Country brief[1]
Vanuatu is an archipelagic nation of 83 islands, extending over 1,000
kilometres in a north-south direction between the equator and the tropic of
Capricorn. Vanuatu has a small, dispersed, predominantly rural and culturally
diverse population of approximately 250,000 people. Around 70 per cent live in
rural areas on 65 of the 83 islands. Formerly known as the New Hebrides,
Vanuatu was governed jointly by British and French administrations, in an
arrangement known as the Condominium, before attaining independence on 30 July
1980. The country has six provinces (Torba, Sanma, Penama, Malampa, Shefa and
Tafea) with limited administrative authority.
Political system
Vanuatu has a unicameral 52-member parliament, elected to a four-year
term. The President of the Republic is elected for a five-year term through
secret ballot by an electoral college comprising the members of parliament and
the presidents of the six provincial governments. The current President, Iolu
Johnson Abbil, was elected in September 2009. The Prime Minister is elected by
parliament from among its members by secret ballot.
Vanuatu is the only Pacific country with multi-member electorates. The
proliferation of political parties is seen, by some, as one reason for persistent
political instability. Until about 1991 the main political divide in Vanuatu
was between Anglophones and Francophones, respectively represented by the
Vanua’aku Pati (VP) and United Moderates Party (UMP). During the last decade,
parties have been splintering over policy and, more often, personality
differences, in a manner more typical of other Melanesian countries like Papua
New Guinea and Solomon Islands. Recent efforts to try and reunify each of the
two sides, ostensibly to encourage greater political stability, have yet to
play out fully.
The most recent parliamentary elections were held on 30 October 2012. Sixteen
political parties and four independents won seats. The largest party (VP) led
by Edward Natapei won only eight of the 52 seats. At the first sitting of the
new parliament, held on 19 November 2012, Meltek Sato Kilman Livtuvanu
(People’s Progressive Party) was re-elected prime minister to lead a coalition
government. But Kilman resigned ahead of a parliamentary no-confidence motion
and on 23 March 2013, Prime Minister Moana Carcasses Katokai Kalosil (Green
Confederation), was elected. Carcasses held a small, unwieldy coalition
majority but faced opposition over a number of decisions, including a US$350
million airport concession agreement. Three unsuccessful no-confidence motions were
lodged against the Prime Minister in 2013 and 2014. One was rejected by the
Speaker in July 2013, one was withdrawn by the Opposition in December 2013 and
one was defeated by the Government in February 2014. However, a fourth
no-confidence motion was successful in May 2014 when Prime Minister Carcasses was
replaced by Joe Natuman as Prime Minister.
Australia's relationship with Vanuatu
Australia is Vanuatu’s closest security partner, its largest aid donor
and an important trade and investment partner. Australian investment in Vanuatu
is estimated at $147 million, primarily in banking and in services sectors,
such as tourism. Australian business interests in Vanuatu include Westpac, ANZ
and cruise-ship operator Carnival Australia. Vanuatu has an active off-shore
finance centre in which a number of Australian lawyers and accountants participate,
taking advantage of the country’s status as a tax haven. Two-thirds of
long-stay tourists to Vanuatu and almost all cruise ship passengers are
Australian. Former Prime Minister Carcasses visited Sydney in July 2013 to
witness the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Carnival Australia
and the Australian Government to provide training and business development
opportunities in Vanuatu (and PNG).
People-to-people links are strong: there is a large resident population
of Australians (approximately 3000). According to the 2011 census, the number
of people in Australia of ni-Vanuatu ancestry is 705. Australia has a high
commission in Port Vila, and the Vanuatu Government established a high
commission in Canberra in March 2012.
Issues discussed in detail
Development assistance: overview
The Government of Vanuatu relies heavily on Australia’s development assistance.
