Interim report - Budgetary and environmental implications of the Government's Energy White Paper

Interim report - Budgetary and environmental implications of the Government's Energy White Paper

September 2004

© Commonwealth of Australia 2004

ISBN 0 642 71445 2

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Committee membership


Senator John Cherry (AD, QLD) (Chair)
Senator John Tierney (LP, NSW) (Deputy Chair)
Senator Kate Lundy (ALP, ACT)
Senator Sue Mackay (ALP, TAS)
Senator Tsebin Tchen (LP, VIC)
Senator Penny Wong (ALP, SA)

Participating Members:

Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (LP, TAS)
Senator Lyn Allison (AD, VIC)
Senator the Hon Nick Bolkus (ALP, SA)
Senator the Hon Ron Boswell (NPA, QLD)
Senator Bob Brown (AG, TAS)
Senator Geoffrey Buckland (ALP, SA)
Senator George Campbell (ALP, NSW)
Senator Kim Carr (ALP, VIC)
Senator Grant Chapman (LP, SA)
Senator Richard Colbeck (LP, SA
Senator Stephen Conroy (ALP, VIC)
Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (LP, NSW)
Senator Alan Eggleston, (LP, WA)
Senator Christopher Evans (ALP, WA)
Senator the Hon. John Faulkner (ALP, NSW)
Senator Alan Ferguson (LP, SA)
Senator Jeannie Ferris (LP, SA)
Senator Brian Greig (AD, WA) for information technology portfolio
Senator Brian Harradine (IND, TAS)
Senator Leonard Harris (PHON, QLD)
Senator Gary Humphries (LP, ACT)
Senator Susan Knowles (LP, WA)
Senator Meg Lees (AD, SA)
Senator Brett Mason (LP, QLD)
Senator Julian McGauran (NPA, VIC)
Senator Claire Moore (ALP, QLD)
Senator Shayne Murphy (IND, TAS)
Senator Kerry Nettle (AG, NSW)
Senator Kerry O'Brien (ALP, TAS)
Senator Marise Payne (LP, NSW)
Senator Aden Ridgeway (AD, NSW) for arts portfolio
Senator John Watson (LP, TAS)

Committee Secretariat

Mr Michael McLean, Secretary
Dr Jacqueline Dewar, Senior Research Officer
Ms Jacquie Hawkins, Research Officer
Ms Hanna Allison, Executive Assistant

Committee Address

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Reference Committee
S1.57 Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Tel: 02 6277 3526
Fax: 02 6277 5818


Interim Report

Terms of reference

1. The Government released its Energy White Paper entitled Securing Australia's Energy Future on 15 June 2004. On 24 June the Senate referred the budgetary and environmental implications of the White Paper to the Committee for inquiry and report by 2 September 2004.

Interim report

2. The Committee was unable to finalise its report due to the Senate rising for the 9 October 2004 election. The Committee proposes to table a report as soon as practicable.

John Cherry