Chapter 2 - The Adequacy of Funding For Public Hospitals
This chapter commences with a
profile of the public hospital sector. The subsequent discussion provides some
contextual background on the intergovernmental arrangements and mechanisms used
to fund public hospitals including an overview of the practices adopted in each
State and Territory to fund their public hospitals. Given this background, an
assessment is then provided of the adequacy of funding for public hospitals now
and in the future from several perspectives: the Commonwealth, the States and
Territories, and consumers and other participants in the inquiry. Particular
issues affecting rural and remote areas are also addressed.
Profile of the public hospital sector
Table 2 provides an overview of
the size, activity and financial details of public hospitals in Australia,
including the number of available beds, the number of separations, the
proportion of separations which are same day separations, and details of the
average length of stay, both in total and excluding same day separations. An
indication of the workload of accident and emergency units is provided in the
number of non-admitted occasions of service and details of expenditure are
included. A breakdown of the activity of public hospitals in terms of public
patients and private patients is also provided. The table contains data for
both 1993-94 and 1997-98, permitting an analysis of changes over time.
Comparing 1993-94 and 1997-98,
it is noteworthy that the number of available beds in public hospitals has
declined by 5525. While the cost of hospital beds will vary quite dramatically
within and between hospitals (eg intensive care beds will have a higher cost
than other hospital beds), as an indication, the Australian Healthcare
Association (AHA) calculated that the annual recurrent cost of a 50 bed medium
sized rural hospital is $10 million.[88]
In terms of activity, while the
annual number of separations has increased by 452 000, patient days have
decreased by 755 000, reflecting, in the main, the decline in the numbers
of private patient separations. Same day separations have increased from 34.2
per cent of total separations in 1993-94 to 43.3 per cent of separations in
1997-98. The notable changes over this period with regard to private patients
in public hospitals are a decline in the number of private patient separations
from 545 000 in 1993-94 to 355 000 in 1997-98 and, allied to this, a
decline in patient revenue, from $1.08 billion in 1993-94 to $1.07 billion in
1997-98. This is partly, but not solely, related to the decline in the
proportion of the population covered by private health insurance.
Table 2: Profile of
the public hospital sector, 1993-94 and 1997-98
Public acute
and psychiatric hospitals
No of
61 260
55 735
Beds per 1000 population
acute hospitals
3 296
3 748
2 557
3 222
psychiatric hospitals
Same days separations as % of total
acute hospitals
Public patients
Private patients
psychiatric hospitals
Separations per 1000 population
acute hospitals
Public patients
Private patients
psychiatric hospitals
Patient days ('000)
acute hospitals
15 907
15 152
Public patients
12 029
12 460
Private patients
2 529
1 419
psychiatric hospitals
1 409
Average length of stay (days)
acute hospitals
Public patients
Private patients
psychiatric hospitals
occasions of service
32 605 248
Financial data
salary expenditure ($'000)
6 897 956
8 242 305
non-salary expenditure ($'000)
3 690 172
4 783 440
recurrent expenditure ($'000)
10 588 128
13 025 745
Total revenue ($'000)
1 083 619
1 068 763
A = all separations B
= excluding same day separations
Compiled from Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australian Hospital Statistics 1997-98, Canberra, AIHW, 1999, tables 3.1 and 4.1.
Historical overview of the funding arrangements for public hospitals[89]
The Australian Constitution
initially vested responsibility for hospital and health services with State
governments. However, the 1946 Constitutional Amendment, which inserted section
51(xxiiiA), gave the Commonwealth power to legislate on:
the provision of maternity allowances, widows’ pensions, child
endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits,
medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil
conscription), benefits to students and family allowances.[90]
This change in the
Constitution, together with the revenue raising powers of the Commonwealth
Government, has made it an important partner to the States and Territories,
both in the funding of health services, and in determination of the key
features of the Australian health care system. An important implication of this
which has been noted in some of the submissions to the inquiry is that although
the States and Territories have responsibility for the funding and delivery of
health services, the Commonwealth has a major role in determining the level and
nature of health services provision in Australia. A short overview of the
extent of the Commonwealth’s power in the health area is provided in the
previous chapter.
The most important financial
relationship between the Commonwealth and State and Territory governments in
relation to public hospital services is through the Australian Health Care
Agreements (previously Medicare Agreements). The current Health Care Grants
(which have also replaced a number of smaller Specific Purpose Payments (SPPs)
which have been rolled into the Agreements) were preceded by the Hospital
Funding Grants, provided since the introduction of Medicare in 1984, and prior
to that by cost-sharing agreements in relation to Medibank in the period since
1975. Before attempting to assess changes in the shares of Commonwealth and
State and Territory funding of public hospital and other health services, it is
useful to review briefly the arrangements under the different funding
Arrangements prior to Medicare
The arrangements for Medibank,
established in 1975, provided one of the first major inputs by the Commonwealth
government in policy setting, funding and delivery of public hospital services.
Under the funding Agreements (which were effectively ten year agreements,
although in practice they were much more short-lived because of changes of
government), the States agreed to provide free public hospital services and the
Commonwealth agreed to 50-50 cost sharing of the costs of public hospital
services. This was an open-ended commitment by the Commonwealth, which
significantly increased its financial contribution to public hospital services.
Commonwealth expenditure on public hospitals increased from $222.9 million
in 1974-75 to $949.6 million in 1975-76. At the same time as the
introduction of Medibank, the Commonwealth increased the use of Specific
Purpose Payments (SPPs) to direct policy towards other programs and services,
such as community health programs.
A number of factors, including the
need to control expenditure, led to the cost-sharing arrangement being amended
from May 1976. The Commonwealth contribution was then limited to 50 per cent of
approved hospital operating costs. This gave the Commonwealth the capacity to
implement changes in the level of funding it provided. In addition, the new
Coalition Government amended the scheme, allowing for individuals to opt for
private health insurance or to make voluntary contributions to the public
system. Charges for public hospital services were also re-introduced, although
they were heavily subsidised for pensioners and those on low incomes.
Cost-sharing agreements between
the Commonwealth and the States persisted in some States until 1980, and in
South Australia and Tasmania until 1983. However, these additional outlays were
offset by their inclusion in the Commonwealth Grants Commission (CGC)
equalisation process. From 1981, based on recommendations of the Jamison
inquiry, cost-sharing arrangements were replaced by Identified Health Grants.
Figure 4 indicates the
proportion of public hospital funding contributed by the Commonwealth
government, the State and Territory governments and the non-government sector
(mainly individuals and private health insurance funds) in 1982-83, the year
prior to the introduction of Medicare.

Figure 4: Commonwealth and
State/Territory Governments and Non-Government Contributions towards Public
Hospital Funding - 1982-83
Calculated from data supplied by CHERE sourced to AIHW data.
Medicare Agreements 1984-1988
Medicare was introduced in
February 1984, reinstating Agreements between the Commonwealth and the States
which aimed to ensure universal access to free public hospital services.
Commonwealth payments to the States consisted of Identified Health Grants and a
Medicare Compensation Grant. The aim of the Medicare Compensation Grant was to
compensate States for the loss of private patient revenue, resulting from a
shift of patients from private to public status following the reintroduction of
free public hospital services. The Commonwealth paid the States a per diem
amount for each bed-day which shifted from private status to public status, and
a contribution of $50 per bed-day for increased utilisation as a result of
public hospital services being free.[91]
In addition, the grant provided for compensation in relation to the elimination
of charges for outpatient services, the additional cost of providing medical
services to public patients, and new arrangements for nursing home type
The Agreement between the
Commonwealth and the States and Territories also provided for funding for new
community health services. During the period of the 1984-1988 Agreements, there
were a number of other changes to Commonwealth health policy which impacted
upon public hospital services, including removal of the bed-day subsidy to
private hospitals, and removal of the after-hours medical fee loading for GPs.
Figure 5 indicates the
proportion of funding for public hospitals contributed by the Commonwealth
government, the State and Territory governments and the non-government sector
during the term of the first Medicare Agreement, 1984-1988.
Figure 5:
Commonwealth, State/Territory Governments and Non-Government Contributions
towards Public Hospital Funding - 1983-84
to 1987-88

Source: Calculated from data supplied
by CHERE sourced to AIHW data.