Australian aid (which is proposed at $62.2 million in 2013-14) accounts for
over 60 per cent of all grant aid flows to Vanuatu (excluding non-traditional
donors such as China and Russia), and roughly 30 per cent of total public
spending. Overall, Vanuatu’s progress on achieving the Millennium Development
Goals has been mixed. Vanuatu is on-track to achieve two of seven goals
(reducing child mortality, and combatting HIV/AIDS, malaria and other
diseases). Vanuatu is ranked 124 out of 187 on the UN’s Human Development
The committee is pleased to note that Australia's development assistance
to Vanuatu is continuing to make a number of positive contributions, including:
providing greater access to basic education in Vanuatu through
contribution to school grants (boosting primary school enrolments by seven per
cent between 2009 and 2011). In 2012, Australia trained 312 teachers and
delivered 43,384 textbooks to primary schools;
supporting Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
to provide relevant skills for sustainable economic growth. Australia's TVET
Program has been successful in raising incomes and stimulating economic
development in sectors such as tourism, fisheries and agriculture. A 2012
evaluation of the program identified that, in participating communities,
household incomes increased an average of 26 per cent relative to communities
that did not participate. The TVET Program began in 2009, and the third phase
started in March 2014;
helping the Vanuatu Government to expand immunisation coverage,
train health workers, improve health planning and eliminate malaria in some
areas. With Australian support, malaria prevalence has dropped by around 80 per
cent between 2007 and 2014;
helping fix and maintain 137 kilometres of rural roads in
Vanuatu, which has increased economic development and access to essential
services in remote areas; and
assisting the Vanuatu Government to improve its economic
governance and public financial management. For example, Value-Added Tax collections
exceeded the October 2012 target by 34 per cent, and major national procurement
reforms are underway.
A key objective of the visit was for the committee to gain a greater
understanding of how Australia's development assistance to Vanuatu is contributing
to improved political governance, economic growth, education, health and
infrastructure in Port Vila and its peri-urban environment and in the outer
islands. During a two-day program the committee had an opportunity to discuss aid-related
issues with a range of partners including members of the Vanuatu Government,
civil society organisations and the private sector in Port Vila, and in
Luganville and Port Olry on the island of Santo.

committee with the Honourable Philip Boedoro, Speaker of Parliament,
Parliament of Vanuatu
Technical and Vocational Education
and Training
An important part of the committee's visit to Vanuatu was a day-long
visit to the northern island of Santo where the committee was able to observe
first-hand how Australia's aid is contributing to Vanuatu's Technical and
Vocational Educational and Training (TVET) sector. Vanuatu's TVET sector
provides education, training and learning activities in agribusiness, tourism,
fisheries, forestry, manufacturing, trades and services. This training provides
local communities with knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant for employment or
There are currently three TVET centres in Vanuatu: in Sanma, Malampa and
Torba provinces. They facilitate training accredited by the Vanuatu National Training
Council and small business coaching services that are both flexible and
accessible. A particular focus is ensuring the participation of women and
people with disabilities. They are sometimes described as a 'one-stop-shop'
providing a range of skill development services including accredited training,
business development services, training provided support services and IT
services. Since 2009 there have been in excess of 6000 trainees participating
in TVET programs, including 2400 women, 150 trainers and 125 people with a
disability. Approximately 90 per cent of self-employed trainees increase their
profit as a result of their training.
The Sanma centre, established under the Australian-aid-funded TVET
Program in 2008 in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Training,
coordinates skill development services that respond to the demands of the
productive sectors and local industry. The centre works with representatives
from priority sectors and small business (tourism, agriculture, trades) to identify
skill gaps. It liaises with local training providers and industry experts to
provide an appropriate training and/or coaching response for target groups and
individuals. The centre also supports these clients with follow-up and iterative
training services.
The centre runs two types of program: an employment training fund and
business development service. The committee was told that various types of
training are provided to assist with capacity building to improve service
delivery: fabric painting, basic literacy and numeracy, and business management
and tourism to assist with the sale of local products.
The committee received briefings from the Centre Manager and other
clients about their experiences and the benefits they have gained from
participating in TVET programs. The committee was particularly encouraged to
learn how the TVET programs are delivering real benefits for local communities.
