Citizen Initiated Referendum Bill 2013
On 14 March 2013, on the recommendation of the Senate Selection of Bills
Committee, the Senate referred the Citizen Initiated Referendum Bill 2013 (the
bill) to the Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee for
inquiry and report by 24 June 2013. The reasons for referral were for the committee
to consider whether:
- Citizens' Initiated Referendum (CIR) promotes
greater openness and accountability in public decision-making;
- laws instituted as a result of a CIR are more
clearly derived from the popular expression of the people's will;
- government authority flows from the people and is
based upon their consent;
- citizens in a democracy have the responsibility to
participate in the political system; and
- the Inter Parliamentary Union's call on member
states to strengthen democracy through constitutional instruments including the
citizen's right to initiate legislation.[1]
Conduct of the inquiry
The committee invited submissions from interested organisations and
individuals, and government bodies. The inquiry was advertised in the Australian
on 27 March 2013 and on the committee's website.
The committee received 28 submissions. A list of individuals and
organisations which made public submissions to the inquiry is at Appendix 1.
The committee held one public hearing in Melbourne on 29 April 2013. A list of
the witnesses who gave evidence at the public hearing is available at Appendix
2. Submissions and the Hansard transcript of evidence may be accessed through
the committee's website at
The committee thanks those organisations and individuals who made submissions
and gave evidence at the public hearing.
Overview of the bill
The private senator's bill proposes a new Act to be cited as the Citizen
Initiated Referendum Act 2013. The purpose of the CIR Bill is to enable the
citizens of Australia to initiate the introduction of legislation into
Parliament that provides for the holding of a referendum to alter the
The Explanatory Memorandum (EM) outlines the reasons for the bill:
The cores of the Democratic
principle are that it is each citizen’s right (and duty) to participate in the
political system and each citizen’s right to be heard. This Bill takes a small,
long overdue, step along that path.[3]
The EM notes that Citizen Initiated Referenda (CIR) had been
contemplated previously, including prior to federation of the colonies. The EM also
summarises how CIR could operate within constitutional requirements and with
several steps and criteria to govern their operation:
This Bill expands and strengthens Australia's democracy in an
extremely tempered fashion. Once an Elector's application for a referendum to
take place has been approved by the Electoral Commission, the application will
be written into a Bill, which will then be introduced into Parliament by the
Minister. Once the Bill passes one or both Houses of Parliament, as required by
section 128 of the Constitution, the Governor-General will then be able to
issue a writ for a referendum to take place. This Bill allows for full
compliance with the current requirements in the Constitution for undertaking a
referendum to amend the Constitution.[4]
The EM predicts that the bill would have limited financial impacts and
asserts that it is compatible with the human rights and freedoms recognised or
declared in the international instruments listed in section 3 of the Human
Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011.
Provisions of the bill
The EM of the CIR Bill provides a guide to the parts of the proposed
Part 2 sets out the process that must be followed and processes
which must be met in order for CIR to be held. This includes registration with,
and review by, the Electoral Commission; signatures of at least one per cent of
Australian electors; and checks of signatures by the Electoral Commission; and
- Part 3 sets out the rules that apply to holding a CIR. The
Minister is responsible for introducing a bill to Parliament to initiate
legislation to have a referendum to amend the Constitution. Once the bill has
been passed by an absolute majority of one House, or both Houses, of the
Parliament, in accordance with section 128 of the Constitution, the
Governor-General may issue a writ for the CIR. A CIR may only be held once
every four years.[5]
In terms of the arrangements for conducting referenda, the CIR Bill provides
that the current Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984, would apply