Medicare Agreements 1988-1993
The second round of Medicare
Agreements between the States, Territories and the Commonwealth replaced the
Medicare Compensation Grants and the Identified Health Grants with the base
funding grants included in the new Hospital Funding Grants. However, it has
been argued that for a number of reasons, the growth in the previous Grants had
been low, leading to a lower initial funding base for the second round Grants.
This point was made by Dr Deeble, who argued in his submission to the inquiry
that ‘unrealistically low rates of growth [had been] built into the
Commonwealth’s hospital contribution. The deficiency was greatest in the first
8 years of its life’.[92]
The base grant during the
period of the Agreements was adjusted for inflation (based on 75 per cent of
the Award Rates of Pay Index and 25 per cent of the Consumer Price Index (CPI))
and for growth in the population (based on age and sex weighted hospital
utilisation). The base grant was to be adjusted if a State’s or Territory’s
proportion of private bed-days exceeded the national average, or if the State
per capita level of in-hospital Medicare benefit payments exceeded the national
average by more than 5 per cent.
In addition to the base grant,
the Commonwealth also provided funding for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients
(adjusted for population growth and increases in the number of AIDS patients)
and grants for the development of incentives programs. These amounts were
quarantined for adjustment under the Commonwealth Grants Commission (CGC)
processes (unlike the base grant). The funding for incentives programs
reflected an increased involvement by the Commonwealth in hospital policy
development, because it provided the opportunity for the Commonwealth to
encourage service innovation. Incentive funding was provided for palliative
care, day surgery and early discharge programs, and for development and
implementation of casemix information systems and management in public
Figure 6 indicates the
proportion of funding for public hospitals contributed by the Commonwealth
government, the State and Territory governments and the non-government sector
during the term of the second Medicare Agreements 1988-1993.

Figure 6: Commonwealth, State/Territory
Governments and Non-Government Contributions towards Public Hospital Funding -
1988-89 to 1992-93
Calculated from data supplied by CHERE sourced to AIHW data.
Medicare Agreements 1993-1998
The third round of Medicare
Agreements between the Commonwealth and the States and Territories commenced
from 1 July 1993, and, as with the previous Agreements, there was little
change to the basic arrangements whereby the States and Territories provided free
public hospital services to eligible persons, and the Commonwealth provided
funding. From 1992, the Medicare Principles and Commitments as well as the new
funding arrangements were established under Commonwealth legislation (the Medicare Agreements Act 1992). As noted
earlier, these principles related to choice to be treated as a public patient,
universality of access and equity in service provision.
However, there were some
changes to the funding arrangements between the Commonwealth and the States and
Territories. The base grant continued to be calculated in the same way
(although $400 million was removed from the base grant and included in bonus
pools, and quarantined from the CGC processes), that is, adjusted for inflation
(based on 75 per cent of the Award Rates of Pay Index and 25 per cent of
the Consumer Price Index) and for weighted population growth. As well as the
base grant, two bonus payment pools were introduced to encourage improved
public access.
Bonus Pool A was to be
distributed to States and Territories for additional public bed-days above a
benchmark proportion of 51.5 per cent of total bed-days, and included penalties
for a State or Territory if the share of public bed-days was below 51.5 per
cent. That is, if a State or Territory treated more public patients, resulting
in a greater proportion of its bed-days being public bed-days, then it would
receive funds from Bonus Pool A. However, if the proportion of public bed-days
fell below the minimum of 51.5 per cent in a State or Territory then financial
penalties would apply.
Bonus Pool B was to be
distributed to States and Territories that increased their share of public
bed-days over the public share in 1990-91. That is, if a State’s or Territory’s
share of public bed-days was, say, 53.5 per cent in 1990-91 and the
jurisdiction treated a greater proportion of public patients in 1993-94,
resulting in the share of public bed-days increasing to 54.0 per cent, then it
would receive funds from Bonus Pool B.
In addition, there were penalty
clauses in relation to the base grant if a State’s or Territory’s level of per
capita expenditure on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) exceeded the
national average by more than 1.11 per cent. The Agreement also included
funding (in the form of incentives packages) for other reforms relating to
improvements in quality and management of services. This again reflected
increasing Commonwealth involvement in policy development in relation to
hospital services.
Finally, an important addition
to the 1993-1998 Agreements was the provision that the amount of funding
provided by the Commonwealth would be reviewed if the proportion of the
population covered by supplementary hospital insurance (as opposed to basic
table insurance) fell by at least 2 percentage points from the June 1993 level
(the so-called ‘2 per cent reviews’). This reinstated as an explicit part
of the Agreements recognition of the relationship between the level of private
health insurance coverage and the demand for public hospital services. However,
it is notable that when the reviews did take place as a result of continued
decline in private health insurance coverage, the Commonwealth and the States
and Territories could not reach agreement about the financial impact or the
level of compensation which was appropriate.
This reflects an important
factor that has not been adequately quantified in negotiations over financing
public hospital services between the Commonwealth and the States and
Territories, and is reflected in some of the submissions to the inquiry. This
issue is discussed in a later section of this chapter, which will canvass
issues related to the inquiry’s term of reference dealing with the adequacy of
current funding levels to meet future demand for public hospital services.
Figure 7 indicates the
proportion of funding for public hospitals contributed by the Commonwealth
government, the State and Territory governments and the non-government sector
during the term of the third, and final Medicare Agreements, 1993-1998. Unlike
the periods covered by the previous agreements, under the third Medicare
Agreements, from 1993-94 to 1997-98, the proportion of public hospital funding
contributed by the Commonwealth exceeded that contributed by the States and
Figure 7:
Commonwealth, State/Territory Governments and Non-Government Contributions
towards Public Hospital Funding - 1993-94 to 1997-98

Source: Calculated from data supplied
by CHERE sourced to AIHW data.
Australian Health Care Agreements
The 1998-2003 Australian Health
Care Agreements (AHCAs) represent, in some ways, a significant departure from
its two predecessors, the Medicare Agreements. The 1998-2003 AHCAs encompass
greater scope for altering funding levels and also enable flexibility in
service provision. This section will focus on those changes and highlight some
points of contention between the States and Territories and the Commonwealth.
In the previous Medicare
Agreement 1993-98, funding levels were based on the base grant with some scope
for variation based on population, age, sex, award rates of pay and CPI. It
further included penalties for States with higher than average MBS growth rates
and bonus payments for improved public access. In the 1998-2003 AHCAs,
variations to the base health care grant can be made on the basis of a weighted
population index (based on population growth and ageing), changes in hospital
output costs, known as the Hospital Output Cost Index (HOCI), changes in the
veteran population and private health insurance coverage.
The Hospital Output Cost Index
As noted above, under the
AHCAs, funding to the States and Territories is partially indexed to a hospital
output cost measure (HOCI). State funding increases should the HOCI rise, and
decreases if the HOCI goes down. Whilst the Commonwealth and States agreed to
this in principle, the formulation of the HOCI has been a point of contention.
The AHCAs state that the parties will commit to the development of a suitable
index for adjusting the Health Care Grants to reflect changes in hospital
output costs. The AHCAs also state that in the case of a dispute, an
independent arbiter may be proposed and that the parties will use their best
endeavour to reach a settlement. The fall-back position, in case there was
disagreement on the HOCI, was that the Commonwealth would use a default 0.5 per
cent measure.
