A New Tax System (Indirect Tax and Consequential Amendments) Bill 1999 and A New Tax System (Indirect Tax and Consequential Amendments) Bill (No.2) 1999

A New Tax System (Indirect Tax and Consequential Amendments) Bill 1999 and A New Tax System (Indirect Tax and Consequential Amendments) Bill (No.2) 1999

Membership of the Committee



Core Members  
Senator B Gibson (Chair) (Tasmania, LP)
Senator S Murphy (Deputy Chair) (Tasmania, ALP)
Senator G Chapman (South Australia, LP)
Senator G Campbell (New South Wales, ALP)
Senator A Murray (Western Australia, AD)
Senator J Watson (Tasmania, LP)
Participating Members  
Senator E Abetz (Tasmania, LP)
Senator R Boswell (Queensland, NPA)
Senator B Brown (Tasmania, AG)
Senator D Brownhill (New South Wales, NPA)
Senator P Calvert (Tasmania, LP)
Senator S Conroy (Victoria, ALP)
Senator P Cook (Western Australia, ALP)
Senator H Coonan (New South Wales, LP)
Senator W Crane (Western Australia, LP)
Senator A Eggleston (Western Australia, LP)
Senator J Faulkner (New South Wales, ALP)
Senator A Ferguson (South Australia, LP)
Senator J Ferris (South Australia, LP)
Senator B Harradine (Tasmania, Ind)
Senator S Knowles (Western Australia, LP)
Senator R Lightfoot (Western Australia, LP)
Senator K Lundy (Australian Capital Territory, ALP)
Senator B Mason (Queensland, LP)
Senator J McGauran (Victoria, NPA)
Senator W Parer (Queensland, LP)
Senator M Payne (New South Wales, LP)
Senator J Quirke (South Australia, ALP)
Senator A Ridgeway (New South Wales, AD)
Senator C Schacht (South Australia, ALP)
Senator N Sherry (Tasmania, ALP)
Senator T Tchen (Victoria, LP)
Senator J Tierney (New South Wales, LP)
Peter Hallahan, Secretary  
Graeme Fawns, Principal Research Officer
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Tel: 02 6277 3540
Fax: 02 6277 5719



Background to the inquiry

1.1         The Government introduced A New Tax System (Indirect Tax and Consequential Amendments) Bill 1999 and A New Tax System (Indirect Tax and Consequential Amendments) Bill (No.2) 1999 into the House of Representatives on 21 October 1999.  Following a report by the Selection of Bills Committee, the Senate referred the Bills to this Committee on 30 November 1999 for examination and report by 7 December 1999.[1]

1.2         In its report the Selection of Bills Committee requested that the Committee consider the following:

1.3         The Committee received one submission to the inquiry, submitted by the Insurance Council of Australia.

1.4         The Committee conducted a public hearing on the Bills in Canberra on 6 December 1999. At that hearing, the Committee received evidence from representatives of the Insurance Council of Australia, the Department of the Treasury and the Australian Taxation Office. A list of witnesses who gave evidence at the hearing appears in Appendix 1, and the full transcript of the hearing is available at the Internet address of https://www.aph.gov.au/hansard.

1.5         The Committee particularly thanks the representatives of the Insurance Council of Australia, the Department of the Treasury and Australian Taxation Office who made themselves available for the Committee's public hearing at short notice. The Committee found the witnesses' explanations of the amendments contained in the Bills to be comprehensive and helpful.

Issues raised in evidence

1.6         The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) advised the Committee that it strongly supports the amendments in the Bills. The Council explained that the proposed insurance amendments have developed following lengthy discussions with the Government.

1.7         The main amendments considered by the Committee:

1.8         The amendments ensure that insurance is treated like any other input cost. The practical effect of the amendments is that GST will be payable on insurance premiums but not on claims.

1.9         According to the ICA, the amendments simplify insurance claims for registered businesses.

1.10        Government officials advised the Committee that the amendments are revenue neutral and will reduce the compliance costs for businesses. Representatives tabled a number of examples explaining how the new provisions will work and these are at Appendix 3.


1.11        The Committee recommends that the Senate pass the Bill.


Senator the Hon. Brian Gibson


Labor Senators’ Minority Report

Labor Senators reserve their position on this legislation.


Senator Shayne Murphy                   Senator Stephen Conroy
Deputy Chair


Appendix 1: List of Witnesses

Insurance Council of Australia
Mr Phillip Maguire
Mr Peter Anderson
Mr Peter Barnes
Mr Trevor Jack

Government Officials – Treasury and Australian Taxation Office
Mr Bruce Quigley
Mr Matthew Bambrick
Mr Paul McCullough
Mr Blair Comley


Appendix 2: Illustration of effect of amendments provided by the Insurance Council of Australia

Illustration of effect of amendments provided by the Insurance Council of Australia


Appendix 3: Set of examples from the ATO showing a comparison between the current legislation and the amendments

Set of examples from the ATO showing a comparison between the current legislation and the amendments


Appendix 4: Set of slides presented by Mr Comley to the Insurance Council of Australia

Set of slides presented by Mr Comley to the Insurance Council of Australia

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