These include using role models and experience to coach and mentor, encouraging
couples to attend training, and providing assistance to trainers to develop action
plans and follow-up after three to six months.
The committee received an interesting briefing from a representative of
one of Luganville's most popular and successful tourist attractions, the one-day
Millennium Cave Tour, which has been a beneficiary of the TVET system.
The tour offers participants a varied experience of rainforest walks, dark
caves, a canyon swim and a climb out of the canyon on a 'rickety ladder'. A key
to the company's success is the level of training provided to staff in areas as
varied as tour guiding to book keeping. Over the previous three years the
company has become a licenced and certified operator, has opened a reservations
office and has increased visitor numbers from under 1000 to nearly 4000 each
Based on the proven success of the TVET Centre model to raise incomes
and productivity levels for its clients, the Ministry of Education has now
formally integrated the provincial TVET Centres within its institutional
Economic issues
Infrastructure and private sector
The committee was advised that access to finance from the local banking
sector is difficult due to high interest rates. The committee was interested in
whether there were alternative models for micro and small business receiving
assistance from local financial service providers. The committee was told that
the local banks are extending their reach in Vanuatu and promoting financial
products including in the remote areas and outer islands
Investment in infrastructure and roads are considered priorities of the
Vanuatu Government. Australian aid contributes to Vanuatu's Roads for
Development Program which is focusing on the restoration and maintenance of
rural roads to increase economic development opportunities and access to
essential services. Australia is also contributing $31 million to the Port Vila
Urban Development Project which will upgrade 22 kilometres or roads, fix
stormwater drainage to prevent flooding, and improve pedestrian crossing and
footpaths and sanitation and hygiene facilities.
In a briefing with former Deputy Prime Minister Natapei, a number of
issues were discussed including infrastructure development, Australian
nationals investing in Vanuatu, opportunities to partner with local business
and export opportunities, and development of a new international airport in
Port Vila. The committee also discussed how the traditional land-ownership
system in Vanuatu assists and hinders commercial ventures involving overseas
companies wanting to purchase or lease large tracts of land.
Seasonal Worker Program
Vanuatu's participation in the Seasonal Worker Program (SWP) and the
importance of remittances was raised during the committee's visit. During
2012-13, 119 seasonal workers were recruited by Australian employers and 185
seasonal workers recruited to 31 March this year.
Vanuatu has the largest percentage of women participants under the
seasonal workers program and the second-largest number of visa grants (after
Tonga). There are currently 10 licensed agents operating in Vanuatu. Seasonal
workers from Vanuatu to be recruited to work later this year in Koo Wee Rup,
Victoria, to harvest asparagus will have the opportunity to participate in the
Australian Government’s add-on skills training program and may receive training
in basic IT, first aid, and English numeracy and literacy.
The SWP commenced on 1 July 2012, building on the experience and
findings of the Pacific Seasonal Worker Pilot Scheme. The objective of the SWP
is to contribute to the economic development of participating Pacific Island
countries and Timor-Leste. Outcomes are driven by employer demand for seasonal
labour, and workers' employment experience, skills/knowledge transfer and
remittances. The findings of an evaluation conducted during the Pilot
found that an average seasonal worker could earn $12,000 and remit between
$5000 and $6000 over a six month job placement. This far exceeds the per-capita
income of most Pacific countries.
The SWP includes a program in horticulture and a small scale three year
trial (to 30 June 2015) in the accommodation, aquaculture, cane and cotton
sectors. From 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2016, up to 12,000 places are
available to employers who may recruit seasonal workers from nine partner
countries (Timor-Leste, Nauru, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon
Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu). The SWP allows workers from participating
countries to undertake between 14 weeks’ and six months' work with Australian
employers who can demonstrate an unmet demand for low-skilled labour. Take-up
of the SWP is demand-driven by Australian employers who are able to choose the
participating countries from which they wish to recruit.
The SWP progressed well in its first year to 30 June 2013, and 1454 (90
per cent) of the 1600 places available to horticulture employers were filled. All
2000 places available to horticulture employers this year (2013-14) are likely
to be utilised. Take up in the trial sectors has been low, particularly in the
cane, cotton and aquaculture sectors. The accommodation sector trial is
building with businesses in Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Far
North Queensland and the Whitsundays region taking part.