and that the Governor-General may make regulations to ensure the necessary or
convenient functioning of the Act.[6]
CIR are distinguished from other referendums initiated by parliaments or
governments in that the referendums would occur at the request of a required
number of electors. Parliaments or governments may have little or no choice in
the matter, depending on the nature of the arrangements for conducting CIR.[7]
Proponents of CIR argue that law-making power has been captured by
entrenched political parties and that CIR would reform the political process by
giving a wide group of people an opportunity to participate in the political
process. Three main types of CIR have been proposed previously in Australia:
1. the
direct initiative, under which voters can put a proposal to
referendum without any intervention by Parliament;
2. the
indirect initiative, by which Parliament is given a specified time
in which to enact the measure proposed by the citizen initiative before it is
submitted to a referendum; and
3. the
voters’ veto, also known as the
legislative referendum, under which voters may petition for a
referendum to repeal an existing law which has been passed by Parliament
(Walker 1987, 11–14).[8]
It was noted in 2008 that bills for CIR had been introduced in most
Australian Parliaments, including several proposals in the Australian Parliament,
but none had been passed. In 1987, CIR was considered and rejected by the
Constitutional Commission. Reasons suggested for the failure of past CIR bills
include a lack of political commitment to the idea, no common agreement on the
appropriate form of CIR, and failure to gain popular support. CIR has been used
in other countries, including Switzerland, Italy, New Zealand and over 20
states in the United States, most notably in California.[9]
The bill received qualified support from a number of private citizens,
organisations and academics, with the exception of Electoral Reform Australia
which is opposed to any form of CIR.[10]
The Gilbert and Tobin Centre of Public Law, while generally not favourable to CIR,
saw merit in the bill which it described as offering a 'hybrid model':
It retains the deliberative aspects of parliament while also
giving people the ability to initiate what may or may not be a referendum. And,
personally, we support that, because we think it is very important to broaden
out the scope for the community to put issues on the agenda, on the table, for
constitutional discussion while also retaining the role of parliament to sift
through those suggestions in order to determine which ones ultimately should go
to a referendum.[11]
There was agreement that the bill, because it requires the Parliament to
approve any proposal before a constitutional amendment would be put to a
popular vote, contains an important safety valve. It was suggested that the
elements of representative government that promote openness and accountability
are likely to be preserved and possibly enhanced. This is because the
Parliament would need to provide open and accountable justifications for
preventing a proposal from proceeding to referendum. The key issue here is that
the mechanism described in the bill is fundamentally different to what is
usually contemplated by conventional CIR processes where citizens and not
elected representatives initiate change.[12]
There was also support for the bill on the basis that CIR provide an
avenue to reverse what is sometimes referred to as the 'decline of Parliament',
caused by the rise of political parties and their vested interests, and the
rising level of cynicism and political disengagement with the political process
among the general populace. CIR Australia Inc, for example, submitted:
We do need to do something to counteract the decline of
Parliament brought on by the ascent of political parties...Parliament today very
rarely acts as the body we all hoped it would be. Political power now resides
with the currently dominant faction of the currently dominant political party.
This means more and more power in fewer and fewer hands.[13]
Notwithstanding the qualified support for the bill's objectives
contained in submissions, the committee noted a number of concerns about CIR
processes in general and aspects of the bill in particular that relate to
qualifying requirements, cost implications, special interests and technical
These areas of concern are addressed in turn.
