Gerald McCalden (PDF 30KB) 
135Ms Sharon Shostak (PDF 33KB) 
136Ms Dianne Ellis (PDF 31KB) 
137Ms Leanne Sheppard (PDF 32KB) 
138Mrs M Norman (PDF 32KB) 
139Mr Ross Phillips (PDF 35KB) 
140Mr Mark Rich (PDF 36KB) 
141Ms Diane Evers (PDF 31KB) 
142Dr Geralyn McCarron (PDF 61KB) 
143Mr David Hauseman (PDF 32KB) 
144Mr Adam Aitken (PDF 32KB) 
145Ms Tess de Quincey (PDF 35KB) 
146Mr Colin Duncan (PDF 42KB) 
147Mrs Amala Boumans (PDF 34KB) 
148Ms Judi Summers (PDF 42KB) 
149Mr Guy Sim (PDF 36KB) 
150Ms Shaunti Sun  (PDF 32KB) 
151Mrs Donella Peters (PDF 42KB) 
152Ms Narelle Jarvis (PDF 32KB) 
153Ms Solveig Larsen (PDF 35KB) 
154Mrs Denise Gilbert (PDF 37KB) 
155Mrs Louise Somerville (PDF 40KB) 
156Ms Jesse Curmi (PDF 35KB) 
157Ms Susan Stock (PDF 42KB) 
158Ms Gabrielle O'Shannessy (PDF 58KB) 
159Mr Christopher Aitchison (PDF 162KB) 
160Name Withheld (PDF 46KB) 
161Mr Alan Graham (PDF 30KB) 
162Mr Jeremy Engel (PDF 30KB) 
163Name Withheld (PDF 72KB) Attachment 1(PDF 215KB) 
164Mr Peter Moloney (PDF 19KB) 
165Ms Astrid Sweeney (PDF 56KB) 
166Name Withheld (PDF 928KB) 
167Name Withheld (PDF 16KB) 
168Mr Brian Feeney (PDF 31KB) 
169Mr Walter Lampe (PDF 13KB) 
170Dr Chris James (PDF 7KB) 
171Ms Denise Ewin (PDF 13KB) 
172Ms Aroha Watson (PDF 90KB) 
173Ms Judith Deucker (PDF 8KB) 
174Ms Michele Lalor (PDF 29KB) 
175Ms Tania Hibbert (PDF 47KB) 
176Name Withheld (PDF 26KB) 
177Mrs Clare Heaton (PDF 32KB) 
178Mrs Jacqui Hastings (PDF 77KB) 
179Ms Elizabeth Ryan (PDF 14KB) 
180Name Withheld (PDF 22KB) 
181Ms Jacquelyn Maree Harris (PDF 32KB) 
182Ms Melody Popple (PDF 15KB) 
183Mr Brett Sanders (PDF 33KB) 
184Ms Michelle Lowe (PDF 9KB) 
185Ms Jasmine Scheidler (PDF 31KB) 
186Ms Caroline McDougall (PDF 31KB) 
187Ms Karen Hoinville (PDF 33KB) 
188Mr Alan Nurthen (PDF 31KB) 
189Mrs Colleen C (PDF 31KB) 
190Ms Jodie Karaitiana (PDF 32KB) 
191Mr Duncan Dey (PDF 12KB) 
192Mrs Sharyn Proctor (PDF 34KB) 
193Mr Nigel Greenup (PDF 31KB) 
194Mrs Prudence Woods (PDF 32KB) 
195Mrs Ruth Nielsen (PDF 31KB) 
196Mr Douglas Bryce (PDF 29KB) 
197Ms Barbara Groom (PDF 31KB) 
198Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF 427KB) 
199Cotton Australia Limited (PDF 1472KB) 
200NSW Minerals Council (PDF 6083KB) 
201Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (PDF 161KB) 
202AGL Energy (PDF 191KB) 
203Shell Development (Australia) Proprietary Limited (PDF 150KB) 
204Ms Melanie Gates-Manar (PDF 33KB) 
205Mr Andre Munckton (PDF 31KB) 
206Name Withheld (PDF 12KB) 
207Ms Roz Cheney (PDF 30KB) 
208Mr Darren Holmes (PDF 30KB) 
209Dr Tracie Hendriks (PDF 42KB) 
210Ms Sue Wilmott (PDF 12KB) 
211Miss Sarah Gaskin (PDF 54KB) 
212Mrs Jo Deller (PDF 31KB) 
213Mrs Pam Pike (PDF 31KB) 
214Ms Lisa Norman (PDF 37KB) 
215Andrew and Helen Strang (PDF 1050KB) 
216Ms Anne Picot (PDF 38KB) 
217Ms Amanda Albury (PDF 9KB) 
218Name Withheld (PDF 18KB) 
219Mr James Richardson (PDF 53KB) 
220Mr Denis Wilson (PDF 8KB) 
221Ms Sarah Luckie (PDF 101KB) 
222Minerals Council of Australia (PDF 356KB) 
223Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (PDF 124KB) 
224Australian Coal Association Limited (PDF 279KB) 
225Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation (PDF 726KB) 
226Arrow Energy Pty Ltd (PDF 870KB) 
227BirdLife Australia (PDF 184KB) 
228QGC  (PDF 6681KB) 
229BHP Billiton (PDF 30KB) 
230Name Withheld (PDF 59KB) 
231Mr Rob Higgins (PDF 26KB) 
232Conservation Council of South Australia (PDF 201KB) 
233Ms Sharon Wilkinson (PDF 79KB) 
234Namoi Water (PDF 88KB) 
235Mr Jeffrey Kite (PDF 172KB) 
236Dr Chris McGrath (PDF 916KB) 