Social Issues
Gender and social issues
The committee's Vanuatu program began with a briefing by the High
Commission's Development Cooperation Counsellor on the main social, economic
and political challenges facing Vanuatu. It was revealed that:
40 per cent of the population is under 15 years of age (high
youth unemployment and development of a large peri-urban fringe, especially in
Port Vila);
low education levels (only six percent tertiary and seven per
cent secondary); not a large pool of experience and talent to draw from; and
health issues include low rates of child immunisation; limited
access to health facilities such as doctors, nurses and dentists; and underage
The committee was alarmed by published statistics on domestic violence and
violence against women and children. These are major social problems in Vanuatu.
A 2011 study on violence against women in Vanuatu conducted by the Vanuatu
Women's Centre in partnership with the National Statistics Office, found that
60 per cent of women experience physical and/or sexual violence in their
lifetime by husbands and partners.[2]
The study also found that:
90 per cent of the women experienced severe physical violence;
one in four women experienced physical violence by non-partners
over a fifteen year period;
one in three women experienced child sexual abuse under the age
of 15, and sexual violence over the age of 15;
violence caused injuries for many women with approximately 20 per
cent experiencing a permanent disability;
physical and sexual violence caused mental health problems,
including attempted suicide, and disrupted women's work and daily living.
The issues of domestic violence and violence against women in Vanuatu,
including measures to reduce the level of violence, were discussed in a
briefing provided to the committee by officers from New Zealand's Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Trade in Wellington on 8 May. The discussion acknowledged
that domestic violence in Vanuatu is a multi-faceted social problem and raised
a number of issues, including:
domestic violence against women is the number one crime across
the Pacific region and should therefore be integrated in to police programs;
up to 50 per cent of detainees in Vanuatu jails have been
convicted of so-called 'moral crimes', usually involving violence and/or sexual
offences against women and children;
ways to engage the local churches and church leaders;
the importance of education, economic opportunity and
independence, and political mobilisation as factors to address violence against
women; and
traditional cultures are prone to domestic violence when exposed
to rapid urbanisation, land acquisition and resource development projects,
often resulting in social dislocation.
These gender issues are not confined to Vanuatu but represent a
significant challenge across the Pacific region. Women comprise less than four
per cent of parliamentarians compared with the global average of approximately
20 per cent. Women occupy a third of formal sector jobs and men earn 20 to 50
per cent more than women.
The committee notes that the Australian Government is supporting an
ambitious ten-year $320 million program, Pacific Women Shaping Pacific
development, which aims to improve political, economic and social opportunities
for Pacific women in 14 countries
One specific area of concern for the committee is the absence of
female women representation in the Vanuatu parliament, and the lack of women in
leadership positions more generally. From 1980 to 2012, only six women, or 1.4
per cent of members, have been elected to the Vanuatu parliament. In 2012, 17 women candidates
contested the 52 seats but none was elected. Of the 91 municipal-level
councillors elected since 1993, eight women have been elected. Following an
initiative of the Carcasses government, the Vanuatu parliament recently gave
approval for Port Vila Municipal Council to reserve 30 per cent women’s
representation at its Port Vila elections in January 2014. Five women were
The committee notes that Australia continues to support women’s
empowerment through a number of practical measures including:
the Pacific Leadership Program—helping the Department of Women’s
Affairs to develop and implement a three-year plan on reserved seats for women
at municipal elections;
supporting TVET Centres to target the skills development needs of
rural women; and
support of around $1 million annually for the Vanuatu Women’s
Centre (VWC) to provide counselling, community education and legal services for
victims of gender-based violence. The VWC is the only national provider of
services to women experiencing (or at risk of) violence.
