
Submissions received by the Committee

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 50 items in 3 pages
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Page size:
 50 items in 3 pages
1Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (PDF 335 KB) 
2Mr Scott McCamish (PDF 87 KB) 
3Name Withheld (PDF 327 KB) 
4Electrical Trades Union (PDF 1355 KB) 
5Tomorrow Movement (PDF 126 KB) 
6Hunter Jobs Alliance and Hunter Renewal (PDF 610 KB) 
7Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch) (PDF 345 KB) 
8Clean Energy Investor Group (PDF 1006 KB) 
9Isaac Regional Council (PDF 4246 KB) 
10Australian Services Union (PDF 175 KB) 
11Master Electricians Australia (PDF 677 KB) 
12Grattan Institute (PDF 842 KB) 
13Cbus Super (PDF 331 KB) 
14Aware Super (PDF 323 KB) 
15RE-Alliance (PDF 112 KB) 
16Investor Group on Climate Change (PDF 99 KB) 
17Local Government Association of Queensland (PDF 540 KB) 
18Australian Churches Ecological Taskforce (PDF 975 KB) 
19Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (PDF 386 KB) 
20Australian Education Union - Federal (PDF 137 KB) 

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