Appendix 1

Submissions and additional information received


Submission                 Submitter


1                                  Dr Robert Merkel

2                                  Dr David Glance

3                                  Mr Christopher Biggs

4                                  Mr Adam Gardner

5                                  Mr Michael Ryan

6                                  Ms Rebecca Flynn

7                                  Name Withheld

8                                  Australian Institute of Family Studies

9                                  Prof Ian Ring

10                                Ms Kate Galloway

11                                Name Withheld

12                                Name Withheld

13                                Mr Evan Scott

14                                Name Withheld

15                                Name Withheld

16                                Ms Annette Riley

17                                Name Withheld

18                                Name Withheld

19                                Name Withheld

20                                Name Withheld

21                                Name Withheld

22                                Mr Johann Trevaskis

23                                Mr John Denham

24                                Salinger Privacy

25                                Ms Rebecca Zuesse

26                                Executive Council of Australian Jewry

27                                Mr Gary Lord

28                                Mr Mark Colyvan

29                                Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU)

30                                Lockstep Group

31                                Special Adviser to the Prime Minister on Cyber Security

32                                ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course

33                                Dr David Lucas

34                                Institute of Public Affairs

35                                Ms Tess Deyl

36                                Name Withheld

37                                Mr Bill McLennan

38                                Australian Bureau of Statistics

39                                ID Consulting Pty Ltd

40                                School of Demography, Australian National University

41                                Dr Liz Allen

42                                Name Withheld

43                                Dr William Pettersson

44                                Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Pastoral Research Office

45                                Name Withheld

46                                Name Withheld

47                                Emeritus Professor Terence Hull

48                                Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, Monash University

49                                Name Withheld

50                                Volunteering Tasmania

51                                Digital Rights Watch

52                                Name Withheld

53                                Mr Adam Roth

54                                Australian Population Association

55                                Online Hate Prevention Institute

56                                Science Party

57                                ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods

58                                Name Withheld

59                                Name Withheld

60                                Mr Ian Brightwell

61                                Name Withheld

62                                Pirate Party Australia

63                                Department of Social Services

64                                Name Withheld

65                                Mr Justin Warren

66                                Dr Cassandra Cross

67                                Ms Kathryn Miller

68                                Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

69                                National Catholic Education Commission

70                                Interlime

71                                Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

72                                Electronic Frontiers Australia

73                                Name Withheld

74                                Australian Privacy Foundation

75                                Dr Monique Mann & Dr Matthew Rimmer

76                                Vision Australia

77                                Mr David Glynne Jones

78                                Mr Stephen Howell

79                                Ms Michelle Worthington & Mr Daniel Connolly

80                                Ms Andrea Dunlop

81                                Professor Richard Madden

82                                Confidential

83                                Confidential

84                                Confidential

85                                Ms Rosie Williams

86                                Mr Chris Henseleit

87                                IBM Australia Limited

88                                Nextgen Group Holdings Pty Ltd

89                                Vocus Communications

90                                Name Withheld

Answers to questions on notice

  1. Answers to questions on notice received from the Australian Bureau of Statistics on 21 September 2016.
  2. Answers to questions on notice received from the Australian Bureau of Statistics on 18 October 2016.
  3. Answers to questions on notice received on 7 November 2016 from the Australian Bureau of Statistics from a public hearing held in Canberra on 25 October 2016.
  4. Answers to questions on notice received from IBM Australia from a public hearing held in Canberra on 25 October 2016.

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