A brief outline of the process
leading to the appointment of an independent arbiter was provided by the New
South Wales Government in its submission:
States and Territories commissioned the Australian Bureau of
Statistics to develop an index (to be used in conjunction with a productivity
dividend) to reflect the change in hospital input costs. This index was
estimated to be 4.2% in 1998-99. In another display of disregard for the public
hospital system, the Commonwealth refused to consider this index and decided to
retain the default indexation arrangements. States and Territories invoked the
arbitration provision and an independent arbiter was appointed to resolve the
The independent arbiter, Mr Ian
Castles, who was appointed by the Commonwealth, recommended that the HOCI
should comprise the CPI plus 0.5 per cent and that a review should be held to
assess any effect of the GST. In response to a question on notice during the
Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee’s scrutiny of the 1999-2000
Additional Estimates, the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
(DHAC) outlined the reasons why the Commonwealth had decided to reject the
recommendation of the independent arbiter on the HOCI:
...the Commonwealth decided not to adopt the arbiter’s
recommendation because there was no evidence that output costs were increasing
at the rate of increase of the Consumer Price Index, far less at that rate plus
Evidence from State budget papers indicated that States
collectively expected output costs per separation to increase by 1.2 per cent
in 1999-2000, or about the same rate of increase as Wage Cost No.1. This is in
line with long term trends in hospital output costs.[94]
The Commonwealth Government’s
position on the HOCI was contained in a letter dated 23 December 1999 from the
Minister for Health and Aged Care, Dr Wooldridge, to his State and
Territory counterparts. In this letter, the Minister advised that the
Commonwealth Government had decided to index the health care agreements by wage
cost index 1 (WCI 1), which is a mix of 75 per cent of the wage index and
25 per cent of the CPI. However, in evidence, the Western Australian
Health Department argued that the independent arbiter:
looked at wage cost index 1 and considered that as a possible
indexation and he commented in his report-something with which we all
agree-that it does not bear any relationship to the cost of producing outputs
in the health sector. He actively rejected that as a possible index, as we do.[95]
Concerns have been raised by
several State governments about the Commonwealth’s position on the HOCI and
these concerns are discussed later in this chapter. DHAC has advised that the
Minister for Health and Aged Care has approved the AHCA funding arrangements
for 1999-00 and 2000-01, using WCI 1 as the HOCI.
Casemix-based funding
Casemix refers to the range and
types of patients treated by a hospital.[96]
Casemix-based funding has become the dominant form of funding of public
hospitals in most jurisdictions. The objective of casemix-based funding is to
fund hospitals on the basis of their output, what they actually do, rather than
on the basis of the level of funding provided in the previous year. However,
casemix-based funding does not fund hospitals on the basis of how much it costs
them to care for and treat a particular mix of patients but rather on the basis
of how much each jurisdiction is prepared to pay for the care and treatment of
the casemix.
While casemix-based funding has
provided a useful means of requiring hospitals to focus on their costs, it is
not entirely clear whether knowledge has actually improved on the reasons why
costs for the same procedure vary between different hospitals or precisely how
much it should cost to treat a particular patient with a particular condition.
The Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges pointed to these shortcomings
when it told the Committee that ‘most hospitals do not have real understanding
of what it costs to treat an individual patient. Without that, it cannot have a
good classification system’.[97]
The Australian College of
Health Service Executives (ACHSE) explained to the Committee the difference
between what casemix aims to do and the resource allocation process of
government which determines the level of funding that will be provided to
public hospitals. ACHSE argued that:
it is important to have costing systems that tell us what it
costs for units of activity, and casemix does that. Where the difference is, is
then allocating on a proportional basis of the total funds available where
there is a gap between the price paid for a unit of activity and the cost of
delivering that activity. I think that is why a lot of people are saying that
therefore casemix does not work.[98]
Recognition by State and
Territory governments that casemix does not provide adequately for a wide range
of the functions and responsibilities of different hospitals, such as teaching
and staff development, has led to increases in the fixed grants which they
provide to hospitals together with variable casemix-based payments. However,
other shortcomings have been summarised by Professor George Palmer as: ‘some
patients do not properly belong in any of the casemix groups’ and, ‘for the
same DRG[99], certain costs, notably for
intensive care, may be incurred in treating some patients but not others’.
Palmer argues that these costs are high and may together ‘represent more than
20% of the aggregate costs of acute-care hospitals’.[100] Other concerns with casemix-based
funding include perverse incentives to discharge patients quickly. The Royal
Australasian College of Physicians (RACP), the Australian Consumers Association
(ACA) and the Health Issues Centre concluded in their joint submission that:
generally, it is agreed that casemix funding forces hospitals to
examine and use their resources more efficiently, and encourages clinicians to
consider the economic impact of their clinical decisions. It also clearly
encourages throughput.[101]
Finally, the South Australian
Salaried Medical Officers Association (SASMOA) argued that while casemix ‘is
acknowledged as having changed the focus of health care’:
we believe that the casemix system is now past its use-by date.
Outcome and evidence-based measures of performance should now be developed and
adopted to underpin the funding model.[102]
However, this is not a universal view, with a representative
of ACHSE informing the Committee that: ‘I do not think casemix is by its use-by
Overview of State and Territory funding arrangements for public hospitals[104]
It is important to note that in
all States and Territories, hospitals and health services receive a capped
budget each year, although this budget will generally be based on the
anticipated mix of patients and conditions which the hospital is expected to treat
and the price which the State or Territory is prepared to pay for each
separation. The extent to which casemix information is used to fund ambulatory
services and community health services varies considerably across the States
and Territories. Similarly, within this broadly dominant model, there continues
to be funding on the basis of block grants, often historically determined.
The fact that hospitals and
health services in all jurisdictions are funded via capped budgets is an
important feature of the Australian health system. It is only at the margins
that public hospitals are able to increase total funding or budget share by
undertaking more activity. In addition, once the budget is set, the incentives
are for hospitals and health services to manage as efficiently as possible the
demand for services, within the given budget and the operating environment.
A notable difference between
the States and Territories is the extent to which the Department of Health in
each jurisdiction is seen as a direct purchaser of services from hospitals and
health services or as a funder of regional based services for a defined
population. This latter model is most fully articulated in NSW which continues
to be committed to needs adjusted population based funding to Area Health
Services, which are then responsible for managing services. In other
jurisdictions the principle of population based management is less explicit.
However, to some extent this relates to the size and geographical distribution
of the population. The following is an overview of the funding arrangements in
each State and Territory.
New South Wales
In NSW, health services
provision is funded, organised and delivered on an Area Health Service basis.
Area Health Services are responsible for the management of the health of a
geographically defined population. A needs-adjusted population-based funding
formula is used as a basis for allocating resources to Area Health Services,
although the formula also includes components relating to cross-boundary flows
for tertiary services. Area Health Services are then responsible for funding
and managing the constituent health services. Hospitals and other health
services within an Area Health Service are funded on the basis of a global
capped budget. In many Area Health Services, casemix information is used as a
basis for determining the budget shares of individual hospitals within the Area
Health Service, although some hospitals and health services continue to be
funded on a historical basis.
However, some important changes
to these arrangements were announced recently by the New South Wales Minister
for Health in his response to the reports of two recent inquiries in New South
Wales, chaired by the Right Hon Ian Sinclair (Ministerial Advisory Committee on
Smaller Towns) and Mr John Menadue (NSW Health Council). Key initiatives to be
implemented include episode funding[105]
for all planned and acute hospital admissions and a three-year recurrent health
Victoria implemented
casemix-based funding for hospital services from 1 July 1993. Since the
initial introduction of casemix funding, there have been a number of changes to
how services are funded and organised. Hospitals now receive a fixed annual
grant related to overheads and some other services, and a variable case
payment. Variable payments account for approximately 40 per cent of total
hospital budgets.
In practice, the funding model
involves determining an individual hospital’s share of the State’s global
capped budget on the basis of casemix weighted volume, that is, the number and
mix of patients and conditions which are expected to be treated during the
year. Thus, each hospital has a capped budget, which is related to a specified
volume of activity. However, a component of the State’s global budget is also
allocated on the basis of a tender pool, whereby rural hospitals and
metropolitan health care networks can bid for additional activity in terms of
volume and price. Activity-based funding arrangements (that is, funding on the
basis of what is done) have also been extended to encompass ambulatory
Metropolitan health services in
Victoria have been organised in terms of metropolitan health care networks,
which are responsible for providing health services to a defined geographical
region. In the recent Government Response to the Ministerial Review of Health
Care Networks, a new approach was outlined to managing Victorian public
hospitals, with a key change seeing the replacement of the existing seven
networks with twelve Metropolitan Health Services.[107]
South Australia
South Australia implemented
casemix-based funding for hospital services from 1 July 1994. Hospitals
received an annual grant relating to fixed costs and an activity based payment,
which covers both admitted and non-admitted patients, although since 1995
intensive care units have been separately funded. Hospital service agreements
are used to specify minimum levels of service, and the scope and level of
services to be provided by each hospital. Further developments are extending
the use of casemix-based funding to a range of other services, including mental
health services. In practice, as in Victoria, the casemix funding system
involves the use of casemix adjusted volume and a unit price to determine a
hospital’s share of the total capped budget for hospital services.
