
Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Journals of the Senate, No. 84—12 February 2018, p. 2668.

[2]        Department of Finance (DOF), Resource management guide no. 130: Overview of the enhanced Commonwealth performance framework, July 2016, p. 3.

[3]        The Senate, Standing Order and other orders of the Senate, August 2015, SO 25(20).

[4]        Journals of the Senate, No. 2—31 August 2016, p. 75–76; Journals of the Senate, No. 84—
12 February 2018, p. 2668.

[5]        The Administrative Arrangement Order is available online via the following web address:

[6]        Commonwealth of Australia, Schedule: Amendments to the Administrative Arrangements Order, 20 December 2017, pp. 4, 6.

[7]        Accessible via the following web address:

[8]        Department of Finance, Resource Management Guide No. 130: Overview of the enhanced Commonwealth performance framework, July 2016, pp. 3–5.

[9]        DOF, Resource Management Guide No. 135: Annual reports for non-corporate Commonwealth entities, May 2017.

[10]      DOF, Resource Management Guide No. 136: Annual reports for corporate Commonwealth entities, May 2017.

[11]      DOF, Resource Management Guide No. 137: Annual reports for Commonwealth companies, May 2017.

[12]      Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Annual reports (No. 1 of 2017), March 2017, pp. 2­–7.

[13]      Note: on 12 September 2017, the PGPA Rule was amended in accordance with the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Government Business Enterprise) Rules 2017, to add WSA Co Limited to the list of Commonwealth companies defined as government business enterprises for the purpose of Section 8 of the PGPA Act. On 1 January 2018, the PGPA Rule was amended in accordance with Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Procurement by Corporate Commonwealth Entities) Rules 2017, to add the National Digital Health Agency and the National Portrait Gallery of Australia to the list of Corporate Commonwealth entities for which the Finance Minister can make a written instruments about procurement under section 105B of the PGPA Act.

[14]      See, for example: section 311A of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918; section 516A of the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; and schedule 2, part 4 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.

[15]      The Senate, Standing Order and other orders of the Senate, August 2015, SO 25(20)(a).

[16]      Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Annual reports (No. 1 of 2017), pp. 4–5.

[17]      DOF, Resource Management Guide No. 130: Overview of the enhance Commonwealth performance framework, July 2016, p. 7.

[18]      Harry Evans and Rosemary Laing, eds, Odgers' Australian Senate Practice, 14th edition, Department of the Senate, 2015, p. 539.

[19]      Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration, The Timeliness and Quality of Annual Reports, June 1989, p. 41.

[20]      Journals of the Senate, No. 68—13 November 2017, p. 2166.

[21]      The Senate, Standing Order and other orders of the Senate, August 2015, SO 25(20)(f).

[22]      Senator Rachel Siewert, Senate Hansard, 18 October 2017, pp. 7936–7937.

Chapter 2 - Annual reports of Commonwealth departments

[1]        Journals of the Senate, No. 68, 13 November 2017, p. 2168.

[2]        Department of Health (DOH), Annual report 2016–17, p. 18.

[3]        Note: the Medical Research Future Funded was established by the Government as a result of funding provided in the 2014–15 Budget for medium to long-term medical research to support medical innovation that improves the health and wellbeing of Australians.

[4]        DOH, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 4–6.

[5]        The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Retirement of Mr Martin Bowels PSM from public service,
22 August 2017.

[6]        DOH, Glenys Beauchamp PSM, 19 September 2017,

[7]        DOH, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 7–11.

[8]        DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 29.

[9]        Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C), Ministry list of the Turnbull Government, 5 March 2018,

[10]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 36–192.

[11]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 43.

[12]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 62.

[13]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 60.

[14]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 101.

[15]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 112.

[16]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 136.

[17]      Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Incidence of insulin-treated diabetes in Australia, 29 January 2018,

[18]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 67.

[19]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 86.

[20]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 151.

[21]      DOH, Annual report 2015–16, pp. 45, 67, 83, 103, 107, 125.

[22]      See: Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Annual reports (No. 1 of 2017),
pp. 4–5; DOH, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 82–83, 87.

[23]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 14.

[24]      DOH, Annual report 2015–16, p. 17.

[25]      Commonwealth of Australia, Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2017, December 2017, p. 12.

[26]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 14.

[27]      DOH, Annual report 2015–16, p. 17.

[28]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 14.

[29]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 224.

[30]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 224.

[31]      See: paragraph 17AG(9) of PGPA Rule.

[32]      DOH, Annual report 2016–17, p. 225.

[33]      Journals of the Senate, No. 64, 16 October 2017, p. 2040; House of Representatives, Votes and Proceedings, No. 80, p. 1123.

[34]      Department of Social Services (DSS), Annual report 2016–17, p. 6.

[35]      DSS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 1–2.

[36]      DSS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 15.

[37]      Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Ministry list of the Turnbull Government, 5 March 2018,

[38]      DSS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 21–81.

[39]      DSS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 20, 48.

[40]      DSS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 48, 93.

[41]      DSS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 64, 70.

[42]      Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Annual reports (No. 1 of 2017), p. 15.

[43]      DSS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 40, 92.

[44]      DSS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 51.

[45]      DSS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 77.

[46]      DSS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 110.

