Dissenting Report

Dissenting Report

Senator Sean Edwards – Liberal Party of Australia

Recommendation 1

1.1        Senator Edwards notes that the overwhelming proportion of relevant, qualified expert opinion confirms the link between wearing a bicycle helmet and the prevention of serious injury. No rebuttal in respect of such opinion has withstood proper scrutiny and it appears the report calls for the collection of data in order to create one. In response, Senator Edwards notes that managing health and related expenditure is a constant process of prioritisation with difficult decisions necessary about what we can and cannot afford. To that extent the action proposed is considered to be a waste of public money for a purpose whose legitimacy remains unproven.

Recommendation 2

1.2        Senator Edwards' view in relation to Recommendation 1 informs his view in relation to Recommendation 2. In addition he notes that Australia enjoys some of the best cycling injury prevention rates in the world.

Senator Sean Edwards
Liberal Party of Australia

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