Since 1996-97, Queensland has
separated the functions of funding, purchasing and provision of health
services. State health services are organised into Health Service Districts
which are responsible for the provision of services. Queensland Health
purchases services from the Health Service Districts on the basis of service
agreements which specify price, casemix and volume. The Queensland Hospital
Funding Model consists of several variable components and three fixed components.
The variable components, which include an acute inpatient payment, a sub and
non-acute patient payment, a designated psychiatric unit payment and an
ambulatory payment, are dependent on projections of hospital throughput in the
service areas and associated average prices. By comparison, the fixed
components, teaching grant, research grant and special grants are determined at
the commencement of the funding period.[108]
Western Australia
Health services in Western
Australia are broadly organised and funded on a purchaser-provider model. The
Health Department of Western Australia acts as a purchaser of services from
Health Service Boards. There are 23 Health Service Boards across the state,
with the largest being the Metropolitan Health Services Board. Services are
purchased on the basis of a service agreement which specifies casemix adjusted
volume, price and other factors such as quality. In 1997-98, Western Australia
implemented a casemix-based model for purchasing episodes of care from the
Health Service Boards. This model groups admitted patient episodes into core
and exceptional episodes. This latter category is used where a patient episode
becomes unusually costly due to a long stay in hospital or very expensive
inputs (eg high cost drugs). The Health Department of Western Australia’s Annual Report 1998-99 states that it is
evaluating the nature of episodes of care through administrative audit and
clinical audit processes.[109]
Tasmania introduced
casemix-based funding for its public hospitals from 1 July 1997. The
funding model comprises five components: variable payments, including admitted
patients (except in designated units such as mental health, palliative and
rehabilitation patients) and nursing home type patients; fixed payments, including
teaching and staff development, research, clinical development, admitted
patients in designated units, ambulatory care and accreditation; site specific
payments, including lease payments, magnetic resonance imaging, and transfers;
a Special Purpose Payment Pool, including highly specialised drugs, risk
management of high cost patients and medico-legal settlements; and a Transition
Payment Pool.[110]
Northern Territory
Northern Territory hospital
services are funded using a casemix based funding model. The Territory Health
Services purchases services from the network of public hospitals on a
purchaser-provider basis. In doing so, Territory Health Services uses a
Hospital Budgeting Model which incorporates activity-based funding. Territory
Health Services have established internal performance agreements with the
public hospitals, based on the Hospital Funding Model. The model determines the
financial requirement for Territory public hospitals based on the anticipated
volume of services and activities and applies a Northern Territory Specific
Price to the expected activity. The price is based on the national benchmark
with adjustments to account for specific cost drivers unique to the Northern
Australian Capital Territory
Since 1996-97 health services
in the Australian Capital Territory have been organised broadly in terms of a
purchaser-provider model, with the ACT Department of Health and Community Care
purchasing services from providers on the basis of contracts. The contracts use
casemix to specify the volume and price of acute inpatient services, an
ambulatory classification system is used to specify the volume and price of
ambulatory care services, and non-acute inpatient services are funded on a per
diem basis. The ACT is also implementing output-based funding for community
health services.
Adequacy of funding level for public hospitals
The majority of submissions to
the inquiry regard the level of funding for public hospitals to be inadequate.
Ten per cent of submissions argued that the question of adequacy was impossible
to answer, while a small number stated that current levels of funding were
potentially adequate, but were unable to meet current levels of demand due to
This section examines the issue
of adequacy of funding by reflecting the differing perspectives of participants
in the inquiry about where the problems lie. It then attempts to assess the
adequacy of funding for public hospitals now and in the future. When
considering the data in this section it is important to note that the differing
claims, particularly those of the two levels of government, may all be correct
and accurate-to an extent. What needs to be borne in mind is that any change in
underlying assumptions such as the base year used for comparative purposes will
alter the outcome of any comparison. Not surprisingly, the Commonwealth selects
a different base year than the States and Territories in making its comparison
on relative spending efforts, with each level of government seeking to portray
its own efforts as superior to the other. While all choices of a base year are
defensible to an extent, the end result of the different claims tends to
obscure the details of what has occurred and how this may impact on the
adequacy of funding for public hospitals now and in the future.
The Commonwealth’s position
The Commonwealth Department of
Health and Aged Care (DHAC) selected 1991-92 as the base year from which to
make comparisons about the relative funding efforts of itself and the States
and Territories for public hospitals. The Commonwealth does not fund hospitals
directly, nor does it purchase hospital services. Rather, it provides funding
to the States and Territories for the provision of public hospital services.
DHAC argues that over the period 1991-92 to 1996-97:
there was a significant increase in productivity over the period
with the rate of separations increasing at just over twice the rate of real
levels of funding;
Commonwealth funding kept pace with the rate of increase in
activity over the period but State funding did not; and
consequent savings arising from the increase in productivity
accrued to the States.[112]
DHAC drew attention in its
submission to variations between the States and Territories in the level of
‘States-own’[113] funding of public
hospitals in each jurisdiction over this period. Increases in real terms were
calculated for New South Wales, Queensland and the ACT, while funding decreased
in real terms in the other jurisdictions, except Western Australia, where
funding was almost the same in real terms in 1996-97 as in 1991-92.[114]
With regard to the
Commonwealth’s own funding under the current AHCAs, DHAC argues that funding
provided in 1998-99 represents a real increase of 11 per cent when compared to
1997-98, the last year of the previous Medicare Agreement. It estimates that
total health care grants to the States and Territories under the AHCAs will
increase in real terms by a further 4.1 per cent in 1999-2000, 2.3 per cent in
2000-01, 2.5 per cent in 2001-02 and 2.4 per cent in 2002-03.[115]
Indexation arrangements under
the AHCAs are quite different to those under previous agreements. Earlier in
this chapter, an overview was provided of the dispute between the Commonwealth
and the States and Territories over the level at which the hospital output costs
index (HOCI) should be set. The Commonwealth’s view is that the HOCI is part of
the overall increase in funding and should be judged in that context. This
aspect of the Commonwealth’s position was presented by Mr Andrew Podger,
Secretary of DHAC, in evidence to a recent Senate Estimates hearing, although
the comment also reflects the so-called ‘blame shifting’ which is endemic in
this area of Commonwealth-State relations:
so while there is a dispute over the indexation factor, it is in
fact quite a generous arrangement in total adjustments each year. One of the
issues, of course, is that a number of the states have not been increasing
their amount of money by as much as we are, notwithstanding their disputation
that we should put in more.[116]
Data in Figure 8 indicates the
percentage change 1998-99 to 1999-00 in funding by the Commonwealth to each
State and Territory under the AHCAs and the States’-own funding in each
jurisdiction for its public hospitals. The data, provided by DHAC, supports the
Commonwealth’s claims that it is increasing funding to the States under the
AHCAs and that some of the States and Territories are not increasing funding
for their public hospitals at the same rate as the Commonwealth.
While this contention is
supported by the data in respect of New South Wales and Victoria and to a
lesser extent the ACT, there has been no increase in percentage terms by the
Commonwealth in its funding to Western Australia and the increase in funding to
Queensland and Tasmania is below the effort of the respective jurisdictions.
Funding by the Commonwealth to the Northern Territory from 1998-99 to 1999-00
under the AHCA has fallen quite dramatically. DHAC has advised that the
variation in funding for the Northern Territory is ‘largely attributable to the
removal of the one-off Transition Adjustment of $19 million included in the
Health Care Grant in 1998-99 only’.[117]
Agreement was reached between
the Commonwealth and the States and Territories that the percentage growth in
the combined grants to each jurisdiction (comprising the health care grants and
general revenue grants) in the later years of the AHCAs ‘would be based on the
application of the equalisation relativities determined by the Commonwealth
Grants Commission’.[118] Under these
arrangements the Northern Territory is expected to receive the greatest per
capita allocation of any jurisdiction in later years. The data in Figure 8 is a
further example of the necessity for greater transparency in the funds
available from each jurisdiction for public hospital services. A different
picture would likely emerge from a chart indicating the percentage change in
the following period, 1999-00 to 2000-01, in jurisdictions’ funding for public

Figure 8: Public Hospital Funding -
Commonwealth funding under AHCAs and States' own funding: percentage change
1998-99 to 1999-00
Source: Compiled from: Submission No.38, Additional Information,
17.1.00, pp.3-10.
