Senator Barnaby Joyce's Additional Comments

Senator Barnaby Joyce's Additional Comments

By reason of conclusion 5.33 that the committee ‘does not consider that any convincing case has been made for any further regulation of private equity activity in Australia at this time’,  I have to submit these additional comments on these premises;


  1. No structure of investment, and in particular, no private equity investment should be allowed that puts Australian domestic investors at a distinct disadvantage in their own market
  2. Target company boards and management should not be allowed to participate in any takeover bonus or other financial incentives distributed by the private equity bidders. 
  3. Private equity firms that participate in key sectors of the economy should submit in confidence reports, on a quarterly basis to the reserve bank and treasury, which contain information that is equivalent to the requirements of a publicly listed company. 
  4. Private equity firms should be quarantined from the domestic housing market as this manipulation would be a distinct disadvantaged to the Australian homeowner as the market pressures placed by multibillion dollar buyers against mum and dad investors is intrinsically unfair.


Senator Barnaby Joyce
The Nationals
Senator for Queensland

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