Additional Documents

1 PDF: A letter regarding the review of the impairment tables, sent from the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations to Minister of Families and Social Services, Senator the Hon. Anne Ruston, 6 September 2021 A letter regarding the review of the impairment tables, sent from the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations to Minister of Families and Social Services, Senator the Hon. Anne Ruston, 6 September 2021
2 PDF: A joint letter, received from People with Disability Australia and Economic Justice Australia, 6 September 2021 A joint letter, received from People with Disability Australia and Economic Justice Australia, 6 September 2021
3 PDF: A de-identified case study, submitted by People with Disability Australia and the Anti-Poverty Centre, 6 September 2021 A de-identified case study, submitted by People with Disability Australia and the Anti-Poverty Centre, 6 September 2021
4 PDF: Report on Barriers To Disability Support Pension Access For People With Psychiatric Impairments And Their Experiences On Jobseeker Payment, submitted by Economic Justice Australia, 6 September 2021 Report on Barriers To Disability Support Pension Access For People With Psychiatric Impairments And Their Experiences On Jobseeker Payment, submitted by Economic Justice Australia, 6 September 2021
5 PDF: Submission to the review of the impairment tables, received from Economic Justice Australia, 6 September 2021 Submission to the review of the impairment tables, received from Economic Justice Australia, 6 September 2021
6 PDF: Research paper on Work Disability in Australia: An Overview of Prevalence, Expenditure, Support Systems and Services Research paper on Work Disability in Australia: An Overview of Prevalence, Expenditure, Support Systems and Services
7 PDF: Research paper on Changes in Access to Australian Disability Support Benefits During a Period of Social Welfare Reform Research paper on Changes in Access to Australian Disability Support Benefits During a Period of Social Welfare Reform

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515

Past Public Hearings

16 Nov 2021: Canberra
01 Nov 2021: Canberra
11 Oct 2021: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Report tabled


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