[47]      DSS, Annual report 2015–16, p. 129.

[48]      DSS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 2.

[49]      DSS, Annual report 2015–16, p. 4.

[50]      For further information see: Department of Finance, Resource Management Guide No. 135: Annual reports for non-corporate Commonwealth entities, May 2017, pp. 22–23, 28–29,

[51]      House of Representatives, Votes and Proceedings, No. 85, p. 1185; Journals of the Senate,
No. 68, 13 November 2017, p. 2168.

[52]      Department of Human Services (DHS), Annual report 2016–17, p. 2, 240.

[53]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. X–XIII.

[54]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. X–XIII.

[55]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 242.

[56]      DHS, Ms Renée Leon PSM, 6 February 2018,

[57]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 4.

[58]      DHS, The Hon Michael Keenan MP, December 2017,

[59]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 240–258.

[60]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 241.

[61]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 242, 246.

[62]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 242, 244.

[63]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 249.

[64]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 249, 253.

[65]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 250, 252.

[66]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 255–256.

[67]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 254, 256.

[68]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 242, 244, 250, 252.

[69]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 133.

[70]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 134.

[71]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 138–140, 144–145.

[72]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 266–267.

[73]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 198.

[74]      DHS, Annual report 2015–16, p. 186.

[75]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 198.

[76]      DHS, Annual report 2015–16, p. 186.

[77]      DHS, Annual report 2015–16, p. 188; DHS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 201.

[78]      DHS, Annual report 2016–17, p. 201.

Chapter 3 - Annual reports of Commonwealth entities and companies

[1]        Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), Annual report 2016–17, p. vii.

[2]        AIHW, Annual report 2016–17, p. 3.

[3]        AIHW, Annual report 2016–17, p. 5.

[4]        AIHW, Annual report 2016–17, p. 12.

[5]        AIHW, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 13–14.

[6]        AIHW, Annual report 2016–17, p. 19.

[7]        Note: the Performance and Accountability Framework (PAF) was implemented in 2011, under the Council of Australian Governments National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA), to support local-level performance assessment for the NHRA and a high quality Australian health system. Following the closure of the National Health Performance Authority on 30 June 2016, the PAF reporting functions were transferred to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

[8]        AIHW, Annual report 2016–17, p. 19.

[9]        AIHW, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 32, 35.

[10]      Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Annual reports (No. 1 of 2017), March 2017, p. 22.

[11]      AIHW, Annual report 2016–17, p. 63.

[12]      Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority (Organ and Tissue Authority), Annual report 2016–17, p. 18.

[13]      Organ and Tissue Authority, Annual report 2016–17, p. 23.

[14]      Organ and Tissue Authority, Annual report 2016–17, p. 23.

[15]      Organ and Tissue Authority, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 18–19.

[16]      Organ and Tissue Authority, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 18–19.

[17]      Organ and Tissue Authority, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 62–63.

[18]      Organ and Tissue Authority, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 15–16.

[19]      Cancer Australia, Annual report 2016–17, p. 3.

[20]      Cancer Australia, Annual report 2016–17, p. 19.

[21]      Cancer Australia, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 19–21.

[22]      Cancer Australia, Annual report 2016–17, p. 32.

[23]      Cancer Australia, Annual report 2016–17, p. 87.

[24]      Cancer Australia, Annual report 2016–17, p. 19.

[25]      Australian Radiation and Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA), Annual report 2016–17, p. 17.

[26]      ARPANSA, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 30–39.

[27]      ARPANSA, Annual report 2016–17, p. 29.

[28]      ARPANSA, Annual report 2016–17, p. 40.

[29]      ARPANSA, Annual report 2016–17, p. 53.

[30]      ARPANSA, Annual report 2016–17, p. 55.

[31]      ARPANSA, Annual report 2016–17, p. 57.

[32]      ARPANSA, Annual report 2016–17, p. 116.

[33]      ARPANSA, Annual report 2016–17, p. 46.

[34]      ARPANSA, Annual report 2016–17, p. 46.

[35]      National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), Annual report 2016–17.

[36]      NDIA, Annual report 2016–17, p. 19.

[37]      NDIA, Annual report 2016–17, p. 155.

[38]      NDIA, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 116–117.

[39]      NDIA, Annual report 2016–17, p. 117.

[40]      Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Annual reports (No. 1 of 2017), March 2017 p. 29.

[41]      NDIA, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 142–143.

[42]      Australian Hearing, Annual report 2016–17, p. 6.

[43]      Australian Hearing, Annual report 2016–17, p. 21.

[44]      Australian Hearing, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 16, 20–21.

[45]      Australian Hearing, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 16, 20–21.

[46]      Australian Hearing, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 20–21.

[47]      Australian Hearing, Annual report 2016–17, pp. 9–10.

Appendix 1 - Dates relating to the presentation of annual reports between 1 May 2017 and 31 October 2017

[1]        Incorporates the financial statements for the Australian National Preventative Health Agency at Appendix 3.

[2]        Includes the report of the Clinical Advisory Committee.

[3]        Incorporated into the Department of Health's Annual Report 2016–17 at Appendix 2.

[4]        Incorporated into the Department of Health's Annual Report 2016–17 at Appendix 1.