Additional Documents

1 PDF: Report: A fair go for all Australians: Urgent action required, by Australia21 and The Australia Institute, September 2018, from Australia21, received 6 August 2019 Report: A fair go for all Australians: Urgent action required, by Australia21 and The Australia Institute, September 2018, from Australia21, received 6 August 2019
2 PDF: Information, from Mr Marcus L'Estrange, received 16 September 2019 Information, from Mr Marcus L'Estrange, received 16 September 2019
3 PDF: Annual Wage Review 2018–19 decision and research into underemployment and the characteristics of low-paid employees, from Fair Work Commission, received 22 October 2019 Annual Wage Review 2018–19 decision and research into underemployment and the characteristics of low-paid employees, from Fair Work Commission, received 22 October 2019
4 PDF: Jobs Availability Snapshot 2019, from Anglicare Australia, received 28 October 2019 Jobs Availability Snapshot 2019, from Anglicare Australia, received 28 October 2019
5 PDF: Going Without: Financial Hardship in Australia, report, August 2012, from Anglicare Australia, received 28 October 2019 Going Without: Financial Hardship in Australia, report, August 2012, from Anglicare Australia, received 28 October 2019
6 PDF: The Cost of Privilege, research paper, March 2018, from Anglicare Australia, received 28 October 2019 The Cost of Privilege, research paper, March 2018, from Anglicare Australia, received 28 October 2019
7 PDF: The Life Experiences And Hardship Faced By Those On Newstart And Related Payments: Evidence From The 100 Families WA Study, October 2019, from Western Australian Council of Social Service, received 1 November 2019 The Life Experiences And Hardship Faced By Those On Newstart And Related Payments: Evidence From The 100 Families WA Study, October 2019, from Western Australian Council of Social Service, received 1 November 2019
8 PDF: Information on Strike It Out Inc's Burnie operations, from Strike It Out Inc, received 20 November 2019 Information on Strike It Out Inc's Burnie operations, from Strike It Out Inc, received 20 November 2019
9 PDF: Articles about IPS, from Orygen, received 29 November 2019 Articles about IPS, from Orygen, received 29 November 2019
10 PDF: Newsletter: informed, 2019 Spring, from Community Information and Support Victoria, received 5 December 2019 Newsletter: informed, 2019 Spring, from Community Information and Support Victoria, received 5 December 2019
11 PDF: Understanding Digital Inclusion in Tasmania, Report on Research Findings, from Tasmanian Council of Social Service, received 10 December 2019 Understanding Digital Inclusion in Tasmania, Report on Research Findings, from Tasmanian Council of Social Service, received 10 December 2019
12 PDF: Alternative to jobactive Employment Model: Tasmania Trial, Joint proposal from the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Tasmanian Council of Social Service, September 2018, from Tasmanian Council of Social Service, received 10 December 2019 Alternative to jobactive Employment Model: Tasmania Trial, Joint proposal from the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Tasmanian Council of Social Service, September 2018, from Tasmanian Council of Social Service, received 10 December 2019
13 PDF: Link to report: Trajectories: the interplay between mental health and housing pathways, from Mental Health Australia, received 19 February 2020 Link to report: Trajectories: the interplay between mental health and housing pathways, from Mental Health Australia, received 19 February 2020
14 PDF: Policy Costing – Increase JobSeeker Payment, from Parliamentary Budget Office, dated 17 March 2020 Policy Costing – Increase JobSeeker Payment, from Parliamentary Budget Office, dated 17 March 2020

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515

Past Public Hearings

14 Feb 2020: Canberra
20 Nov 2019: Melbourne
08 Nov 2019: Launceston


Inquiry Status

Submissions Closed


If you require any special arrangements to enable you to participate in the Committee's inquiry, please contact the Committee Secretariat.

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