Telstra (Transition to Full Private Ownership) Bill 2003

Telstra (Transition to Full Private Ownership) Bill 2003

The Senate has referred the provisions of this bill to the Committee for inquiry and report by 30October 2003.

The bill proposes to amend the Telstra Corporation Act 1991 to provide a framework for the sale of the Government's 50.1 per cent equity in Telstra Corporation Limited, leading to full private ownership.

The Committee invites written submissions from interested individuals and organisations preferably in electronic form sent by email to The email must include full postal address and contact details.

Alternatively, submissions may be sent to The Secretary, Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Legislation Committee, Parliament House, CANBERRA ACT 2600, or faxed to 02 6277 5818.

Submissions must be received by no later than Tuesday, 23 September 2003.

The terms of the bill and related explanatory material are available via the link below and notes on preparing submissions are available on the Committee's web site at or by contacting the Committee secretariat as follows: phone:02 6277 3526, fax: 02 6277 5818 or email:

Submissions become committee documents and are made public only after a decision by the Committee. Persons making submissions must not release them without the approval of the Committee. Submissions are covered by parliamentary privilege but the unauthorised release of them is not.

Telstra (Transition to Full Private Ownership) Bill 2003

Information about the Bill


Report - Tabled 27 October 2003