Qualifying requirements
A number of submissions suggested an alteration to the main qualifying
requirement for an applicant to successfully initiate a process. The bill
stipulates that if a proposal is registered by the Electoral Commissioner, the
applicant must lodge with the Electoral Commission a document containing the
signatures of one per cent of the total of all electors. In evidence to the
committee, the President of CIR Australia Inc argued that three per cent of all
electors would be a better figure for a proposal to amend the Constitution. The
United States has CIR to amend general legislation in 24 of the 50 states,
many of which have a two per cent threshold of electors. Anything less than
three per cent threshold to amend the Constitution, it was argued, is too low:
We are concerned that you might get too many requests and
that will spoil the whole thrust of the bill, if too many things come before
parliament. The parliament might get a bit angry with that, so three per cent
might make it a bit better.[14]
Cost implications
The bill in its current form stipulates that should the requirements for
a CIR be met, it would be held on the first Saturday in October 2016 and
subsequently every four years on the same date. The committee was told that
such a process would be needlessly expensive to run because referendums and
federal elections would be out of kilter. It would be more cost effective to
hold them both at the same time. One submitter argued that referendums and
federal elections held concurrently would enhance citizen participation and
minimise logistical difficulties and cost to taxpayers.[15]
The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) also commented on costs
associated with the mechanism proposed in the bill and stated that it did not
agree that implementation of the bill would have limited financial impact. In
particular, the AEC argued that costs would be incurred in relation to
processing applications, including verification, and development of appropriate
systems. The AEC also identified elements in the bill which would require
ongoing funding.[16]
Special interests
The committee noted the concern that was raised in evidence relating to
the CIR process in the Unites States, and particularly in California, which empowers
lobby groups and other special interest with the resources to gather the
sizeable number of petitions required to proceed with a referendum proposal. It
was put to the committee that there have been occasions in California where
organisations have decided not to invest money in directly lobbying members of
parliament but in gathering the signatures for a proposal to be put on a CIR
ballot paper. The Gilbert and Tobin Centre of Public Law submitted:
...organised and well-funded special interest groups frequently
dominate conventional CIR processes. Individuals and less wealthy community
groups, by contrast, experience significant logistical difficulties in getting
a CIR proposal off the ground. Indeed, this has been the experience in California,
where signature-gathering firms are engaged (at price) to assemble the
necessary signatures required to initiate a referendum in that state.[17]
This corporatisation of the CIR process can undermine the genuine
expression of community attitudes. Professor Williams told the committee:
It does mean that it provides an avenue for strong,
well-financed interests, particularly insurance companies, in California to
take advantage of the process. It is where I think the claims of it being a
popular democratic process unfortunately do break down and too often you see
these other interests hijacking these processes.[18]
The concern was echoed by Professor Graeme Orr and Dr Ron Levy who
The likely impact of this bill will not be rational
constitutional reform. Rather, it would permit particular segments of the
population (especially those marshalled by value and interest groups, whether
civic, union or religious movements, or activist groups like Get Up!) to use it
as a specialist petitioning process to pressure governments and politicians to
get their issues onto the parliamentary agenda.[19]
Dr Levy contended that a bill of this nature carries the risk to the holistic
and deliberative approach that representative and cabinet government brings to
law-making. It is possible that the negotiated process of law making where
bills are subject to parliamentary scrutiny would be bypassed in favour of
financial self-interest of attention-seeking by minority interests:
The potential problem with citizen initiated reform
is...essentially being in isolation outside of the parliamentary process [which]
means we are no longer necessarily taking account of the larger complex diversity
of public interest in Australia. So we might simply end up legislating for one
set of interests without adequately taking considering the costs or any
countervailing interests. You could call this legislating out of context.[20]
Matters raised by the Australian
Electoral Commission
The committee received a submission from the AEC which addressed a
number of aspects of the bill.
The Register
The AEC noted that in clause 6 of the bill, there is reference to the
register, applications being on an approved form and accompanied by a
prescribed fee which in some (as yet specified) circumstances may be refunded.
The AEC went on to comment that it is not apparent what the purpose of the
register is or how it is to be assessed and maintained and the bill does not
provide details concerning the application fee including how its quantum is to
be established.[21]
Role of the Electoral Commission
and Electoral Commissioner
Clauses 7 and 8 provide a role for the Electoral Commissioner in
reviewing an application to register a proposal for a referendum to determine
if it contains a proposal to amend the Constitution. While acknowledging that
there may merit in the assessment being conducted by an independent arbiter,
the AEC stated that it is not apparent why it should be undertaken by the AEC,
let alone the Electoral Commissioner. Further, a proposal to amend the
Constitution would inevitably involve matters of significant legal complexity
and require expertise in constitutional law. Neither the AEC nor the Electoral Commissioner
have such expertise and 'more notably, neither are responsible for advising the
Government or the Parliament on constitutional matters'. The AEC suggested that
this falls within the responsibility of the Attorney-General's Department.