Form Letters Received

1Form letter A - 76 people submitted letter.(PDF 17KB) 
2Form letter B - Three people submitted this letter.(PDF 15KB) 

Additional Information Received

1North West Alliance (incorporating Inland Council for the Environment) - Additional information received following public hearing, Sydney, 17 April 2013(PDF 2211KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1New South Wales Irrigators Council - Answer to a written question taken on notice from Senator McKenzie (from public hearing, Sydney, 17 April 2013)(PDF 57KB) 
2New South Wales Farmers - Answer to a written question taken on notice from Senator McKenzie (from public hearing, Sydney, 17 April 2013)(PDF 41KB) 
3Dr Gavin Mudd - Answers to written questions on notice (from public hearing, Canberra, 18 April 2013)(PDF 11KB) 
4New South Wales Irrigators Council - Answer to a further written question taken on notice from Senator McKenzie (from public hearing, Sydney, 17 April 2013)(PDF 3KB) 
5New South Wales Farmers - Answer to a further written question taken on notice from Senator McKenzie (from public hearing, Sydney, 17 April 2013)(PDF 4KB) 
6Nature Conservation Council of NSW - Answer to a question taken on notice from Senator McKenzie (from public hearing, Sydney, 17 April 2013)(PDF 2608KB) 
7Nature Conservation Council of NSW - An answer to a written question on notice from Senator McKenzie (from public hearing, Sydney, 17 April 2013)(PDF 1874KB) 
8Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices Inc - Answers to questions taken on notice (from public hearing, Sydney, 17 April 2013)(PDF 466KB) 
9Australian Coal Association - Answer to a question taken on notice (from public hearing, Sydney, 17 April 2013)(PDF 81KB) 
10Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities - Answers to written questions taken on notice(PDF 705KB) 
11Independent Expert Scientific Committee - Answers to written questions taken on notice(PDF 226KB) 
12Dr Chris McGrath - Answers to written questions taken on notice from Senator McKenzie (from public hearing, Sydney, 17 April 2013)(PDF 45KB) 
13AGL Energy Limited - Answers to questions taken on notice (from public hearing, Sydney, 17 April 2013)(PDF 39KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3526
Fax:+61 2 6277 5818