List of recommendations

List of recommendations

Recommendation 1                                                                                     paragraph 2.22

The committee recommends that the Australian Government commits to maintaining stable, coherent and effective administrative arrangements for innovation policies and programs, based on a long-term strategic framework and a target to lift investment in research and development to three per cent of GDP.

Recommendation 2                                                                                     paragraph 2.32

The committee recommends the establishment of an independent government agency with a mandate to administer and coordinate innovation system policies and programs. Such a body would be responsible for maintaining a continuous and consistent approach to innovation policy across the whole of government.

Recommendation 3                                                                                     paragraph 2.48

The committee recommends that the Australian Government, as part of its long-term innovation strategy, includes policy options to address the structural and strategic barriers that inhibit innovation, including: measures to enhance collaboration and the free flow of knowledge between the university system and the private sector; increasing the size of the research and development workforce employed in industry; and ensuring that public funding to support science, research and innovation is long-term, predictable and secure. 

Recommendation 4                                                                                     paragraph 2.57

The committee recommends that the Australian Government, working in collaboration with State and Territory governments, adopt a range of measures to support the role of local and regional innovation ecosystems.

Recommendation 5                                                                                     paragraph 2.66

The committee recommends that the education system be accorded a central focus in the Australian Government's long-term innovation strategy, thereby acknowledging the central importance of the interplay between the STEM subjects and the humanities, social sciences and creative industries.

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