Terms of Reference

Barriers to achieving priorities under the National Women’s Health Strategy for ‘universal access to sexual and reproductive health information, treatment and services that offer options to women to empower choice and control in decision-making about their bodies’, with particular reference to:

  1. cost and accessibility of contraceptives, including:
    1. PBS coverage and TGA approval processes for contraceptives,
    2. awareness and availability of long-acting reversible contraceptive and male contraceptive options, and
    3. options to improve access to contraceptives, including over the counter access, longer prescriptions, and pharmacist interventions;
  2. cost and accessibility of reproductive healthcare, including pregnancy care and termination services across Australia, particularly in regional and remote areas;

  3. workforce development options for increasing access to reproductive healthcare services, including GP training, credentialing and models of care led by nurses and allied health professionals;

  4. best practice approaches to sexual and reproductive healthcare, including trauma-informed and culturally appropriate service delivery;

  5. sexual and reproductive health literacy;

  6. experiences of people with a disability accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare;

  7. experiences of transgender people, non-binary people, and people with variations of sex characteristics accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare;

  8. availability of reproductive health leave for employees; and

  9. any other related matter.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515

About this inquiry

Inquiry into the universal access to reproductive healthcare.

Past Public Hearings

28 Apr 2023: Melbourne
04 Apr 2023: Perth
28 Feb 2023: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Report Tabled


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