Vanuatu College of Nursing
Education and Vila Central Hospital
The committee was fortunate to have an opportunity to inspect the
Vanuatu College of Nursing Education (VCNE), completed in 2009, and Port Vila's
Central Hospital (VCH) and related facilities. The main aim of the visit was
for the committee to experience first-hand the level of health services
currently provided to the Vanuatu community, how Australian aid is contributing
to patient care at VCH and Vanuatu's health sector, and ongoing challenges of
health service delivery in Vanuatu. The committee inspected a new facility to
accommodate the College on the grounds of Vila central Hospital. The facility
was jointly funded by the Australian and French Governments and has classrooms,
demonstration/practice rooms, a library and office space.
In recent years, Australia has worked closely with Vanuatu's Ministry of
Health and the VCNE to improve the quality of nurse training in Vanuatu. The
VCNE currently enrols up to 105 students in a Diploma of Nursing with nearly 40
new students enrolling each year. Currently, 25 students each year graduate as
registered nurses from the three year nursing program. A new curriculum for
training nurses was developed in 2012 combining basic midwifery and nursing
skills. The new curriculum was developed in response to the need for
multi-skilled specialist nurses in rural and remote health centres. Students
are required to pay the equivalent of $A200 each year with approximately 30
students receiving performance-based scholarships which are supported by
Australia. There is a 70 to 80 per cent completion rate.
In addition to nurse training, the committee inspected the Vila Central
Hospital to gain a deeper understanding of how Australia has been supporting
Vanuatu's health sector over the previous 10 to 15 years. Currently there are
eight Australian Government funded specialists employed at VCH supporting local
doctors in key areas including surgery, anaesthesiology and paediatrics.
Australia's support to paediatrics is currently providing the only
fully-qualified paediatrician for Vanuatu's 165,000 children.
The committee also briefly visited the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
within the hospital's maternity ward, which was established in 2012 with
funding support from the Australian Government. Australia's support enabled the
purchase of four high-quality incubators and the renovation of a hygienic
working space.
The committee notes two additional recent developments within the
hospital precinct which have benefited from Australian aid funding: development
of new oxygen plants and refurbishment of the Central Medical Stores. In 2013, Australia
funded two new oxygen plants for the main referral hospitals in the northern
and southern provinces—one in the capital Port Vila, and the other in
Luganville, Santo. Each plant will have a design life of 20 years without the
need for major refurbishment. Australia also provided technical assistance to
the Vanuatu Ministry of Health to procure and install two oxygen plants and
train personnel in their use. The new oxygen plants will ensure
self-sufficiency in the production of quality medical gases in the event of a
natural disaster.
The committee is very pleased to learn that although each oxygen
facility will cost approximately AU$40,000 each year to operate, budget savings
for the Ministry of Health will be in the order of $240,000, a very significant
overall saving relative to the ministry’s total budget.
As recently as 2013, the Australian Government funded the refurbishment
of the Central Medical Stores at VCH and four provincial pharmacies to increase
the total pharmaceutical and medical supply storage capacity. A satellite
medical store has also been co-located with the Northern District Hospital in Luganville,
Santo, to separate pharmaceutical supplies to ensure a timely response to
orders from the Northern provinces.
The Australian Government, through the Department of Foreign Affairs and
Trade, supports the Central Medical Stores in a number of other ways. Financial
support is provided for an electronic inventory and stock control module
linking provincial hospital pharmacies, and for testing services for
pharmaceuticals in Australia to ensure receipt of quality product. It is
expected that A$300,000 will be available in 2014 for infrastructure projects
and support arrangements relating to the Central Medical Stores
The committee appreciates the importance and timeliness of these
measures to ensure that pre-positioned medical supplies are available to authorities
to provide good medical care, especially to victims of natural disasters.
Vanuatu is Australia’s 43rd largest inbound market by
arrivals. In 2012-13, there were 10,200 visitors to Australia from Vanuatu, a
decrease of 1.9 per cent on the previous year. Over the last five years, the
average annual growth rate in arrivals from Vanuatu was 3.8 per cent. In
2012-13, there were 66,300 short-term resident departures from Australia to Vanuatu,
an increase of 10.1 per cent on the previous year. Over the last five years,
the average annual growth rate in departures from Australia to Vanuatu was two
per cent.