Note: The Commonwealth
Department of Health and Aged Care argues that presentation of data in South
Australia's Budget Papers for 1999-00 did not enable a similar calculation to
the other jurisdictions. However, after adjusting for program changes, DHAC
estimates that funding by South Australia for its public hospitals fell by 5.2
per cent over this period.[119]
The position of the States and
Each of the States and
Territories have taken the opportunity to either provide a submission to the
inquiry or have appeared before the Committee and offered evidence on the
issues relevant to the inquiry’s terms of reference. It is not proposed to
detail the position of each jurisdiction on all of the issues around the
adequacy of funding because, while the particularities may vary, the States and
Territories are united in their general claim that the current level of funding
by the Commonwealth is inadequate. The States and Territories presented several
reasons to support this claim. New South Wales, for example, draws upon the
claim made by Dr Deeble in both his submission and evidence that current levels
of funding by the Commonwealth will be inadequate because unrealistically low
levels of increase were built into hospital funding grants to the States in the
early years of Medicare:
the second Medicare agreement (1988 to 1993) continued the very
low ‘real’ growth rates on the Commonwealth side. In fact, the increase in
federal contributions barely covered population growth.[120]
The New South Wales Government
draws also on a report prepared by consultants Access Economics for the six
States and the Northern Territory during negotiations on the AHCAs in 1998. The
report analysed the relative funding efforts of the two tiers of government and
found that an informed analysis requires more than comparisons based on a
reference year. Access Economics proposed that ‘the correct approach is to
assess trends over a longer period of time, comparing efforts throughout each
of the five-year agreements’, and concluded that:
the assessment of the wider picture invites the conclusion that
the States and Territories have pulled their weight in terms of funding the
public hospital and public health systems. Relative funding efforts cannot be
sensibly assessed without regard to the wider picture. In particular, it is
essential to have regard to the impact of Commonwealth policies including the
restrictions embodied in Medicare and the progressive reduction, since the
mid-1970s, in overall Commonwealth payments to the States.[121]
This latter point is of
importance to the States and Territories because the funding available for
their public hospitals is a composite of the specific purpose hospital funding
grants (under the AHCAs) and the general purpose financial assistance grants
(FAGs) both of which are paid to them by the Commonwealth. With effect from 1
July 2000, the FAGs have been replaced with revenue from the GST which, over
time, may provide the States and Territories with greater flexibility in the
funding available for their public hospitals.
An indication of the gradual
decline in general purpose grants as a proportion of GDP is provided in Figure
Figure 9:
Commonwealth Payments to the States and Territories (a)(b)

General Revenue Assistance as a
Proportion of GDP 1982-83 to 1998-99
(a) Six
States and NT to 1987-88, Six States and both Territories thereafter.
- The
chart shows gross levels of assistance. No deductions have been made for
State fiscal contributions which applied for the period 1996-97 to
Sources: Federal Financial Relations, Budget Paper No.3, 1999-2000 and various earlier editions. National Income, Expenditure and Product,
ABS (cat no 5206.0).
Queensland Health and the New
South Wales Government each acknowledged that the current AHCA was an
improvement in several respects over the previous Medicare Agreement.[122] However, a specific area of concern
for Queensland is what it regards as an underfunding of the State under the
(Commonwealth-funded) Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) and Pharmaceutical
Benefits Schedule (PBS) due to the decentralised nature of the State and the
consequent relative undersupply of medical practitioners and community
pharmacies in many areas. Queensland estimates that it is out-of-pocket by some
$31 million.[123] The Tasmanian
Government mounted a similar argument with regard to MBS benefits in Tasmania,
in its submission to the inquiry.[124]
If this argument were progressed to its logical conclusion, there would be a
redistribution of MBS payments from New South Wales and, to a lesser extent,
Victoria, to the other jurisdictions.
However, this calculation by
Queensland takes no account of other Commonwealth-funded programs such as those
for Indigenous health services nor does it take account of the New South Wales
Government’s argument that due to the horizontal fiscal equalisation
arrangements, it (NSW) is ‘subsidising the health services of some other states
and territories’.[125] New South Wales
calculates that while its entitlement under the AHCAs is to about 34.2 per cent
of the pool of funds, it receives only around 30.4 per cent of the pool ‘after
the Grants Commission redistributes a proportion of the NSW entitlement to
other states and territories’.[126]
Clearly, this type of circular
argument does not advance an assessment of the adequacy of funding for public
hospitals. Horizontal fiscal equalisation is a reality of Commonwealth-State
financial relations and can be supported on a range of social grounds. In
addition, the claim for MBS funding to be equalised on a notional per capita
basis on the grounds of fairness is not quite as straightforward as it might
appear. There are a variety of factors which explain differences between
jurisdictions and within jurisdictions with regard to the availability of, and
benefits for, out-of-hospital services. While the availability of GPs in
particular areas is one factor which contributes to the differences in per
capita MBS benefits, it is not the only reason. For example, the ACT received a
lower per capita payment of MBS benefits ($288) than any other jurisdiction,
excluding the Northern Territory, in 1997-98 and was well below the
Australia-wide per capita benefit of $354. Queensland received $341 in Medicare
benefits per capita in 1997-98.[127]
There are two key areas where
the States and Territories have concerns about the adequacy of funding for
public hospitals, both now and in the future. These concerns relate to the
hospital output costs index (HOCI) and to taxation issues, principally the GST
(both in terms of revenue and also in its impact on public hospitals) and
fringe benefits tax (FBT).
Specific concerns: the Hospital
Output Costs Index
The general issues around the
hospital output costs index (HOCI) were discussed earlier in this chapter but
specific State and Territory government concerns are outlined below. The
recommendation of the independent arbiter, Mr Ian Castles, was that the HOCI
should comprise the CPI plus 0.5 per cent.
The Queensland Government
argued that the adoption of the recommendation of the independent arbiter would
mean that:
effectively, this formula would mean a $21 million increase in
funding for Queensland this year and $237 million over four years.[128]
The Health Department of
Western Australia commented on the inappropriateness of the Commonwealth
Government’s offer of wage cost index 1 for the HOCI:
wage cost index 1 is not a health related index, it is a
general index, and so it does not relate in particular to either wages or other
costs in the health sector. The purpose of the hospital costs output index and
the agreement that we came to in negotiating Australian health care agreements
was to reflect the costs in the health sector, not some more arbitrary figure
like wage cost 1.[129]
The Northern Territory
Government estimated that ‘under the current offer from Dr Wooldridge, we are
to get an extra $600 000. We believe that figure should be $1.4 million’.[130]
In the view of the Health Department
of New South Wales:
the estimated difference between the Commonwealth’s offer and
the arbiter’s recommendation, which is CPI plus 0.5 per cent, in New South
Wales is enough to run one rural hospital-$23 million.[131]
The Victorian Government
claimed that the issue of the HOCI indexation was the ‘most urgent problem
facing the Australian health system’ and that the difference between the
Commonwealth’s offer and the arbiter’s recommendation represented a ‘reduction
in the real value of the Health Care Grants to Victoria’ of the order of
$220 million over four years.[132]
The South Australian Government
provided the Committee with a table which included the estimated variation
between the Commonwealth Government’s offer of wage cost 1 as an index and the
arbiter’s recommendation. According to the South Australian Government’s
calculations, it would receive $54.2 million less over four years under the
Commonwealth’s offer than under the arbiter’s recommendation, while the States
and Territories combined would receive some $628.6 million less over the four
years to 2002-03.[133]
The Tasmanian Government argued
that the Commonwealth’s default position ‘is considered inadequate’[134], while the ACT Government stated
that ‘if the result of that arbitration had been accepted, we would have
approximately $7 million coming to the ACT’.[135]
It is possible to argue that
the States and Territories held high expectations of the process specified in
the AHCAs with regard to the HOCI and that these expectations have not been
met. The process for establishing an agreed HOCI has held no more guarantees
for the States and Territories than did the so-called ‘2 per cent review’
process under the previous Medicare Agreement (described earlier) which the
States and Territories had expected would deliver them compensation for the
decline in the proportion of the population covered by private health
insurance. The important feature of both of these compensatory mechanisms was
that ultimately the Commonwealth Government reserved the power to decide the
Specific concerns: the GST
Taxation issues, particularly
the impact on funding for public hospitals, are of concern to the States and
Territories. Although public hospital services are largely GST free, there is
some degree of uncertainty on just how the introduction of the GST will affect
public hospital services. There are concerns also over the new funding
arrangements for the States and Territories which will come into effect from
1 July 2000. The changes to fringe benefits tax (FBT) are also of
concern, but the degree of concern varies between the jurisdictions.