The AEC recommended that 'sections 7 and 8 of the Bill should be
reviewed to establish whether or not it is appropriate to require the Electoral
Commissioner, and indeed the AEC itself, to decide whether or not an
application submitted contains a proposal to amend the Constitution'.
Other clauses in the bill provide for a role for the AEC or the
Electoral Commissioner to be responsible for certain functions. This would
require the AEC and the Electoral Commissioner to perform functions other than
those which relate directly to the conduct of the referendum event itself. The
AEC commented that there was a need to consider the appropriateness of such a
Impact of an election on proposed
The bill proposes a timeframe for the AEC to make a decision about an
application for a proposal for a referendum. The AEC commented that, in
relation to processes proposed to be conducted by the AEC, it is possible that
relevant timeframes may not be met should they overlap with the conduct of an
election. The AEC stated that, should the AEC remain responsible for certain
activities under the bill, consideration should be given to inserting a provision
which suspends the obligation of the AEC to meet these timeframes from the
issue to the return of the writ for a Senate or House of Representatives
election. Such a provision already exists in the Electoral Act in relation to applications
for the registration of a political party between the day of the issue of the
writ and the day of the return of the writ for a Senate or House of
Representatives election.[23]
Technical aspects
The Gilbert and Tobin Centre of Public Law submission identified a
number of technical shortcomings with the bill, some of which relate to issues
that are not adequately covered while others relate to issues that are not
addressed at all. The main issues identified are as follows:
- the bill does not set out or limit the subject matters on which a
referendum proposal could be made. It would be possible for proposals to be
raised in areas that are the exclusive domain of the executive, such as foreign
policy and the armed forces, and for which informed public debate would be impossible;
- the bill does not specify the formal criteria required of the
initial proposal or require proposals to demonstrate awareness of their
constitutional significance or impact on other constitutional provisions. The
bill also does not address the drafting process for a proposal once it has been
accepted by the Electoral Commission but before it has been introduced and considered
by the Parliament;
the bill, at section 12, does not specify which minister would
introduce a referendum proposal into the Parliament, and it remains unclear whether
any member or senator other than a minister may introduce a proposal; and
- the bill does not specify whether electronic or handwritten
signatures meet the registration requirements, which has implications for the
proposal's accessibility especially in geographically remote areas.[24]
The committee was told that these technical deficiencies are not
superficial and have the potential to significantly affect the way in which the
bill impacts upon democratic processes in Australia. Professor George Williams
argued that it is for this reason that further consideration should be given to
these issues before the bill proceeds any further:
...significant questions are left unanswered, such as the
nature of the involvement of the initiators in the drafting process and the
mechanisms for resolving any disputes that might arise. The answers to these
questions have the potential to greatly impact on whether the final proposal
that is put to referendum accurately reflects the will of the people who have
initiated it.[25]
The AEC also pointed to a number of technical considerations:
- Clause 6: the bill does not contain a requirement for an elector
to demonstrate any form of popular support for the application to the AEC to
register a proposal for a referendum to alter the Constitution. This is in
contrast to the approach in relation to the registration of parties and
nomination of candidates;
- Clause 8: subclauses 8(1) and 8(2) should be redrafted to ensure
a clear basis for the acceptance or rejection of applications to register a
proposal. The nature of the opportunity given to applicants pursuant to
subclause 8(3) to be heard before the Electoral Commissioner can reject an
application is unclear;
- Clause 9: it is unclear as to the basis for the inclusion of the time
period for the provision of statements of reasons following the making of a
decision under clause 8;
- Clause 10: the AEC stated that it might be desirable that the
document referred to in this clause is in an approved form so as to provide
greater certainty that signatories are provided with consistent information
concerning the proposal, the information they are required to provide, and
notification of how that information may be used. The clause appears to impose
an obligation on the AEC to establish that the document contained signatures
from at least one per cent of electors at the time of lodgement. The AEC stated
that it may take time to ascertain the number of electors on the role on a
given day because of processing requirements. It therefore may be desirable
that the one per cent threshold is linked to the total number of electors
enrolled in each Division, based on the determination by the Electoral
Commissioner (under subsection 58(1) of the Electoral Act) at the end of the
month prior to the month in which lodgement occurs;
- Clause 11: the method of verification of signatures contained in
the bill would require significant allocation or diversion of AEC resources.
