Terms of Reference

On 6 February 2018 the following matter was referred to the Economics References Committee for inquiry and report by 14 August 2018.


The appropriateness and thoroughness of the site selection process for a national radioactive waste management facility at Kimba and Hawker in South Australia, noting the Government has stated that it will not impose such a facility on an unwilling community, with particular reference to:


     a)     the financial compensation offered to applicants for the acquisition of land under the Nominations of Land Guidelines;

     b)     how the need for ‘broad community support’ has played and will continue to play a part in the process, including:

              i)     the definition of ‘broad community support’, and

             ii)     how ‘broad community support’ has been or will be determined for each process advancement stage;

     c)     how any need for Indigenous support has played and will continue to play a part in the  process, including how Indigenous support has been or will be determined for each process advancement stage;

     d)      whether and/or how the Government’s ‘community benefit program’ payments affect broad community and Indigenous community sentiment;

     e)     whether wider (Eyre Peninsular or state-wide) community views should be taken into  consideration  and,  if  so,  how  this  is  occurring  or  should  be occurring; and

     f)     any other related matters.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540

Past Public Hearings

02 Aug 2018: Canberra
06 Jul 2018: Hawker
05 Jul 2018: Kimba


Inquiry Status

Report tabled


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