Concerns raised with regard to
the GST include its effect on programs such as the isolated patients’ travel
schemes, whereby patients from remote areas receive financial assistance to
travel for necessary medical and surgical attention. These schemes are funded
by the States and Territories. The Health Department of New South Wales argued
that the GST will increase the price of, for example, a train ticket for an
isolated patient and this increase will need to be met by the NSW Government as
part of its reimbursement of the patient:
in this state, we have just put an extra $500 000 into
running a program which we announced two weeks ago and all of that and more
will be lost through the application of the GST.[136]
The Health Department of New
South Wales also expressed concern over the unresolved nature of the possible
effect of the GST on, for example, donations to major public hospitals. Rulings
on this and other issues are awaited from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).[137] An example of how the GST may impact
on public hospital services and, therefore, public hospital funding, was
provided by the Health Department of NSW and concerned a ruling by the ATO in
Western Australia:
to give one example, in Western Australia the ATO has given a
ruling that a nurse ringing a doctor on call for advice about how to manage
someone presenting as an emergency is not direct patient care. It is actually a
service of the doctor to the hospital and therefore GST is payable on the
payment to the doctor. The ATO just does not understand the Australian health
The South Australian Government
raised the issue of the compliance costs which will be required as a result of
the introduction of the GST. Preliminary estimates compiled for the State by
consultants Ernst and Young indicate a possible first year cost of $20 million
for the South Australian Department of Human Services (which includes the South
Australian Health Commission) and then ongoing compliance costs of $10 million
per year.[139]
The Queensland Government
provided the Committee with some estimates of how the GST may impact on public
hospitals in Queensland. The Government estimates that direct costs incurred by
Queensland Health for the implementation of the GST are in the order of $1.15
million while possible annualised costs are expected to reach $4 million.[140]
Following the introduction of
the GST on 1 July 2000, the payment of general purpose financial assistance
grants (FAGs) to the States and Territories will be replaced by revenue from
the GST. The payment of GST revenues to the States and Territories will be as
Subject to the transitional arrangements and other relevant
provisions in this Agreement, the Commonwealth will distribute GST revenue
grants among the States and Territories in accordance with horizontal fiscal
equalisation (HFE) principles.
The pool of funding to be distributed according to HFE
principles in a financial year will comprise GST revenue grants and health care
grants as defined under an Australian Health Care Agreement between the
Commonwealth and the States and Territories. A State or Territory’s share of
the pool will be based on its population share, adjusted by a relativity factor
which embodies per capita financial needs based on recommendations of the
Commonwealth Grants Commission. The relativity factor for a State or Territory
will be determined by the Commonwealth Treasurer after he has consulted with
each State and Territory.[141]
It is of concern for the States
and Territories that it is likely that there will be no increase in funding
under these new arrangements for at least several years. This has been
acknowledged by the Commonwealth Government, which has undertaken to ensure
that the budgetary position of each State and Territory will be no worse in the
initial years following the introduction of the GST.[142] The key issue here is that following
the introduction of the GST, there is unlikely to be any extra funding, for at
least the initial few years, available to the State and Territories which could
be applied to their public hospitals. Over the longer term, however, the States
and Territories are expected to have greater flexibility as a result of the
revenue from the GST.
Specific concerns: FBT
The possible impact of changes
to FBT was raised by each jurisdiction, however some States, notably Western
Australia, South Australia and Victoria appear to have much more widespread
usage of salary packaging for public hospital staff of all types and levels than
other jurisdictions and consequently view the changes with greater concern.
Interestingly, South Australia argued that the use of salary packaging and the
FBT exemption ‘has been used to keep down costs within the public hospital
system’.[143] However, these cost
savings for South Australia can also be described as cost shifting from the
State to the Commonwealth which forgoes revenue from taxation. If it is
considered desirable that the salaries of public hospital staff should be
further subsidised by other taxpayers, then the subsidy should be transparent
rather than hidden within the FBT arrangements.
Some of the concerns about the
FBT changes have been addressed by legislative amendments and, in addition, the
Commonwealth Government announced in its 2000-01 Budget that it will provide
grants of $240.5 million for public and not-for-profit hospitals over the three
year period 2000-01 to 2002-03 to assist with the transition to the new FBT
arrangements.[144] It is likely that
this funding will be required by the States and Territories because the AHA has
estimated that the changes to the FBT arrangements will have a financial impact
of approximately $250 million per year on public hospitals, with a
disproportionate effect on rural and regional services.[145]
Assessing the adequacy of capital
Capital funding has long been
the poor relation to recurrent funding in many areas of government enterprise,
but perhaps nowhere more noticeably than in public hospitals. Broadly speaking,
capital funding comprises spending on buildings, facilities and equipment,
rather than services. It is primarily the responsibility of State and Territory
governments and as such needs to be included in any analysis of the adequacy of
funding available for public hospitals.
Several participants in the
inquiry raised concerns about the adequacy of capital funding. For example, the
RACP stated that serious problems existed with the lack of adequate resourcing
for public hospital infrastructure. The College noted that the urgency of the problem
varied between public hospitals but that in some public hospitals ‘capital
equipment has been allowed to run down to the point where it is creating
serious clinical problems’.[146] The
Queensland Government pointed to its large investment in capital works for its
public hospitals, explaining that part of its objective is to provide more
efficient public hospitals.[147] In
their joint submission, the RACP, ACA and the Health Issues Centre drew on
Professor Stephen Leeder’s book Healthy Medicine
to comment that:
less than 4 per cent of the total health budget goes to capital a result of this lack of commitment in Australia we have an ageing
fleet of public hospitals unable to take full advantage of the new technologies
that enable more patients to be treated out of hospital, or more comfortably in
hospital if that is the best place for them.[148]
This view indicates that continuing underfunding of the
capital requirements of public hospitals may be at the expense of their
The consumer perspective
Several consumer bodies
provided consumer input into the inquiry. The Consumers’ Health Forum (CHF)
drew upon its consultations with members to outline issues which consumers
regard as important in relation to the adequacy of funding for public hospitals.
The Australian Consumers’ Association and Consumers’ Council of WA also
discussed issues of concern to their members. Key concerns raised by these
groups included:
the current level of funding is not adequate to
properly meet existing needs;
existing funding should be allocated in a way
that better targets the needs of consumers, including the promotion of
Consumer-oriented care;
the closure of specific purpose services and
long waiting lists for others;
reduction in public hospital outpatient and
allied health services which could be used to prevent hospitalisation;
the length of waiting lists and last minute
cancellations and bookings;
decreasing length of stay, particularly where
patients are discharged without adequate support or into isolated situations;
negative effects on patient care of hospital
staff with very heavy workloads.[149]
A consumer viewpoint was also
provided by the President of the Deafness Association of the Northern Territory
who identified a range of particular problems with regard to the Northern
Territory, including:
premature discharge from hospital leading to
unnecessary readmission-although this may become less of a problem following
the introduction of the Transitional Care Project;
understaffing of the public hospital which may result
in, for example, inadequate attention to the dietary needs of older and
disabled patients;
overlong waiting times in outpatient clinics;
in summary, ‘the public hospital gives a good
service for able-bodied people, but for elderly or disabled people the picture
is not so rosy’.[150]
Perceptions of a funding ‘crisis’ in public hospitals
Discussion in Chapter 1
indicated that the Australian health system generally worked well and that most
Australians enjoy a very high standard of health and health care. However, The
casual reader of newspaper headlines in 1999 such as ‘Hospital held together by
chewing gum’ could be forgiven for imagining that the public hospital sector
was in ‘crisis’. Adding to this sense of ‘crisis’ were highly critical comments
contributed at the time by senior hospital clinicians, such as: ‘every year you
think this is the worst, but no, next year is worse’ (Professor John Dwyer,
Prince of Wales Hospital); ‘it seems to me that we have been coping with a
crisis for a long time’ (Dr Malcolm Fisher, Royal North Shore Hospital); and
‘this place is on a knife-edge’ (Professor Rick Kefford, Westmead Hospital).[151]
It is difficult to distinguish
hyperbole from fact in this regard, in part because some public hospitals and
their advocates have proven adept at using the media effectively to project
their messages. However, it is apparent from some of the submissions and
evidence provided to the inquiry that there is a considerable level of concern
about the funding situation facing public hospitals. One of the key issues for
the Committee, however, is whether greater amounts of funding alone will be an
effective and sustainable remedy.