Air Services Arrangements
Air services talks with Vanuatu were last held in Port Vila in December
2010. The arrangements include the Regional Package (unrestricted capacity and
frequency for direct flights to and from Australia’s regional gateways) and
access into Australia’s major gateway airports (Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and
Perth) as follows: 1,900 seats per week for Vanuatu carriers and 2,800 seats
per week for Australian carriers.
Virgin Australia currently operates services to Port Vila. Qantas
code-shares on Air Vanuatu services to Port Vila.
Sanma Information Centre, Luganville
Following the briefing on TVET at the Sanma Centre, the committee
visited the Sanma Information Centre to discuss with centre staff the centre's
role and function since opening in early 2014. The centre was established
through collaboration between the Vanuatu Department of Tourism, TVL (a
telecommunications company), and the Australian and New Zealand governments. It
is based on a similar centre in Malampa, which is also supported by Australia,
and generated $200,000 in bookings for Ni-Vanuatu tourism businesses in 2013—a
30 per cent increase on the previous year.
The Centre supports tourism in Sanma province by providing information
to visitors on the region’s attractions, reserving accommodation and taking
payments via an eftpos terminal. Australian tourists account for 65 per cent of
its business and New Zealand tourists 15 per cent. By 2017 it is expected that
70 per cent of total bookings will be made by smart phones. The Centre operates
three levels of membership for local tourist operators—providing access to its website
only, access to the website and handling inquiries, and full membership which
includes managing bookings and taking payments.
Australia's support to the centre is complementary to Australia’s TVET
Program in Vanuatu, which has been working with local partners since 2009 on
skills development for economic growth. The TVET Program facilitates access to
quality skills-training and small-business support in a range of areas —
including tourism and agriculture. TVET also promotes environmental
sustainability through using exclusively local materials in construction and
local food in restaurants.
During its visit to Santo, the committee travelled to Port Olry, met
with community representatives and was welcomed by Chief Gratien Alguet. The
committee was fortunate to have an opportunity to inspect a series of newly
constructed tourist bungalows owned and operated by beneficiaries of the TVET
Program. The committee also briefly visited Champagne Beach, which is a key
highlight and location on Carnival Australia's cruise itineraries to Vanuatu.
It is also the location of a regular market involving surrounding villages. The
committee was able to gain a better understanding of the impact of tourism in
the area, including local business development and income-earning opportunities
flowing from the Australian Government's partnership with Carnival.
Security, policing and defence
The committee received a valuable briefing on the Defence Cooperation
Program from the Maritime Surveillance Adviser, Lieutenant Commander Robert
Lewis. The committee was told that the Defence Cooperation Program (DCP)
focuses on developing longer-term capacity within the Vanuatu Police Force, which
has a key role in addressing domestic security concerns in Vanuatu. The
committee notes that Vanuatu does not have a separate national defence force.
The Vanuatu Police Force (VPF) and the Vanuatu Mobile Force (VMF) operate a
single unified entity, which the Australian Government continues to support.
Another major goal of the DCP over the next three years is to advise and
assist in re-establishing an efficient and self-sustaining Police Maritime Wing
working collaboratively with government departments and other stakeholders to
ensure the sovereignty of Vanuatu's exclusive economic zone.
The DCP budget for Vanuatu in financial year 2013-14 is $745,000, with a
focus on developing longer-term capacity within the VPF by providing support to
the Pacific Patrol Boat (PPB) Program, small-scale infrastructure projects and
strategic dialogue. These activities are supported in-country by a Royal
Australian Navy Maritime Surveillance Adviser and a Technical Adviser.
Australia's primary engagement activity with the VMF, Exercise Vanuatu Alliance,
provides training in conducting joint police patrols, community engagement and
enhancing the VMF’s capability to respond to humanitarian and disaster relief
contingencies. This approach seeks to support a useful role for the VMF and
promote cooperation between VMF and VPF elements.
