List of Recommendations

List of Recommendations

Recommendation 1

2.33      The committee recommends that the bill be amended to provide that parliamentarians, other than the Prime Minister or future Prime Ministers, who qualify for parliamentary retirement travel, must retire before 1 July 2020, or prior to the next Federal election, in order to access the parliamentary retirement travel entitlement.

Recommendation 2

2.36      The committee recommends that where a parliamentarian who is entitled to parliamentary retirement travel retires during the parliamentary term, then the entitlement should be six years for Senior Office Holders and three years for other parliamentarians (other than former Prime Ministers or Senior Office Holders).

Recommendation 3

2.42      The committee recommends that in the records published by the Department of Finance of former parliamentarians travel, the purpose of the travel should be included.

Recommendation 4

2.46      The committee recommends that the Government refer the following matters to the Remuneration Tribunal for consideration:

Recommendation 5

2.51      Subject to Recommendations 1 and 2, the committee recommends that the Senate pass the bill.

Senator Cory Bernardi

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