Recommendation 1

2.70    The committee recommends that the government consider whether there is merit in imposing a cap on the maximum percentage of a tenant's divertible welfare payment which can be deducted under the Automatic Rent Deduction Scheme, to ensure that an amount is available to meet a tenant's other basic and reasonable needs.

Recommendation 2

2.71    The committee recommends that the government clarify how the scheme will interact with other forms of income management, such as cashless welfare arrangements, or other deductions made from a tenant's income support payment under Commonwealth law.

Recommendation 3

2.72    The committee recommends that the government consider the arguments for including a provision in the Automatic Rent Deduction Scheme guidelines for notification to be provided to a tenant when: a request for an automatic deduction is made by a lessor, the stated reason(s) for a request; the outcome of the Secretary's consideration of a request; and, if the Secretary approves a request, the amount that will be deducted, the deduction schedule and information regarding government funded financial counselling and other relevant support services available to a tenant.

Recommendation 4

2.73    The committee recommends that the government consider whether there is merit in providing a review mechanism in the Automatic Rent Deduction Scheme to provide a tenant with an accessible process for requesting a review of a decision made by the Secretary.

Recommendation 5

3.35    The committee recommends that the bill be passed.

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