Vanuatu Australia Police Project
The committee was also briefed on the Vanuatu Australia Police Project
(VAPP) by Mr Peter Kuhnke, Adviser to VDF Commissioner and Commander VAPP. The
current VAPP commenced in February 2011 having replaced the former Vanuatu
Police Force Capacity Building Project which commenced in February 2006.
The Vanuatu Police Force (VPF) plays a key role in addressing domestic
security concerns in Vanuatu. The VPF is made up of three elements; the General
Duties VPF, the paramilitary Vanuatu Mobile Force (VMF) and the Police Maritime
Wing. A key objective of the DCP is to foster greater levels of cooperation
between the various VPF elements and to provide opportunities for the VMF to
contribute to Vanuatu’s security. Since the VPF is a law enforcement
organisation, Defence closely coordinates its assistance with the AFP.
Australia has been the lead donor in the policing sector for over a
decade. Under VAPP, the Australian Federal Police has two advisers in Vanuatu. The
VAPP and broader law-and-justice programs will end on 30 June 2014. The nature
and scale of support beyond this date is currently under discussion with the
Vanuatu Government. VAPP is funded by DFAT and jointly implemented by the VPF
and AFP.
Key achievements under the police project over the last year include: establishing
and equipping a fingerprint forensic laboratory at Port Vila Police Station;
opening of remote police posts in Ambae and Ambrym (central Vanuatu islands);
retirement of 11 police officers to free salary for a new round of police
recruitment with reserved places for female officers; training for Provincial
Firearms Licensing Officers; putting the RVS Turoroa police
vessel into operation with increased visibility of police in the northern
islands; and a new professional standards policy to tackle lack of
internal discipline in the force.
RVS Tukoro and the Police Maritime
The centrepiece of Australia's security engagement in the Pacific region
is the Pacific Patrol Boat (PPB) program. Between 1987 and 1997, Australia
built and gifted 22 patrol boats to 12 Pacific Island countries. The boats are
operated by local defence forces and/or police service maritime elements. They
provide countries with a sovereign capability to conduct maritime surveillance
and enforcement in their extensive Exclusive Economic Zones. They also play a
key role in other national tasking, including search and rescue, disaster
relief, election support, immigration and customs and official government
In addition to the provision of the patrol boats, Australia provides
participating states with enduring advisory, training, and maintenance support.
A network of 24 Royal Australian Navy advisers (and two associated Royal New
Zealand Navy personnel) is attached to the various Pacific Island countries to
provide operational and technical advice to the operating elements. Australia
also funds patrols that involve engagement between two or more countries.
Australia gifted Vanuatu’s Pacific patrol boat, RVS Tukoro, in 1987
as part of the Program. The Tukoro participates in a number of regional
exercises and provides critical maritime surveillance and emergency response
assistance. Australia currently provides ongoing funding for maritime training
for Tukoro’s crew and operational fuel to conduct surveillance patrols
of Vanuatu’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Tukoro spent much of 2013
undergoing its third refit in Cairns at a cost of approximately $8 million, which
was funded through the Program. This refit will see the Tukoro remain in
operation until its scheduled end-of-life in 2019.
In addition to support to Tukoro, the Defence Cooperation Program
funds on-shore infrastructure projects to upgrade and maintain the Police
Maritime Wing’s Headquarters, RVS Mala (located in Port Vila). These
infrastructure projects are undertaken by local contractors and the VMF
Engineering Platoon under the supervision of the senior ADF and NZDF officer in
The committee had an opportunity to inspect the Tukoro and ask
questions of Robert Lewis, Maritime Surveillance Adviser, about the boat's
capabilities and scheduled operations. The committee notes the difficulty faced
by participants in the PPB Program to achieve effective policing of their EEZ
due to the lack of a persistent capability to detect targets and cue the patrol
boats to intercept illegal vessels. The follow on program for PPB should
include consideration of a persistent cueing capability, the operation of which
engages Pacific Island nations in the collection and dissemination of

Senate committee inspecting
Vanuatu's Pacific patrol boat, RVS Tukoro.
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