Further, the mere provision of a signature would not enable the AEC to
undertake any verification that a person was an elector. Although an address is
required for the signatory, the AEC would need to contact the elector at that
address to verify that the signature was validly obtained. This would involve
considerable time and expense. If the AEC finds that signatures were not
validly obtained, pursuant to clause 12, the proposal must be rejected. There
appears to be no mechanism by which an applicant may vary or resubmit the
document containing signatures;
- Clause 12: the clause does not make clear which minister is to
cause the proposed law that will alter the Constitution in accordance with the
proposal to be introduced into Parliament; and
- Clause 14: the AEC drew the committee's attention to the existing
requirements in section 128 of the Constitution, that proposed laws to change
the Constitution passed by each House of Parliament shall be submitted to the
vote 'not less than two nor more than six months after its passage through both
Houses'. The AEC noted that bill appears to provide that a CIR proposal could
not be submitted to a vote earlier than one year from the day the proposal to change
the Constitution passed Parliament, or any more than five years from the day
the proposal to change the Constitution passed Parliament.[26]
Committee view
The committee accepts that the bill in its current form is a very modest
proposal that would in no way threaten Australia's robust constitutional system.
Indeed it accepts the view that the bill is not even a clear illustration of
how CIR operate in other countries such as the United States, and in particular
in California. The bill would only provide for popular initiation of debate in
the Parliament that may or may not lead to a referendum. According to Professor
Williams, the bill is not proposing a true CIR, but rather a citizen initiated
debate in the Parliament which may lead to a referendum.[27]
While the committee is generally supportive of the view that citizens in
a democracy have a responsibility to participate in the political system, it does
not believe CIR are the most effective way to encourage active participation by
citizens in the political process. At best, the process proposed in the bill
would promote only a very narrow form of political participation. The committee
is of the view that proponents of CIR overstate the potential benefits to
society of direct democracy and underplay the stability and robustness of the
system of representative democracy.
Nor does the committee accept the view that laws derived from CIR are
more clearly the popular expression of the will of the people than those
derived from elected representative government. The committee notes the
argument provided in evidence by the Gilbert and Tobin Centre of Public Law
that CIR mechanisms cut against some of the strengths of representative
democracy where citizens choose their elected representative to make decisions
and to act on their behalf and in the best interests of the nation.
While the bill represents a modest proposal for CIR, the committee is of
the view that bill may compromise the integrity of the current method of
proposing referenda in Australia by encouraging citizens into signing petitions
in the mistaken belief they will automatically lead to a referendum. The
committee also accepts the argument that complex social and economic issues
within the political process should not be reduced to simple yes or no answers,
especially if they were to hamper successive governments facing unforseen political
and economic circumstances.
The committee accepts that while the bill may avoid some of the pitfalls
of conventional CIR processes by deliberately retaining Parliament's central
role in approving citizen-initiated proposals, it nonetheless involves
significant risk. In particular, the committee cannot ignore the fact that the CIR
process contained in the bill may provide an unwelcome platform for extreme and
divisive political agendas, engage parliamentarians in protracted debates over
issues which have little chance of success, and result in policy debate in
Australia being hijacked by well-resourced professional lobby groups. These potential
shortcomings, which have long been associated with CIR processes in the United
States, particularly in California, are of concern to the committee. When
combined with the bill's numerous technical shortcomings, the committee concludes
that it is unable to support this bill.
The committee also notes the comments made by Australian Electoral
Commission particularly in relation to the role of the AEC and the Electoral
Commissioner envisaged by the bill as well as the costs that it would impose on
the AEC.
Recommendation 1
The committee recommends that the bill not be passed.
Helen Polley
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