Terms of Reference

As part of the committee’s role to inquire into the implementation, performance and governance of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the committee has decided to conduct an inquiry into current scheme implementation and forecasting for the NDIS, with a focus on how the NDIS is implemented and funded, and what supports are or should be available for people with disability in addition to the NDIS.

Terms of reference

As part of the committee’s role to inquire into the implementation, performance and governance of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the committee will inquire into and report on current scheme implementation and forecasting for the NDIS, with particular reference to:

  1. The impact of boundaries of NDIS and non-NDIS service provision on the demand for NDIS funding, including:
    1. the availability of support outside the NDIS for people with disability (e.g. community-based or ‘Tier 2’ supports), and
    2. the future of the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building grants program;
  2. The interfaces of NDIS service provision with other non-NDIS services provided by the States, Territories and the Commonwealth, particularly aged care, health, education and justice services;

  3. The reasons for variations in plan funding between NDIS participants with similar needs, including:
    1. the drivers of inequity between NDIS participants living in different parts of Australia,
    2. whether inconsistent decision-making by the NDIA is leading to inequitable variations in plan funding, and
    3. measures that could address any inequitable variation in plan funding;
  4. How the NDIS is funded, including:
    1. the current and future funding sources for the NDIS,
    2. the division of funding between the Commonwealth, States and Territories, and
    3. the need for a pool of reserve funding;
  5. Financial and actuarial modelling and forecasting of the scheme, including:
    1. the role of insurance-based principles in scheme modelling, and
    2. assumptions, measures, and methodologies used to forecast and make projections about the scheme, participants, and long-term financial modelling;
  6. The measures intended to ensure the financial sustainability of the NDIS (e.g. governance, oversight and administrative measures), including:
    1. the role of state and territory governments, and the Disability Reform Ministers Meetings,
    2. the arrangements for providing actuarial and prudential advice about the scheme, and
    3. the way data, modelling, and forecasting is presented in public documents about the NDIS, (e.g. NDIS Quarterly Reports and Reports by the Scheme Actuary), and
    4. measures to ensure transparency of data and information about the NDIS;
  7. The ongoing measures to reform the scheme including:
    1. the new early childhood approach, including whether or how early intervention and other supports intended to improve a participant’s functional capacity could reduce their need for NDIS funding, and
    2. planning policy for personalised budgets and plan flexibility; and
  8. Any other related matters.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: (02) 6277 3083

Past Public Hearings

02 Mar 2022: Canberra
28 Feb 2022: Melbourne
01 Feb 2022: via videoconference


Inquiry Status

Accepting Submissions


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