The Australian Medical
Association (AMA) told the Committee that ‘we believe that the system is
primarily running now on goodwill’[152]
and that ‘almost everybody who works in the system says we need more dollars’.[153] In addition, the joint submission
from the Australian Healthcare Association (AHA), Women’s Hospitals Australia
(WHA), and the Australian Association of Paediatric Teaching Centres (AAPTC)
argued that ‘the consensus view is that the absolute level of funding for
public hospitals and healthcare is inadequate’.[154]
Evidence of the available
resources failing to meet demand may be inferred from the waiting lists and
waiting times for elective surgery and the waiting times in emergency
departments of public hospitals. However, in its recent report on government
services, the Productivity Commission notes that differences in recording
practices of waiting times for elective surgery and in the scope of the data
collections in the States and Territories affects ‘the comparability of
reported results’.[155] From 1999-2000
all jurisdictions are to adopt a similar recording practice. With regard to
emergency department waiting times, although nationally agreed definitions
exist, differences in how the data is collected are apparent between
jurisdictions.[156] A recent report
from the AIHW provides data on waiting times for elective surgery in 1997-98[157] but again, variations in the data
collection methods between the jurisdictions hampers any firm conclusions.
Given that the available data appears to require several caveats, the Committee
has not presented any data on waiting lists/waiting times because it is
unlikely to assist in an evaluation of the adequacy of funding for public
These instances of inadequacies
in the available data are indicative of the frustration which the Committee has
faced in its attempt to evaluate the position of public hospitals in Australia.
While a huge volume of data is collected, and reported on, by agencies such as
the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, there appears to be much about
the financing and operation of public hospitals which is either unknown or not
particularly useful because, for example, of gaps, or concerns about
consistency of data collection across jurisdictions.
Transparency of financial
reporting by the different levels of government leaves much to be desired as
does the availability of data which may be of use to patients such as waiting
times for elective surgery. The overall situation was summed up by Qual-Med’s
Dr Wilson, who concluded that ‘the information systems are poor’[158], and the Sydney Teaching Hospitals
Advocacy Group, who argued that ‘we were a long way behind in information
technology in hospitals-a long, long way behind’.[159] The Queensland Nurses Union
acknowledged that Queensland ‘is getting a little better’ in this regard but
were concerned that ‘the systems are still not out there to accurately measure
anything else other than costs’.[160]
The Sydney Teaching Hospitals’
Advocacy Group (which draws its membership from senior clinicians such as those
quoted earlier in this section) argued that more funding needs to be spent on
patients, which is not exactly the same as spending more on public hospitals.
The analogy was used that a large amount of funding could be put in at the top
and by the time it filtered down to the patient ‘there is not much coming out’.[161] Professor Hindle took this approach
even further by arguing that:
..simply adding $2 billion to the budget of the public hospitals
would produce no significant impact that people would recognise. The reason for
this is that the boundary between what is appropriate care and what is not is
Professor Hindle’s argument is
that any increase in funding would eventually be absorbed by the system as it
adjusted to the new level of funding. The real need, in his view, is for any
available funding to be spent on structural change.[163] This and other options for reform
are discussed in the next chapter.
Public hospital sector efficiency
The Health Department of New
South Wales drew upon the findings of the recent report of the NSW Health
Council to state that ‘there were limited gains to be had in terms of efficiencies
within our public hospital system’.[164]
The Centre for Health Program Evaluation (CHPE) argued, however, that it is
only once adequate quality assurance mechanisms are in place that informed
decisions can be made on efficiency in public hospitals. CHPE made the point
that merely placing a budget cap on the funding for public hospitals may create
undesirable outcomes in the short term, such as a decline in quality.[165] This would appear to indicate that
the Victorian Government’s policy of a ‘1.5 per cent productivity improvement
requirement each year’,[166] which was
drawn to the Committee’s attention by ACHSE, may not be a desirable or
efficient practice in the absence of adequate quality assurance mechanisms.
Another view of the efficiency
of public hospitals was provided by some States and Territories, which asserted
that efficiency could be judged on the basis of the cost per casemix-adjusted
separation.[167] Thus, Victoria argued
that its ‘hospitals are extremely efficient. They spend less per casemix than other
states’.[168] Queensland, meanwhile,
claimed that the available costing of separations data indicated that it had
the most efficient hospital services.[169]
The latest available data indicates that Queensland has the lowest cost per
casemix-adjusted separation at $2354, followed by South Australia ($2458) and
Victoria ($2462), the only other jurisdictions below the Australia-wide
In its recent Budget for
2000-01, the ACT Government announced that it is to introduce a four-year
‘efficiency improvement’ program which is expected to save $25 million over
four years[171], from the 2 ACT public
hospitals, with $2.5 million in savings expected in 2000-01. Savings ‘will be
achieved through a process of continuous improvement in hospital and acute care
It will be interesting to see
where the $25 million in savings accrue. A glance at the mix of costs which
comprise the cost per casemix-adjusted separation indicates that the ACT has
costs which are well above the Australian average for salaried/sessional staff,
Visiting Medical Officer (VMO) payments, nursing costs, diagnostic/allied
health costs, administrative costs and superannuation. The cost of medical
supplies is a further area of difference.[173]
If the ACT does succeed in lowering its cost per casemix-adjusted separation
closer to the Australian average, presumably the average itself (and therefore
the measure of efficiency) will also fall, if the costs of the other
jurisdictions do not increase.
A problem with using the cost
per casemix-adjusted separation in this way is that at best it is only
informative in a relative sense, that is, how different jurisdictions perform
relative to others. It takes the average of the existing performance and uses
that as a benchmark. Accordingly, this measure of efficiency may tell us little
more than the average amount which each jurisdiction is prepared to pay for its
public hospital services. For example, the Health Department of Western
Australia explained that as a purchaser of public hospital services from the Metropolitan
Health Service, it specifies the volume of services required in various
diagnostic groupings, quality indicators and ‘the price that the department
will pay for those services’.[174]
The cost per casemix adjusted
separation does not assist in measuring optimal efficiency. As Qual-Med’s Dr
Wilson put it: ‘there is no real costing of the product’.[175] The knowledge about public hospital
efficiency which is really required would explain why, for example:
a hip replacement in one hospital can cost up to 1.5 times more
than in another hospital of similar size and function without any discernible
difference in quality of care or severity of condition.[176]
much evidence presented to the inquiry on the adequacy of data collection
systems in public hospitals indicates that there is some considerable way to go
before any factually-based assertions can be made about the efficiency of the
public hospital sector.
Adequacy of funding in rural Australia
Generally speaking, people
living in rural and remote areas of Australia have poorer health status than
people living in metropolitan areas. They have lower life expectancy and
experience higher rates of hospitalisation for some causes of ill-health.
People living in rural and remote areas also have less access to health care
compared to their metropolitan counterparts.[177]
Table 3 provides an overview of
the number of hospitals and available beds in each of the rural, remote and
metropolitan areas (RRMA) classification.[178]
Data in the Table is instructive to the extent that it provides an indication
of the available beds per 1000 of the population in each of the RRMAs. This
reveals that ‘other metropolitan centres’, such as Newcastle and Geelong, have
the lowest number of available beds, at 2.2 per 1000 population, while ‘other
remote areas’, such as Cloncurry Shire and Coober Pedy District Council, have
the highest at 5.1 beds per 1000 of the population.
While this data may appear
surprising, some possible reasons for these differences include: greater
availability of private hospitals in metropolitan areas; hospitals in remote
localities provide services to their surrounding areas; a higher percentage of
nursing home type patients in the remote areas compared to metropolitan areas
(ie fewer nursing home beds in remote areas); higher morbidity in remote areas;
and differences in medical practice.[179]
It is important to remember also that the data in the Table represents the
average for each region and as such, while useful in a comparative sense, it is
not actually informative about the experience of individual locations.
Table 3: Number of
hospitals and available beds per 1 000 population by RRMA, public acute
and psychiatric hospitals, 1997-98
Capital cities
metropolitan centres
Large rural centres
rural centres
rural centres
Remote centres
remote areas
Total all regions
beds per 1 000 population
Capital cities
metropolitan centres
Large rural centres
rural centres
rural areas
Remote centres
remote areas
Total all regions
AIHW, Australian Hospital Statistics,
table 3.4
The data in Figure 10 can be
contrasted to that in Table 3. The data indicates that although rural and
remote areas, on average, have a higher provision of available public hospital
beds than metropolitan areas, the expenditure per bed is much higher in the
capital cities and other metropolitan areas, declining as the degree of
rurality increases. This largely reflects the mix of services provided in the
different regions, with, for example, more complex cases treated in the larger
metropolitan public hospitals. The expenditure on public hospitals is a State
and Territory responsibility.
Figure 10:
Expenditure per available public hospital bed 1995-96 ($'000)

*Remainder of Australia includes
‘other rural areas’, ‘remote centres’, and ‘other remote areas’.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare,
Health in rural and remote Australia, Canberra, AIHW, 1998, p.80.
The data in Table 4 contains,
for regions in each State and Territory, data on per capita benefits paid for
Medicare services which include: GP and specialist consultations, pathology and
diagnostic imaging services (out-of-hospital) and in-hospital services and
procedures for private patients. These benefits are the responsibility of the
Commonwealth Government.
Data in the Table indicates
that, generally speaking, per capita benefits from Medicare are lower in
non-metropolitan areas compared to metropolitan areas. However, some care needs
to be exercised when interpreting the data. It can be observed, for example,
that the average per capita benefit for residents in the ACT is lower than the
average benefit in each State and is lower also than the per capita benefits in
non-metropolitan regions in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. There are
a range of reasons why per capita benefits vary across regions and, as with the
data presented earlier, no one set of data presents the whole picture. Missing
from the data in this section is, for example, expenditure on Indigenous health
services, nursing homes, and Multipurpose Services (pooled funds from the
Commonwealth and States and Territories).
Table 4: Medicare Services By Region 1997-98
Services per
Benefits per capita ($)
New South
Total Australia
Calculated from: Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, Electorate Profiles, May 1999.
An assumption which is evident
in the submissions and evidence from the Queensland and Tasmanian Governments
is that some parts of metropolitan Australia (notably Sydney and Melbourne) are
overserviced and much of rural and remote Australia is underserviced with
regard to their respective access to medical and diagnostic services. However,
precise knowledge is lacking because this is not an area which has received
much research attention. If spending on health bore some relationship to health
status then it could be expected that residents of Sydney and Melbourne would
be, on average, far healthier than the rest of Australia. This is clearly not
the case and many other variables are involved, such as average age of people
in particular regions and the proportion of people with private health
A similar concern with regard
to rural and remote areas was raised with the Committee by CHPE and Professor
Richardson. A study of certain hospital procedures in Statistical Local Areas
(SLAs) in Victoria revealed ‘something like a 500 to 800 per cent variation in
how much is being given between SLAs that cannot be explained by population, by
age or by sex’.[180] Professor
Richardson concluded that the findings were:
quite stunning in terms of the implications for bad allocation
of resources. It strongly implies that either some areas are massively
underservicing or some other areas are massively overservicing, and we do not
research that in Australia.[181]
Assumptions can be made about
the location of doctors or practicing preferences as some of the reasons behind
these differences. The Committee has been surprised about how little appears to
be known or understood about the public hospital sector and the health system
more broadly, particularly in light of the vast resources which are spent.
More than 25 per cent of
submissions to the inquiry discussed the adequacy of funding to meet demand for
public hospital services in rural Australia. None of these submissions judged
the level of funding to be adequate. The National Rural Health Alliance (NRHA),
which comprises 22 member organisations and represents both consumers and
providers of services, argues that people living in rural and remote areas of
Australia should receive a ‘fair’ share of health expenditure, which would be
in the order of 30 per cent of that expenditure. The NRHA acknowledges that
data is not completely adequate in this area ‘but there is a great deal of
anecdotal evidence to support the intuitive judgement that this criterion is not
met where public hospitals are concerned’.[182]
However, the NRHA argued in
evidence presented to the inquiry that funding for public hospitals in rural
areas is not really the issue:
the right question is not how much money is going to hospitals
in rural areas but how much money is going to health services in rural areas.[183]
This view
encapsulates the dilemma inherent in assessing the adequacy of funding for
public hospitals both in rural areas and metropolitan areas. Public hospitals
are a part of the health system and, as such, it is difficult to separate the
sector completely from the broader health system.
It is difficult, therefore, to
consider the adequacy of funding for public hospitals in rural areas in
isolation from other health services. The next chapter discusses a range of
options aimed at providing remedies for the problems and challenges facing
Australia’s public hospital system, including particular issues relating to
rural and remote areas. Also discussed are existing models such as the Multipurpose
Services[184], emerging models like the
Regional Health Services, and the trials of coordinated care, all of which aim
to overcome the shortcomings of the existing system. The Committee is aware
that a joint project is underway between DHAC and the NRHA, which is
investigating new options for health financing in rural and remote areas. The
project is expected to report in mid-2000.
Patient travel assistance schemes
It is important to note that
people living in rural and remote areas do have access to public hospital
services in larger centres and the capital cities. It is estimated, for
example, that around 25 per cent of services provided by the public hospitals
in the ACT are provided to residents of the south-east region of New South
Wales. Consequently, the issue of patient travel has also been raised by
participants in the inquiry. A Commonwealth-funded program, the Isolated
Patients’ Travel Accommodation and Assistance Scheme, began in 1978 and ceased
in 1987. Since then, patient travel has been the responsibility of the States
and Territories. The NRHA argues in its submission that:
following the devolution of these schemes to the States and the
Northern Territory, they have developed in different ways and there has been a
lack of national uniformity and focus....difficulties with travel for health
purposes are becoming a major and pervasive problem for rural and remote
The NRHA is concerned that the
variability of the patient travel schemes in different jurisdictions has and is
disadvantaging rural people and limiting their access to public hospital
services beyond their immediate region of residence. As an indication of this
concern, the NRHA has called for a national review into the schemes.[186]
Concluding comments
One of the central difficulties
for this inquiry has been the lack of available data upon which to base
informed decisions. With regard to assessing the adequacy of funding for public
hospitals, a key obstacle is that ‘there has really been no process put in
place for assessing and determining what that right level should be’.[187] The task for the Committee would be
immeasurably easier if all that was required was to conclude that the
Commonwealth needs to do more or that the States and Territories need to lift
their performance and one or the other should simply provide more funding for
public hospitals. Unfortunately the issue is more complex and unlikely to be
addressed through simple measures.
A cautionary note was adopted
by the AHA, WHA and the AAPTC in their joint submission to the inquiry. The
groups argued that resolving core issues such as securing adequate funding for
public hospitals was not possible ‘until such time as there is a comprehensive
reform of intergovernmental arrangements’.[188]
The first term of reference of
this inquiry requires the Committee to assess and report on the adequacy of
current funding levels to meet future demand for public hospital services in
both metropolitan and rural Australia. It is unlikely that demand for public
hospital services will decrease due to factors such as ageing of the
population, developments in technology and increasing consumer expectations. In
order to address current problems and to equip Australia’s public hospitals
with sufficient resources to confidently approach the future, the following
chapter canvasses a range of options for reform.